Sentences with phrase «same rules set»

The same rules set forth in this Manual regarding use of the REALTOR ® Logo also apply to use of the REALTOR ® Logos online — including use as icons for apps and social media profiles.
If the babies were learning the rules, they'd associate person 3's new words with person 1, because they were otherwise speaking the same rule set or «language.»
Arena mode is a little different, but grounded in the same rule set.

Not exact matches

«There's huge opportunity here, and I think everybody deserves a piece of this, provided that we all play by the same set of rules,» says Carnevale.
It seems that the traits that set one up for exceptional success in high school and college — «self - discipline, conscientiousness and the ability to comply with rules» — are not the same traits that lead individuals to start disruptive companies or make shocking breakthroughs.
34 into law, the FCC can not ever make another set of rules that makes ISPs follow the same privacy guidelines it adopted last year.
«All teams are operating under the same set of rules, so it is what it is, but it's hard,» Belichick said, adding, «It's hard to tell a guy, «This is what you should do,» but he really can't go out there and practice it.»
Whether your starter goal is to reach $ 1,000 or you've set your sights on $ 1,000,000, the same basic «COMMAS» rules apply.
But, that same set of rules will apply for firms thinking of trading with Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Brunei.
Add in all 50 states, specific cities, and combining prefixes and suffixes on the same keyword, and you can see how these five simple rules can quickly build a keyword set for you without ever touching a fancy keyword tool!
At the same time, conservative pastors and parachurch organizations alike urge fathers not to relinquish their parental authority and to set rules (such as supervising children's television - viewing and monitoring their whereabouts) to counter the morally negative aspects of the secular culture.
I am a nuclear physicist and do not believe in God, which was a slow process in my life to conclude that a few billion years of trial and error along with some incredible sets of «rules» make what happened on Earth inevitable, and is happening on any planet with the near same conditions that are found here.
Even though the Court did not rule that same - sex marriage must be legal in all states, it set the stage for that to happen.
Even if this assessment is not the same as taking each act separately, each actor must still decide whether probable consequences authorize a given social practice or some alternative set of rules.
Where does that come from if these set rules are the same for us all.
But while methodological questions must be considered carefully, one must remember, at the same time, that, as Bernard Lonergan has observed, theological «method is not a set of rules to be followed meticulously by a dolt.
According to Thomas P. M. Barnett, geopolitics now divides the world into nations / groups that are connected and functioning by the same set of rules (the Functioning Core), and other nations / groups that are disconnected (the Nonintegrating Gap).
As a Christian, is it possible to speak about earned privilege when others struggle to survive under the same set of rules that made you rich?
Rules set by the state pharmacy board allow individual pharmacists to refuse to dispense certain drugs, but only if a co-worker at the same pharmacy can fill the order.
Setting aside the lower class (which in Plato's republic means the rich and all those who are allowed to have private wealth) he aims to produce a ruling class in which all goods are held in common, with women and men sharing the same work and the same education.
We create a program, a system, a set of rules, a practical guideline for others to follow, so that they can learn the same things we learned, and get to do the same things we do.
Religions follow the same rules as any «meme» or set of ideas that «chatches on» in social experience.
I get completely disconnected from food when I set too many rules and feel deprived in the process — I apply the same principle when it comes to sugar.
Hi Leigh, I am the same as you on not exceeding the 2/3 rule on the Instant Pot regardless of the setting that I'm using.
This is one of those rules that makes sure that teams have the same basic set of circumstances when they play a game.
The report claims that Arsenal and Chelsea, along with other clubs around Europe including Real Madrid, could be set for the same sanctions that Barcelona were hit with and for the same reason, the way that signing young players has been done in breach of FIFA rules.
The same parenting rules apply to screen time as to anything else — set a good example, establish limits, and talk with your teen about it.
-- Set Clear House Rules — If speaking respectfully is a house rule, make sure you are doing the same.
Having twins brings about a whole different set of rules and parenting methods, since there are two children of the same age and there are different challenges to deal with.As any parent knows who has twins, each child is still uniquely themselves and have different personalities, likes and dislikes, as well as they will both respond differently to potty training too.
Although the rules don't need to be exactly the same in all settings, it helps when a child's caregivers are consistent.
When setting limits and creating rules, tell your child that homework should be done at the same time and same area every day.
So today, I want to set out my plan for a Britain where everyone plays by the same rules and every person has the opportunity to be all they want to be.
And again, if the same set of facts is at issue (requiring the same witnesses and same testimony), then it may in fact be worth the Senate's effort to revise their procedural rules to make this possible.
As attorney general I would do everything I could do to ensure that everybody plays by the same set of rules; that we return to the idea of being that nation of laws, not a nation of men and women.
The Prime Minister argued that he is «the only party leader who is prepared to say to the people of England, «you should have... the same rights over legislation that are being given to Scotland and Wales»»; and it is true that this commitment was set out in the Party's 2010 manifesto, which promised to introduce «new rules so that legislation referring specifically to England, or to England and Wales» so that it «can not be enacted without the consent of MPs representing constituencies of those countries.»
Finally, defense attorney John Elmore said Hochul treated all defendants with the same set of rules, regardless of whether the case was high - profile or run - of - the - mill
Under the «change» cloud, some Nigerians desperately wanted a change of political party / government, whether the other parties were made up of same hands who messed the former ruling party was not important to the set of people.
The appointees «will focus exclusively on rooting out abuse and fraud by public officials so that New Yorkers can have confidence that taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely and everyone is playing by the same set of rules,» he said.
Next, we're setting new hybrid mismatch rules to stop the complex structures that allow some multinationals to avoid paying any tax anywhere, or to deduct the same expenses in more than one country.
Nigeria seems to have been condemned to the rule by the same set of people who started ruling Nigeria when they were in their 30s.
Quantum mechanics lays out a set of mind - bending rules on how very small things move and behave, such as their ability to absorb energy only in discrete amounts (or quanta) and be in two different states at the same time.
To make a tall tower or a floating raft, fire ants follow the same set of rules.
For instance, our universe, meaning the entire world line of our universe over all time and space, could be a member of the set of all possible such universes permitted by the same rules that govern ours.
At the same time, we can't get around the rules simply by setting up outside bodies.
-- When the Administrator acts under this subsection as the agent of an entity in possession of international offset credits, the Administrator is not obligated to obtain the highest price possible for the international offset credits, and instead shall auction such international offset credits in the same manner and pursuant to the same rules (except as modified in paragraph (1)-RRB- as set forth for auctioning strategic reserve allowances.
Instead, a new study shows, both structures form by the same set of three simple rules.
Every successful lifter built his base of strength and size upon a set of rules and ethics, and the same applies to John.
Here's the key — any effective weight loss system always works in the same fundamental way: you follow an explicit set of rules that will assuredly conduce a calorie deficit, and thus will assuredly conduce weight loss.
Besides, if we all adhered to the same set of rules, it would get so limiting and boring!
It's like they've created their own set of rules for what's cool and what wears well in this climate and found a way to look simple, casual, comfortable and yet completely put together all at the same time.
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