Sentences with phrase «same sample»

The phrase "same sample" means using or referring to the exact identical group or object for study, testing, or analysis. Full definition
Involved in testing the chemical samples provided by the clients and giving feedback on the same
To the credit of Impact Soundworks, had I not known that these were recreations, I could have been easily convinced that these were the exact same samples from the original games.
athe fact that we can not test a cancer medication on the exact same sample doesn't stop us fro calling it good enough.
In the exact same sample space, Moreno made 2.7 possession wins in the final third per game.
We conducted a study of renters insurance quotes in Utah to see how quotes could vary for the same sample rental property - roughly 1,000 square feet of living space and $ 100,000 in liability coverage.
The original assays for the same samples, reported last June, averaged 1.06 % cobalt, 5.3 % nickel and 17.5 g / t silver.
Except against ETH, BTC has exhibited a positive correlation with that same sample set.
In media releases associated with the announcement, SCIEX states that traditional methods such as ELISA and PCR for allergen analysis come with several challenges, including detection accuracy in processed products and the cost of testing for several allergens in the same sample.
If we're making decisions based on SSS we should probably use the same sample for all players involved....
We'll use the same sample size of 264 games that is shown in the system above and see how the two different methods perform as the winning percentage drops.
• In the same sample, 5 - 6 year olds who had been securely attached to both parents early on, expressed less negative emotion (Easterbrooks and Goldberg, 1990).
In 2007, researchers published the first randomized, controlled study of the effect of being raised in an orphanage; that study, and subsequent research on the same sample of Romanian orphans, found that compared with babies placed with a foster family, those who were sent to institutions had lower IQs, slower physical growth, problems with human attachment and differences in functioning in brain areas related to emotional development.
For each of the next graphs we're looking at the same sample of donors — people added in last 18 months, based on which channel they came in from.
«Following the same sample of women across the menstrual cycle, we found that the influence of genes on a binge eating behavior was up to four times higher in the high risk phases of the menstrual cycle than the low risk phases,» said Klump.
The new method applied to the same sample revealed the presence of an additional 51 species.
«Obviously, my flags are going to be better (in this case) because I built them and tested them on the same sample,» said Higgins, who conducted the study as part of her dissertation.
Kuchel and his colleagues adapted and optimized a customized technique using a commercially available system to measure multiple cytokines from the same sample.
Using the same samples, the team also traced the evolution of Y. pestis and confirmed that it evolved from a soil bacteria closely related to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, a bacterium that causes Far East scarletlike fever in humans, and is most often spread through food.
He then said that he later conducted gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GCMS) and thin - layer chromatography (TLC) on the same samples; these sophisticated tests are more sensitive than the Greiss test and could be expected to detect the merest trace of nitroglycerine.
Later testing on the same sample using more sophisticated methods in a laboratory, however, was negative.
In order to ensure that the measured data was not falsified by the fixation process, the authors compared it with the measured values for the same samples that were not fixed but were shock frozen.
Breast tissue is computationally stained using data from infrared imaging without actually staining the tissue, enabling multiple stains on the same sample.
«When combined with our genomic and histological data from these same samples, the biomarker profile was not only highly specific for epileptic brain tissues, but also revealed an abnormal metabolic and vascular state that could underlie the epileptic condition.»
The manufacturer rejected the findings, claiming that company analysts had found only 0.4 nanograms of cadmium per gram of the same sample.
This is the same sample of young people that was surveyed in 2009 for a Northwestern study on college students and Internet skills.
«The removal of a soil sample from its natural environment also means that the same sample can only be measured once, so the traditional (destructive) method is not suited to measuring changes at a point over a period of time..»
If Pillinger's device detects organic compounds that have more C - 12 than do inorganic carbonates in the same sample, that will be strong evidence that life was once present.
The 2015 national survey was conducted two years from the date the 2013 survey was fielded, and used the same sampling approach and survey research firm, GfK.
He hopes that the committee will encourage national bodies to use the same sampling policy and procedures, testing and interpretation methods.
The studies both involve Mikovits and several other independent labs testing the same samples.
The team collected nearly 3000 tissue samples from about 300 cancer patients» surgeries, had pathologists identify if a sample was healthy tissue or a type of cancer, then matched up each result with the lipid profile they got by touching the iKnife to the same sample.
The assay can be used to create a «molecular profile» that reveals the presence of a gene and how much RNA and protein it has expressed all from the same sample — something that now requires three more complicated techniques.
Their samples were compared with the same samples taken from 46 healthy men who were not professional athletes, but who matched the physical size and age of the rugby players.
And estimates of species numbers can vary by two to three orders of magnitude, even when applied to the same sample, because different software packages are being used to analyse the amplified genes7.
As a result some of the products yielded two difference sequences, each from DNA extracts taken from the same sample product.
Samples for histology were collected as for microbial analysis (see above), with the same sample number of samples however, they were preserved in 5 % paraformaldehyde made up with Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS).
«What's also new is our simultaneous measurements of carbon isotopes on the same samples.
Our findings that G. destructans in bat tissues can be verified by DNA analysis and culture from the same sample, suggest that PCR - nucleotide sequencing can suffice as a screening test for confirming the presence of fungus in bats with WNS.
A multiple immunostaining technique is a combination of individual antigen detections in order to study the expression and co-localization of two or more different antigens in the same sample.
The same superheavy nuclei were found in the same samples when repeated measurements were made at intervals of a few months.»
Lane 2: Peripheral HCEC diluted 1:5 (same sample).
«Methods currently used for measuring gene expression generally rely on something called «relative normalisation», which means that gene expression levels in a sample can only be estimated relative to other genes in the same sample.
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