Sentences with phrase «same tactics»

The phrase "same tactics" means using the exact or similar strategies or methods as before to achieve a goal or deal with a situation. Full definition
Same tactics as he tried on other blog posts too.
Do you think it's impossible that they have used this very same tactic on you?
You do nt risk playing same tactics for years.
The very same tactic may work on a website, while on other will not work at all.
I'm tired of seeing same tactics, same type of players, same failure.
But we can beat Man U, we use same tactics as vs City, Pool and Spurs.
Of course, most enemies are able to use the exact same tactics against you, which means dropping your guard for too long is a surefire way to get yourself killed.
I rest my case, Wenger OUT immediately and I do not care who will came, anybody can do better than him, even me, I can go to every came with same tactics recardless agaist who we are playing agains, you don't need brains for that, even a monkey can do that, and that's WENGER is looking like now.
Well this shows the mediocrity of wenger, same players same tactics in every match that shows it all of wenger's poor decisions, tactics etc every thing..
«This is the exact same tactic used by Grimm's 2010 primary opponent — also from Brooklyn — and he lost by almost 40 points.
every person who follows epl forget arsenal any club knws what is lacking with us and i guess a manager who is one of the higest paid one could have figured it out atleast the problem 5 years back bt there is arsenal with same excuses same tactics same 4th place
Wenger sticks to the same subs and same tactics game after game, he can not improvise according to the game requirements.
Like I said same tactics different day but the real persecuted are the people of the US and Christians against these tactics.
hes useless same tactics and formation against every team!
Tactics will differ but the attitude & commitment must remain the same
Wenger stays then its same ol same ol no matter what overhaul he does in the summer... same tactics everyone worldwide knws now & still continue to be the laughn stock pf europe for so long now!
Calciomercato quotes TuttoSport in Italy as saying, Juventus plan to use same tactic they deployed to sign Juan Cuadrado in 2015.
Van Gogh tried this very same tactic in the form of an ear, although he had very limited success!
It's not a horror movie, not in the slightest, it's more a narrative on human nature and how some people, I won't say most, in this same situation would resort to the very same tactics employed by these sailors.
That's «the exact same tactic used to ram the flawed bill through the process earlier this month,» Masteron said.
That is to say same tactics, same back room yes men, no intervention or pressure from the «board» and investment in players that neither address the problems or are of the required quality.
In a panel this week at SXSW, Jedi Mind Tricks for Entrepreneurs, she applies those same tactics to the business world, sharing tips to get any startup operating at peak performance.
Well you can still use this same tactic for pop - up shops, events you're attending, appearances at other businesses, or anything else that involves your business moving around.
Coach, enjoying something of a comeback after years of aggressive discounting and expansion hurt its luxury aura in North America, said it would use some of the same tactics at Kate Spade as it did at Coach to fix the business.
Well, this same tactic works in business, too.
This same tactic was used by Iranian hackers to break into Gmail in 2011 and Edward Snowden claimed the National Security Agency used the same technique to gain access Google traffic data, the Times reported.
I see the same tactics for recreational marijuana.
Over the next five years, Jason used the same tactic to finance five more locations.
But even holding those challenges aside, much of the second - guessing presupposes that you can get what you want on an airplane using the same tactics you'd deploy to resolve a dispute with Amazon, Walmart, or Olive Garden.
His new book lays out how the rest of us can adopt the same tactics.
Just because you got a lot of likes for that spring break bikini photo or a shot of your pet rabbit, doesn't mean you canuse the same tactics to drum up business for a new tech startup.
Marketing and sales were brother and sister, not distant cousins, and the same tactics I was using in my copywriting could be applied to in - person sales, public speaking and more.
Start thinking like an on - the - go and mobile consumer instead of relying on the same tactics that have been working online for years.
Those problems make it all too plausible that, if drastic action isn't taken now, the same tactics will be deployed again to disrupt this year's midterm Congressional elections.
Kosio, the same tactics would essentially apply.
You can use the same tactics to build your brand in almost the same way:
Gamification leverages the same tactics.
However, there are too many factors in play to guarantee the same tactic will have equivalent outcomes.
Most ironic, IMO, are the gurus who bash the other gurus, all the while, employing the same tactics.
It's a bad idea to use the same tactics over and over again.
Servicers collecting payments on federal PLUS loans can use the same tactics against endorsers that they employ against the delinquent borrowers, including wage garnishment.
Now, those same tactics will only devalue your site (or worse, land you a manual penalty).
The company, which has yet to give a timeline for when it will launch the service in Australia, says it expects to apply a lot of the same tactics that worked in India, such as a strong collaboration with local governments and a focus on drivers.
The bottom line is that most of our fellow dividend growth investors use these same tactics to pick out dividend winners and hopefully screen out the dividend dogs.
I do think if you did this a couple of years back, you are probably still reaping some of the rewards but if you started trying to catch them using the same tactic it would be a dead end (not in all cases).

Phrases with «same tactics»

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