Sentences with phrase «same synthesis method»

Inspired by a certain series from the early 90s where you got ta go fast, composer Snowy Fox has used the same synthesis method used back in the 90s era of games, ensuring that the music will take you back in time.
Each of M - DRIVE's music tracks and sound effects has been lovingly crafted by composer Snowy Fox using the same synthesis method as the original console's Yamaha sound chip, in the styles of many of the games we grew up loving, holding the idea of an action RPG in mind, but the pack is also open to several different game genres.

Not exact matches

For example, genetically engineered organisms used in the research laboratory to develop new chemical synthesis methods are not likely to require the same level of public dialogue as products that have more uncertainty associated with them, such as organisms with gene drives, which enhance organisms» ability to pass certain genetic traits on to their offspring.
Methods: Diphenylphosphine ligands, which consist of two phenyl (C6H5) substituted phosphorus centers separated by a carbon chain of variable length, produce gold clusters with extremely narrow distributions in size; that is, the synthesis route produces a large quantity of clusters with the same number of gold atoms as well as a small number of clusters with similar numbers of atoms.
In vivo fractional synthesis rates (FSR, % / d) were calculated according to the method described by Garlick et al. (11): FSR = 100 × (EP − EN) / (EA × t), where t is the incorporation time (15 min), expressed in days, EP is the enrichment of protein - bound valine at the time of killing, EN is the natural enrichment of protein - bound valine, which was measured in each tissue in 5 rats fed the same fish diet and EA is the enrichment of tissue - free valine at the time of killing.
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