Sentences with phrase «same square»

For example, if there's a property that's the exact same square footage, layout, and neighborhood, it could seem like an excellent comp to use.
Push notifications create an easy avenue for a salesperson to suggest related homes of the same style, in the same neighbourhood, same square footage and so on.
Depending on how you fold them, the exact same square of fabric will fit your baby from birth to toddlerhood.
Was so looking forward to a clear out and squad rebuilding but it ain't gonna happen same square pegs in round holes
Homes located near each other with the exact same square footage, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms can vary by tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars just because they are served by different schools.
Supermarkets consume twice the energy that a commercial building of the same square footage does, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
And... I have the same square white plate.
Now it only goes off if you're in the same room, not just in the same square mile.
Town Board members have argued that had the special permits allowing two bistros and two professional offices not been granted, the applicant was still permitted to build additional retail in their stead, and the project would have had the same square footage.
You may use the same square twice, and the sequence matters: Starting at the bottom right R and traveling to the top left R is one path; going in the opposite direction constitutes a second path.
In the same square four centuries ago, the Holy See burned alive the philosopher Giordano Bruno, mere decades before Galileo's run - in with the Church.
DOH believes local transmissions are still only occurring in the same square - mile area of Miami.»
Today another friend texted me with a coffee invitation on the same square.
The boards make LOOK different, and have a few different events, but in reality, each board is the same square shape with the exact same space layout.
In Room with him is his Ma (Larson) who has been walking the same square of carpet, sharing the same bath and enjoying the same single skylight that shines the only natural light into their tiny space in time.
Our state pounds the same square peg into a round hole for every child with the exception of special education mandates, a relatively small amount of money for «at - risk» students and an even smaller amount for English - language learners.
A new menu structure requires that you take your eyes off the road more often than before, and with two sets of buttons surrounding the circular MMI controller, both arranged in the same square (one in each corner), it's easy for your fingers to aim for the wrong button.
GM slowed its production down a few months back to make upgrades to its production lines, so that it could wring out more from the same square footage of factory.
Since then it's received special editions, minor tweaks, and a new 8 - speed gearbox, but this is fundamentally still the same square - jawed 300 we've known all along — available in 3 engine flavor variants, none of which bear SRT designation, and with options of two or four driven wheels (engine depending).
What I like about this design is that it does not have the same square screen as most Blackberry phones, instead its long and rectangular, something that it has more in common with other higher end smartphones on the market.
Personally I found it fascinating as both sides of my father's family were bankers and merchants in Bristol at that time, with houses in the same square as Charlotte as it happens.
A house insurance policy can easily cost double for the same square footage as a condo since it covers more risks (e.g. your house, gardener, pool etc).
Two - story homes generally cost more to build than one - story homes with the same square footage.
Retailers, it seems, are fitting a larger number of items in the same square footage; efficiency, as we know, is their mantra.
Both have the same square head, close coat and highly alert nature.
«Storeowners and managers report that they generate nearly 50 percent more in revenue, on average, from their eye - catching VE RAW BAR than they do from other treat lines in that same square footage,» she says.
It is situated very close to Blaha Lujza Square on the Metro 2 line and buses and the 4 and 6 trams also run through the same square making it very easy to get anywhere in Budapest.
At the same square footage as the two bedroom condos, this room category includes an additional loft area outside the upstairs second bedroom.
Set just a little further back than the ocean front condos, these one - bedroom condos still have a great view of the ocean and the same square footage.
The architect of the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel, also designed the iron house that is found on the edge of the same square.
Once the first player has drawn a tile they call out the number the other players then look for the matching digit in their supply so that everyone is holding the same square of card, at which point they have a choice to make; either they can lay the tile down on their board in a bid to forge paths to the temples, or they can spend the tile to move along already created paths, battling through the dense jungle to find treasure.
But should a ghost pass through the same square as one of the team (they can't occupy the same space, instead a ghost carries on in the direction it was moving until it comes to an empty square, therefore multiple Ghostbusters can be passed through in one movement) then that Ghostbuster gets slimed, covering him in lovely sticky gunk.
The Xbox version means you will mow less grass in the same square footage.
Set within an alternative history, For Honor is an anachronistic battlefield in which Knights, Vikings, and Samurai endlessly compete for the same square of turf.
Once this happens, even standard attacks will affect multiple enemies at once, provided they've been shoved into the same square.
Push one enemy into the same square as another then attack that square with your second fighter and you'll damage both units at once.
You can push, pull, and otherwise force the enemies around the grid, and then smash them all at once on the same square.
Basically, any enemies that occupy the same square in the grid take damage together.
Filmed at close range and framed always by the same square of the screen, the film shows an excruciatingly slow, simple action measured against a ticking sound in the background of the high - speed film camera.
A row of colorful columns flanks each side of the long hallway leading into the main space of the gallery — a spacious room completely filled with the same square columns, colored blue, red and yellow on each facet, except for the one that faces the back wall.
Each of the 25 pairs in the series comprises a 7 / 8 - inch thick, solid stainless steel circle and square which, despite their distinctive geometries, measure nearly the same square space.
In fact, the Brockman Gallery, which housed the Black Artists Association and represented artists such as Betye Saar, Noah Purifoy, Kerry James Marshall, David Hammons, and Outterbridge himself, once sat in the same square in Leimert Park.
Concurrently, a Solar Roof with the same square footage (house and roof) in sun - drenched Las Vegas will cost a homeowner around $ 49,800 and generate $ 44,700 of energy over the same 30 - year period with two Powerwall batteries.
They are practical — made out of «the same square metal tubing used in the familiar U - or M - shaped racks» — yet beautiful and interesting.
Water, lighting, and air will be regulated in order to create an environment that is estimated to be 120 times more productive than the same square footage of land, and powered by renewable energy sources.
It comes in different colors, but unfortunately it is still the same square design as the Samsung Gear Live and the LG G Watch.
The entry level phone, meanwhile, will be a 6.1 - inch model, which will likely retain the same square battery as the iPhone 8, and sport an LCD screen.
It offers the same square design and color - coded LED ring around a central mute button.
It's the same square, black and / or grey design we've seen from every other OEM bar Motorola.

Phrases with «same square»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z