Sentences with phrase «same wall»

Our current house is newly built, with same wall and trim colors throughout.
wow so beautiful I'm just wondering if you use same wall paint color for the whole house?
In one post, two art - market favorites are featured on the same wall, with Trump posing in the foreground: On the left is a black and white Nate Lowman painting that resembles a bullet hole sticker.
But when she wanted to do something as simple as send flowers, she found herself constantly hitting the same wall.
In addition to being able to issue analyst stock ratings on GE and dozens of other companies and significantly benefit financially from debt underwritings that bury a company deeper and deeper under debt, these same Wall Street firms are permitted to trade shares of GE (and hundreds of other stocks) in their own internal Dark Pools — effectively unregulated stock exchanges inside the firms.
As empowering as this seems, each of these initiatives hits the same wall: The business model doesn't scale.
When you combine that sales mix with the $ 25.5 billion in cost savings Ford plans to create by 2022, it's an intriguing story to hand Wall Street — the same Wall Street that has long loathed the capital intensive and cyclical nature of the automotive industry.
In Game 2, Beal finally ran out of fumes, and hit the same wall that Wall hit last year in Game 7 against Boston.
We are in real need to move in a new direction, but we'll opt to hit our heads against the same wall we've been trying to break for 10 years.
«I can strike out, go into the tunnel and bang on the same wall that Ty Cobb banged on,» says Tigers third baseman Dean Palmer.
Her crib is on the same wall as the toilet so sometimes the flush wakes her.
If you need to take the crib out of his room to fit the new bed in then put the bed in the same place as the crib or on the same wall as the crib was on.
«Wall Street Harry Wilson is in favor of preserving the federal tax loophole that lets hedge fund managers pay less on their taxes than the rest of the state, wants to turn over the pension fund to the same Wall Street bankers that almost brought our economy to its knees, is against President Obama's Wall Street reform bill AND wants to enforce a $ 2,500 tax hike on households outside of New York City in his first year if he was elected.»
According to feng shui, placing your bed on the same wall as your door will cause you to feel threatened, like someone might surprise you in your sleep.
I have banged my head against this same wall so many times and I am done.
The far left in every room (and home) along the same wall as the entry door is the traditional «wisdom area» in feng shui, so make sure it's not neglected and, if possible, make it a place to store some good books.
The far left in every room (and home) along the same wall...
Once you've got that, try the same wall dribble in various positions — on one foot, while holding a squat, or holding a lunge.
Being trapped inside a home with man - made things or a business with the same walls and equipment can really get to you.
The slider and large windows are on the same wall but different rooms.
Budget Idea # 8: Instead of purchasing a toothbrush holder, I painted a basket I already had with the same wall paint.
We're at the same «almost there» stage that you were at and our taste and layout is SO similar, same wall of closets, same window area... I think you've inspired me to take a final crack at getting it done this winter.
Instead of continuing through the room, turn around and go to the next door on the same wall and start heading upstairs.
If you are starting to get sick of staring at all the same walls every day, it is time to get out in Hertfordshire and meet someone to have fun with.
* Plenty * of male filmmakers have slammed into the same wall.
But it still comes up against the same wall that this is still a town, an industry primarily about the white narrative.
Sadly, our State and nation are forcing millions of children out of their homes due to an economic crisis created by the same Wall Street gamblers who are now threatening our public schools by funding fake charter school groups.
Kris just banged her head on the same wall a couple weeks ago in her blog, and had all kinds of readers surprised that their books were already in bookstores when they went and looked.
In the same Wall Street Journal Article Lowell hinted that the Verizon tablet would come about in a similar way to the Droid phone, with the Google Android Operating system, third - party hardware and Verizon's data network.
In the second photograph the same group, in the same position, stands against the same wall.
Heck, it'll probably even be on the same wall for some easy reference.
You can expect your neighbors to be using the same wall as you when working with the multi-family home.
In this private vacation home property, a large privately owned family vacation compound, there are 5 cottage suites (each with its own bathroom) plus a 3 bedroom + 3 bathroom (en - suite) home all on the same walled and gated private vacation rental property.
As of April 8th, TITANFALL has been available to players of the Xbox 360, bringing them the same wall - running, double - jumping, Titan - falling experience of the PC and Xbox One.
I died shortly after, of course, but upon returning to the same wall after respawning, it was solid, and there was no way of retrieving my lost experience.
Although there are heists in 17 different locations, every level has roughly the same layout and the same walls, cabinets, tables, and shelves.
The most frustrating time was at a point where you were supposed to do a wall jump back and forth with giant thorns in - between each jump, but I would get caught on the same wall frequently (when there was no reason I should have stopped my jump) that caused me to die several times in a row.
Taken as a whole, the works in «Notes» — nearly all of which are the same size and occupy the same wall position — vibrate with the vitality and familiarity of billboards passed rapidly on a suburban interstate.»
LeWitt's art can look lush or dry, sometimes in different incarnations of the same wall drawing.
Rather, he toys with language as image or plastic form, much as his wire pieces might begin with a pencil trace on the wall before adding the irregular length of metal — and its shadow, cast on that same wall.
This work made good visual sense on the same wall that segued into the Alex Katz gallery, with its enormous February 5:30 P.M. (1972) in which the three central female figures wear fuzzy red and pink sweaters.
When looking at these two photographs in Still Life with Fish, I was compelled to open up a conversation with visitors about why the exhibition's curators might have chosen to place these works on the same wall.
The Slavs and Tatars» «Larry nixed, Trachea trixed» (2015) draws attention to this by its very presence, nearby and on the same wall, where toothy, seductive red lips screen - printed on steel articulate the Latin letters imposed on the Arabic speakers of Central Asia by the Bolsheviks.
But the volume and repetition of the pictures — sometime he shot the same wall multiple times, cropping it slightly differently — suggest that Matta - Clark was fixated, perhaps even trying to decode hidden messages.
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