Sentences with phrase «same struggles»

The phrase "same struggles" means facing and dealing with the exact or very similar difficulties or challenges as someone else. Full definition
I have the very same struggle everyday of my life Lovely little bites!
Im kenyan and it is great to learn and get inspired by your insights regarding the pros and cons in the fine arts industry.It is pretty much the same in africa interestingly we pass through same struggle, but im optimistic to always hear from you.The knowlege that you istill in us will one a day make us prevail.thank you cory melissa and «crew.»
I had the EXACT same struggle in my head as you had.
Same struggling focus and deficiency of details certainly hurt even with those extra sensors.
Wake up the next day, make a plan and get back to it As I've clearly proved, everyone goes through the exact same struggles!
Know that «the grass is always greener» but that we're all human and all going through the same struggles.
Yet, Facebook has the same struggles as similar companies: a highly competitive industry leads to a sometimes stressful and competitive workplace.
I struggled to turn down opportunities that might prove valuable in some way, and our survey results show small business owners are facing the same struggle.
But Ren later proves that he faces the same struggle when he expresses doubts over killing his father, Han Solo.
«That's what I always come out for, just to let them know that I'm constantly going through the same struggle, same hustle, same fight every day,» he said.
One of the goals of FoundersBlock is to be as open and honest with our audience as possible, to share stories we feel can be a value add to other early stage entrepreneurs that encounter the same struggles we face.
If you answered YES then you face the same struggle as many other small business ownersyou can successfully manage the rest of the company, but when it comes to the sales team, you feel like your efforts are coming up short.
Because of this, we don't want to face those same struggles when we do activism for animals.
«I'm hoping people notice that we need to be heard too, that we're going through the same struggles those Parkland students went through,» Daniels told me.
The People First Culture ™ helps remove the fears and frustrations that most entrepreneurs and leaders struggle with (remember, these were the same struggles I had).
But better to seek an understanding of God's calling in our lives with the companionship of others who've engaged in the same struggle than to go our lonely and often misguided way.
when I was your age, I had the same struggles.
I see the same struggle with the church and religion.
Many of us live and work in communities, families or congregations facing the same struggles.
Yes, it helps to know in times of weakness that we are simultaneously sharing the same struggle with three hundred million others.
We can see the same struggle with national identity and determination carrying all the way through to the present day, even among peoples who had already «discovered» it.
Tony Adams famously battled with alcohol addiction during his football career but now works to support those going through the same struggles.
That is one of the best descriptions that I have read of the same struggle that I have unexpectedly found myself within this year, that being the way the church as an institution manipulates and forces and excludes and becomes all about itself instead of about people.
It seems clear to me that restoring sanity in architecture (which seems to me to be largely symbiotic with a rejeuvenation of math education) is part of the same struggle.
Our family experiences the same struggles that «normal» families do.
If you have ever found yourself thinking that life is hard, it may be helpful to remember that Jesus has gone through the same struggles as well, and He understands.
This is the same struggle that began our quest for independence from England.
My husband is overcoming these same struggles and I can attest that God was the missing link in our marriage.
«We have the same struggles and questions and issues as everyone else, that's how we can sit down with people and have empathy.»
= > yes gays, lesbians just like everyone else has the same struggle.
I further believe that the struggle between individualism and collectivism is the same struggle reproduced on another level.
«We started out with the same struggles I was having with Distinguished Brands» import business — we were really feeling the recession and we were dealing with a very weak dollar, especially against the Euro.
Hundreds of women are experiencing the same struggle you're going through right now.
I've totally had the same struggles with coconut flour!
(jk... well maybe not) I think we all share some of the same struggles, so it's nice to have a space to connect and share our experiences with others.
I look at G now, and see him going through the same struggle.
It's easier to tell myself I don't need chocolate if I know Hayley is having the same struggles.
It will be the same struggle for profit and same let downs every season.
«I see [us] going through the same struggles as any team that is new to success, especially one with such young personnel,» wrote the much - traveled Shirley, who has scored a total of 31 points in three NBA seasons.
Antonelli found the same struggles.
Holly Klaassen started the site after facing struggles with her then 5 - month old son, and it's turned into an excellent resource for parents facing the same struggles.
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