Sentences with phrase «same sin»

And since most planners need to justify their fees, they're often guilty of the exact same sins.
We have recognized only that portion of the Bible and God's Kingdom which reinforces our own perspective — the very same sin of which we accuse the oppressors of the world.
hello my name is Ryan I am 5 foot 6 blonde hair blue eyes buck 222 pounds.I am legally blind easiest way for me to explain this is my vision is 2200 which means when you are driving and see a sign that is 20 feet away to me that exact same sin seems to be 2200 feet away.
When we unjustly judge, condemn and criticize others for their weaknesses and their failures, we often find that we fall into those exact same sins ourselves.
Both Peter and Judas committed the same sin.
He and Peter didn't commit the same sin.
That is the same sin that Judas committed.
Peter and Judas did not commit the same sin.
I don't agree that Peter and Judas committed the same sin.
We don't want to repent, Why else would we committ the same sins over and over again?
Assuming we're all taking about the same sin (Adam and Eve), in their own stories the entire population was wiped off the face of the Earth once (except for Noah's family, who apparently «God» had forgiven for the sin or he wouldn't have saved him); and then absolved of all Old Testament sins by «God» letting his own son (or himself if you think that way) get tortured and killed.
And I will admit, it is difficult to be friends with someone when you don't share the same interests or get involved in the same sins.
This interview of mine was years and years ago, but I am pretty sure the greatest sins I struggled with then are the same sins I struggle with today.
When, however, the same sin says, Be independent; don't be a slave of old codes; all the world loves a rebel; show the stuff you are made of by breaking free from cramping restrictions which keep your native instincts down; be a man!
I have already mentioned this a bit, but when we call the actions of someone else sinful, or the teachings of someone else false, we must always recognize that the only reason we have not fallen into the same sin or the same error is because God's grace has kept us from it.
I have also found that the sin I find most evident in the life of others is often the same sin I struggle with in my own life.
That same sin was behind Hitler who did not like the relationship the Jews had with God which Hitler knew he did not have.
The same sins that God frowned upon 2000 yrs ago are the same sins we as humans commit today.
Have we not all encountered that overly zealous moral crusader who pounces on the sins of others (particularly their sexual or financial ones) only to be exposed as a perpetrator of the very same sins?
Just as the people in Jesus» day were guilty of the same sins they condemned in their ancestors, so also, we are guilty of the same sins we condemn in them.
This is the same sin that haunts people like Dawkins who just is unable to let his pride down to believe in God — in Richard's mind he is smart enough to figure it out (arrogance).
How were the children and animals guilty of the same sins as the adults?
Hence YOU are committing the same sin in the eyes of God when you eat a ham sandwich watching NFL Football as Bruce and Reginald doing the horizontal mambo in San Francisco.
I believe they left out the 3 strikes claus if you do the same sin 3 times to heII with you.
This is why adulterous pastors with brand recognition have the fast - track back to national influence while anonymous others, guilty of the same sins, are rightly finished as pastors and must seek humble, unheralded avenues of service in the church.
Are you not committing the same sin that you're killing them for committing?
Those are all the same sin as being gay according to the Old testament.
After receiving a technical of his own, McGuire exploded at Jim Chones for the same sin.
when there are active GOP politicians that have committed the same sins (a la David Vitter)?
Clegg's rhetoric today railed against it as usual, but the substance of what he had to say implicated him in the same sin.
The Mismeasure of Stephen Jay Gould: Looking deeper into Stephen Jay Gould's claims this year has revealed he was guilty of the same sins he decried in others.
Looking deeper into Stephen Jay Gould's claims has revealed he was guilty of the same sins he decried in others.
Somemore, this comes with the ever famous problematic dual clutch (same sins of Ford and VW DSG).
Another advantage of CIBC index fund management fee distribution discount is that the combined assets of 150,000 can be over several accounts as long as the accounts have the same SIN # associated with it.
Whether you'll enjoy this or not will come down to your stance on breaking the fourth wall, and if you think it's amusing for something to poke fun at a trope, cliche or problem while usually committing the same sin itself.
Worms W.M.D. is ultimately a bit of a strange one, because on the one hand it's committing the very same sin that earned Team17s prior Worms games so much scorn by not really adding very much.
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