Sentences with phrase «same time these elements»

The well - known phrase «impossible possibility» stands here in Niebuhr's thought for the warning that the pure love of God transcends human possibility.17 At the same time an element of uncalculating sacrificial giving of the self to the good of the other is possible for man.

Not exact matches

Constantly working in a global context, it was important from quite early on to learn to work with the more challenging elements of different cultures, while at the same time identifying their best factors and making them my own.
Have you taken the time to become educated on the key elements of your networking partners» businesses, so that you can do the same for them?
The key elements of the ceremony — the host's tightrope act, the lengthy, some might say self - congratulatory, running time and the glamorously outfitted stars in the audience — are going to be the same as they ever were.
The single biggest element is $ 17.6 billion over five years in spending restraint, including anticipated lowered operating costs of $ 6.8 billion over the same time period.
If your company is online, your employees are scattered across the country, or you're starting up and can't secure a physical space for your business, employee management is even harder — that personal element can completely disappear when you aren't actually in the same place at the same time.
Perhaps other elements of the program could be reviewed at the same time
And other than those elements, the rest of the story is, according to the New York Times, exactly the same: Peter Hodgson later discovered Silly Putty in a toy store and ran with it.
At the same time, Canada has been pushing to add new elements to the revised TPP, including provisions for gender, environment and labour.
By identifying the dialectical element that he recognizes in the process of concrescence with feeling rather than with logic, Whitehead is able to preserve the integrity of logic, and to avoid what I take to be the Hegelian dual fallacy of both overestimating the power of so - called «reason,» and at the same time encumbering logic with psychological, epistemological, and metaphysical elements that have no proper place in it.
Then light was liberated, and then gravity created the first stars and galaxies, then billions of years later, a local star went supernova and seeded the local nebula with heavier elements, elements necessary for life, elements that were not created during the Big Bang, then the sun was born, then the planets coalesced, and billions of years later some primate wrote a story about how the Earth was created at the same time as the rest of the universe, getting it wrong because that primate did not have the science nor technology to really understand what happened, so he gave it his best guess, most likely an iteration of an older story told prior to the advent of the Judeo Christian religion.
At the same time that Christian theology has so emphatically insisted on the divine absoluteness (taken in the sense which I have indicated), there have always been elements in that theology which have suggested another idea.
Let us summarize the three difficulties which all theories of historical progress toward the Kingdom of God inherently involve, and at the same time try to extract from the liberal doctrine the element of truth which it certainly embodies.
At the same time, he finds important elements within these cultures which tend to call men toward what is most elemental and real.
By approaching the question of mind and nature in this way Whitehead is able to provide us with an aesthetically rich understanding of nature, which at the same time preserves a necessary role for reason and the search for truth as an indispensable element in the determination of conscious experience, the enhancement of our aesthetic sensibilities, and the general advancement of civilization as such.
It calls every member of the Church • to renew their faith; • to make an actual effort to share it; • to recognise, certainly, a growing awareness of people to the changing circumstances of life today; • to value what is positive in every culture, while at the same time purifying it from elements that are contrary to the full realisation of the person according to the design of God revealed in Christ.
At the same time, I have felt a certain sympathy with more traditional Christians who have argued that many liberals have undersold one» vital element of the faith an actual, loving God.
Thus there is achieved a communion of horizons, in which the encounter between the horizon of the transmitted text lights up one's own horizon and leads to self - disclosure and self - understanding, while at the same time one's own horizon lights up lost elements of the text and brings them forward with new relevance for life today.
We have in the first place realized that every constituent element of the world (whether a being or a phenomenon) has of necessity emerged from that which preceded it — so much so that it is as physically impossible for us to conceive of a thing in Time without «something before it» as it would be to imagine the same thing in Space without «something beside it».
To give an example from a matter that will concern us later, the eschatology of Jesus demands that we wrestle with the problem of the meaning of the element of futurity in the hope of first - century Judaism, and at the same time that we do justice to the new element in the teaching of Jesus in this regard.
This proposal that God «prods» us forward, generates «unrest» in us, seems to me to offer up a key element in the manner in which divine love works on us and in us to generate effective consequences, without overwhelming or overpowering us at the same time.
This inevitably makes him a loyal critic — one who is deeply committed to that element of the tradition which is creative and constructive while at the same time becoming an unflinching critic of all those forces which threaten the heart of the matter.
At the same time, in the lighter surface - zone enveloping these depths the spectroscope can discern the entire range of our simple elements.
At the same time, Whitehead's thought has been existentially attractive to Christian thinkers, whose understanding of the world is already attuned to what Whitehead calls «the brief Galilean vision of humility» that «dwells upon the tender elements in the world which slowly and in quietness operate by love» (PR 404).
The crucial factor here is the element of simultaneity — the fact that Kurzweil and Leibowitz feel drawn to and repulsed by modernity at one and the same time.
At times the elegiac element of Civil War memorials becomes explicit, as in the inscription on the Georgia monument raised at Winchester, VA, in 1884, during the War's twentieth anniversary — the same year in which the Lee statue in New Orleans was raised.
If we do, the awareness aroused in us of being each a responsible element in a rebounding course of Evolution must, at the same time as it gives rise to a desire and reason for action, inspire us with a fundamental sense of obligation and a precise system of moral tendencies.
But at the same time, a culture of life can not be achieved without some element of righteous anger — at the injustices that create the conditions for abortion, at the abortionists who perpetrate it, and at the organizations which profit from it.
And, he continues «I bet at the same time that my wager will be restored to me in the power of reflection, in the element of coherent discourse.
At the same time liberal churches are appreciative of major elements in tradition as still valid, and they stress the importance of emotionally vital, personal religious experience.
It should be speculative and daring, and at the same time open to every element of our experience.
At the same time, the monuments of their crimes, whether cathedrals or pyramids, are enlisted as elements of a «global patrimony.
Second, what kind of structure of the church will facilitate such dialogue and struggle which will at the same time strengthen the central elements of the church's being as the sacramental sign and interpreter of God's universal gift of salvation in Christ?
This absolute knowledge is at the same time a sort of recapitulation of the human spirit, for each successive stage retains elements of the previous ones as it goes beyond them.
In other words, the earliest Christian community was even more Jewish than we used to think, and at the same time the Hellenistic element in the primitive church went back farther than we once supposed.)
This is true enough; but at the same time it appears that the commandment intentionally embraces a broader and more general element of torah.
They have succeeded in maintaining institutions which allow the element of transcending that really does characterize all people to have some measure of effectiveness while at the same time adjusting to the bondage under which we all labor.
Finally, Whitehead's methodology of descriptive generalization would, on the micrological view, be seen as belonging within a particular tradition, i.e., as involving what might be called a «metaphysical reduction» of the empirical world to some foundational and actual element, on the same methodological lines as Leibniz's monads, Bradley's substrative feeling, Alexander's space - time matrix, or Heidegger's Being.12 In other words, Whitehead's actual entities are conceived as having a special kind of actuality of their own as the ground or foundation from which the empirical world derives.
In «Jonas,» another story with autobiographical elements written around the same time, the title character, a painter, is described with a little more sympathy: He «believed in his star.
At the same time, I can't help thinking from my experience of talking with women that there is an element that serves both men and women best where there is responsibility being taken by men in leadership in some form for women not to take that is beneficial for all.
The synoptic gospels, however, are both of these things at the same time — we would claim consciously so — and, as such, characteristic of the unique element in Christian faith.
This would come, in effect, to the same thing as the interpretation offered by Colpe; the reference would be to a future in which the message and ministry of Jesus is vindicated, without saying anything specific about the form of that future, or about the time element involved except that it is future.
In general, while there are a number of positive and insightful elements regarding the interpretation of the Council, at the same time, perhaps inevitably, in such a short space, one would hardly describe it as comprehensive, or even completely adequate.
At the same time, they were generous in their guidance, taking me through the process step - by - step and making sure all of the design elements worked together.»
Around the same time, Mixon found that extra element of confidence and identity during his first year of football.
nice to see you crawl out of your hole just in time to offer your 2 cents worth once again... unlike yourself I started following this team long before Wenger arrived on the scene and will continue to do so long after he's gone... in his earlier years I admired the cerebral elements he brought to the EPL, which at that point was more brutish than beautiful, and I respected the seemingly tireless efforts of Arsene, Dein & staff to uncover and develop talent without sacrificing the product on the field... likewise I appreciated that such a youthful manager wasn't afraid to bring strong personalities and / or world - class players into the fold without being fearful of how said players would potentially undermine and / or dilute his authority... unfortunately this all changed about 10 years ago and culminated in the removal of all our greatest players, both young and old, without any real replacements coming in... from Henry to RVP to Fabergas and Nasri, it was easy to see that this club was no longer interested in competing at the highest levels... instead of being honest, minus the ridiculous claims regarding the new stadium, Wenger chose to side with management and in doing so became the «front man» for this corporation pretending to be a world - class soccer club... without the «front man» this organization would have been exposed numerous years earlier, so his presence was imperative if the facade was to continue... it's for this reason and more that I despise what this once great man and Kroenke has done to my beloved club... the gutless, shameful and manipulative way they have treated the fans, like myself, is largely indefensible and this is why I felt it necessary to start offering my opinion in a public format... trust me, I resisted the temptation for many years but as long as the same shit continues to exist I will voice my opinions and if you don't like it maybe you should look for a different team to pretend to follow
And at the same time, Sumlin, Manziel, and the A&M offense have to prove that they can move the ball equally well without the element of surprise.
The answer is that a number of elements — from fan hunger to owner avarice — have come together at the same time.
Utilizing an interesting mix of new materials and unique design elements to present a soft structure carrier that is simple to use, yet highly configurable and stylish at the same time.
For instance, the grassroots / field team had staff working at desks in the new media section at the same time that the new media team had staff working at desks in grassroots / field offices — reflecting a drive throughout the campaign to break down the barriers that usually exist between competing elements of a political campaign.
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