Sentences with phrase «same time point»

Rape involves both theft and assault, while at the same time pointing to the sexist underpinnings of much violent crime.
It looks over one's own sin, while at the same time points out sin in others.
Continence means a conscious and voluntary renouncement of that union and all that is connected to it» [29] and at the same time points to that of which matrimony is the icon: God Himself and the eternal physical and spiritual communion for which were made.
At the same time they point with the finger to other countries and teach them how to behave properly.
But at the same time pointing out why «progressive» (meaning leftwing) voters should support the Libdems.
«Even though the worms were separated and not receiving external cues, they were actively searching for food at the same time point in development as other worms,» says Stern.
HIF - 1 α mRNA levels were measured by quantitative RT — PCR analyses at the same time points (Figure 1A).
An additional cohort of non-pregnant mice (n = 20) received placebo injections at the same time points.
At the same time they point out that more research is needed in the field in order to deal with any new problems that may arise if the scarce metals are replaced.
In addition, mice intravenously infected with free MRSA and treated 24 hours later with AAC had significantly less infection in their kidneys than those treated with vancomycin at the same time point.
* P < 0.01, ** P < 0.001, *** P < 0.0001 (across the same time point), # P < 0.01, ## P < 0.001, ### P < 0.0001 (across ages).
In contrast, cone photoreceptors were essentially absent in sham - operated or untreated eyes at the same time point (Figure 6F).
From 3 d onwards, at the same time points unless there were none alive, 150 μL blood samples were collected from every sentinel into 3 % sodium citrate.
When Vojdani et al. measured IgG and IgA antibody levels against zonulin at the same time points (zero, six, 24, and 30 hours), they found that serum zonulin was somewhat correlated with anti-zonulin IgG and highly correlated with anti-zonulin IgA.
«At the same time it points the way towards the future design idiom of Mercedes - Benz.»
At the same time they point to the incredible economic and financial development of the city over the last 25 years, to which the skyscrapers in Pudong testify today.
«The things that are on my mind have to do with my desire to be in the real world and then see if there is a material form that allows me to dig into my interests in material objects and sculpture and making, while at the same time pointing to some of these moments that really need both poetic attention and sometimes concerted, practical, tactical effort,» Gates said.
I then decided to go for the anger triple - play by faulting industry in general for painting the picture that the oil sands could not compete under a carbon policy, while at the same time pointing to notable exceptions like Suncor's Rick George.
Over in London, however, Oliver Burkeman of the Guardian has no such compunctions and makes Strobel's day, delivering a feast to the troll, but at the same time pointing out that in most places, the cyclists have won.
At the same time I pointed the thermometer towards the clear sky and received readings between -23 C and -27 C.
After all, at the same time you point to the current weak sun as some type of long - term cooling agent.
I thought I'd offer up a few of these for your delectation and at the same time point you to a decent website for generally finding out synonyms and related terms, in case relishing rare words isn't enough for you.
At the same time you point out that «[a] nonymity in speech is constitutionally protected in the U.S.» could this be why the NSA finds it necessary for their surveillance methods and procedures?
Let's enter the traumatic, raw emotions while at the same time pointing our attention to «Look who is with you today.»
A second limitation is that parental supportiveness and other aspects of wellbeing were all measured at the same time point, so we can not be sure of the direction of any effect.
Consequently, many therapists attempt to strike a balance by remaining positive, upbeat, and nonjudgmental while at the same time pointing out when a person's actions are harmful to himself or herself or to others.
As regression is basically a test of association and both distress and coping strategies were measured at the same time point (before beginning IVF), this study was included on the basis of having explored associations between these two variables.
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