Sentences with phrase «same species»

And to think that we're the same species of human being that would do that to other people, that stuck with me more than any of these other moments.
It can be really fun if you have friends who refuse to play the same species as yourself in the other team death match and this way you can all get together with your preferred species and have fun.
The benefits of one strain of probiotics may not necessarily apply to others, or even to different preparations of the same species or strain.
Differences in soil and climate create even more diversity of the resin, even within the same species.
Green, black and oolong tea are all part of the same species called Camellia sinensis.
Take note that the herb commonly known as Chinese parsley is actually coriander or cilantro, not the same species as parsley (petroselinum crispum).
It is impossible to escape these differences, even in the same species of plant.
The change in strains of rats just shows that within same species, there are different sensibilities to the variation of dietary protein levels... but rats do need more proteins than human beings.
Butter beans, the same species as lima beans, are the bean of choice in the South.
When I looked it up, this butterfly looks to be the same species, still endangered and only found in the Willamette Valley, at sites that include its preferred host plant, the (also) threatened Kincaid's lupine.
Nectarines and peaches are technically the same species, although they are commercially regarded as different fruits.
Probiotics mean specific strains which have been characterized to show specific human health effects, while other strains of the same species may not have them and in fact probably don't.
It's the same species of toxin - forming stuff that grows in coffee and wine and beer and things like that.
Pheromones are considered to be airborne chemical signaling molecules that are released by humans, animals, and plants into the environment and they can affect the physiology and or behavior of other members of the same species.
That's right, Cannabis sativa and hemp are the same species!
breed (noun) Animals within the same species that are so genetically similar that they produce reliable and characteristic traits.
All laboratory rats are part of the same species: the Norway, or brown, rat.
Scientists generally believe it takes place because members of the same species have become isolated from one another.
The DNA within the same species of bacteria from two different human hosts can be wildly different.
This is similar to looking at a dalmatian and a miniature poodle and not knowing whether they both come from the same species.
Jerry Coyne, PhD, professor of ecology and evolution, and his co-workers analyzed and even swapped the mate - attracting fragrances among four closely related species of Drosophila and showed that these pheromones are crucial for male suitors to recognize females of the same species.
When orthologous proteins were compared between these two populations, the same pattern emerged — proteins from the smaller populations were more flawed than those from the free - living bacteria of the same species.
This is an occurrence where members of the same species separate until, for a number of different possible reasons, they are no longer able to reproduce with one another.
«Pheromones are signaling molecules that have a function within the same species, like to attract mates,» Kubanek said.
Different individuals of arctic charr are - despite being the same species - in the process of developing various attributes that allow them to better utilise different local ecological niches and resources in the lake.
They point to the mix of sapiens and erectus features in the two recently discovered Chinese fossil skulls which virtually proves that erectus and sapiens are members of the same species and the taxon Homo erectus should be laid to rest.94
Obviously, since those people on the moon all came from earth, they belong to the very same species as we do here on earth — Homo sapiens sapiens.
Biologists at Indiana University have significantly advanced understanding of the genetic pathways that control the appearance of different physical traits in the same species depending on nutritional conditions experienced during development.
For example, take two groups of animals that belong to the same species.
Unlike other methods, chromosomal analysis is able to unambiguously identify cells from all common mammalian species and can also differentiate between cells from the same species.
But Conway said some of his contemporaries thought Girard was a bit «careless,» saying he sometimes described the same species more than once, which may have led to the current confusion.
This binomial nomenclature guards against confusion if, say, a bug taxonomist and a mammal taxonomist (who tend to run in different scientific circles and probably are not reading each other's publications) want to (or inadvertently) assign the same species name to the group of organisms they happen to be excited about at the time.
«Since two strains of the same species can have such different genomes, you really need to know what genes are there and what role they play in order to link someone's gut microbiota to BMI or disease.»
strain (as in bacterial) Organisms that belong to the same species that share some small but definable characteristics.
Previous work had shown that if members of the same species carry different types of Wolbachia, they can't produce healthy offspring.
When they compared the genes in different humans, they found that the genes were virtually identical, as would be expected in a comparison of genes from individuals of the same species.
Cryptic species vs populations of the same species Genomic sequencing technology has allowed us to detect genetic structure at an unprecedented resolution.
The OH 8 foot, of course, did not belong to 1470, and may not even have belonged to the same species, so it is irrelevant to determining 1470's status.
Between 1981 and 2004, scientists removed other skeletons of other individuals of the same species from the same area.
With the recent availability of high - throughput sequencing, it is possible to compare the genomes of many genomes of the same species, and to determine which genes are conserved as part of the «core genome», and which genes are found only in certain strains.
A self - sustaining method would require the use of a gene drive designed to persist in the environment and spread within the target population, but with some risk of spreading into a non-targeted area where that same species may be desired.
The serum should be derived from the same species in which the secondary antibody was raised.
Fab fragments can be used to block endogenous immunoglobulins on cells, tissue, or other surfaces, and to block the exposed immunoglobulins in multiple labeling experiments using primary antibodies from the same species.
Allogeneic cells obtained from a donor organism of the same species.
Other scientists (reviewed in Wood 1992) consider 1470 to belong to the same species as either OH 7 or 1813.
This work was quickly followed by evidence intimating the existence of a class of RNA in ribosomes that hybridized uniquely to genomic DNA of the same species, but not to that of foreign species (10), what later came to be known as mRNA.
All of the animals belonged to the same species, Haptosquilla trispinosa.
Animals from the same species have similar DNA.
April 19, 2018 - On Wednesday scientists announced in the journal «Microbiome» that dogs and humans share very similar gut microbiomes that are closely related strains of the same species.
In natural settings, the animals would be exposed to much more noise, whether it's from the same species or different ones that would live close by.
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