Sentences with phrase «same week»

My product ended up shipping same week as purchased.
It was her great aunt's recipe and it was SO GOOD that I ended up making a batch of it another time that very same week!
Just keep watching as one of ours was similar, the bank wouldn't accept less, then days later (in same week) dropped the price on their own, and we were the first in so we got it.
Readers will also receive an email with the BOTM information during same week and BOTM is also posted on all Caleb and Linda Pirtle social media channels.
I don't know what October 3rd gets them, competition wise, but I think they (and all indies) should push for same week releases.
Travel Guard denied the claim stating I did not have a doctor letter the day of missed flight leg even though I had 2 doctor letters from same week showing altitude sickness and needing oxygen and prescription meds.
Along with sales that same week by Phillips de Pury & Company and Sotheby's, nearly $ 900 million worth of art traded hands during the third week of May in evening sales alone.
I was so bummed that I had to pass up on the opportunity to attend NYFW as I had to shoot a commercial and a print ad that same week here in Los Angeles.
Our visit to the zoo was a perfect way to kick off two weeks of Monkey time, and I think Monkey would say the same
«I don't see the market suddenly booming,» he told another, the very same week markets launched into the most astonishing mid-recession rally in a century.
My child isbtwo monthsvand has a runny tummy since last week I don't know what else to do I took him to the doctor and clinic but still the same
Totally unrelated from gamescom, this is thanks to the final phase of The International 5 taking place the exact same week as gamescom.
We can develop an SEM campaign and be live in a few hours (and for many clients, profitable same week).
Medication referrals, if needed, fast tracked same week
We are enjoying Rubgy World Cup down here at the moment in New Zealand, but I'm tearing myself away from the matches in anticipation of the God of War Collection 2 which we occidentals got 2 weeks late and Ico / Shadow which we are getting on time same week as GoWC2.
(An oddly - timed rule change that same week by the New York Times Best Seller List kept it from appearing on the NYT List.)
We were given the most glaring example of this the very same week as #missingDCgirls went viral.
In 2002, and the exact same week as our previous entry, Kingdom Hearts was released in North America for PS2.
In the same week, Circle, a Goldman Sachs - backed financial tech startup, shocked the public by buying a cryptocurrency exchange, news first reported by yours truly.
The same week, he told Rita Cosby of WABC radio that Trump needed to tone down his rhetoric, and suggested that Trump wasn't too self - aware.
Her decision to leave the church comes the same week the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an injunction barring the Obama administration from implementing a policy of deferring deportation actions against more than 4 million undocumented immigrants.
Sodexo has been shortlisted with two other companies to manage all of Rio Tinto's camps and other facilities in the Pilbara, in the same week it has been awarded a contract to run Shell's Prelude Floating LNG facility.
«When the Fed stopped expanding its balance sheet in the third week of April 2010,» he observes, «it just happened to be the same week the stock market peaked out.
Who knew that it would be Donald Trump to come out and convert the GOP base to supporting amnesty the same week Ann Coulter's book comes out.
The ban in Sri Lanka came the same week that Germany's new coalition government says it may revise a recently - enacted law to punish internet firms that don't remove hate speech quickly enough.
Just $ 12 billion in high yield bonds were issued last week, down from $ 34 billion during the same week a year ago, according to S&P Leverage Commentary and Data.
In the same week, one can show Clinton up 11 points while another can show a 1 - point lead for Trump.
In the same week as the non-compete expired, a health - care software project XJ had been working on for another company was cancelled, freeing up its architects — and their idea.
The same week it filed to go public, a company called OpenText, filed a suit against Box, seeking $ 270 million in damages and an injunction against its products.
The average rate on the popular 30 - year fixed averaged 4.58 percent for the week ended April 26, up from 4.47 percent the previous week and 4.03 percent the same week one year ago.
That same week, however, Ottawa also announced its latest solution to Canada's lack of a national securities regulator: the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System.
Banyan handled the video's shooting, editing, and production, which took a few days, and posted it on YouTube the same week the Windows 7 phone, the HTC Surround, debuted.
«I fly two or three days a week but I can't be on the East Coast, West Coast, Florida and Canada in the same week,» Shockley says.
As you can see, the Tweets were posted at the same time in the same week, two days apart.
He had initiated discussions with investors in the same week he did back - t0 - back keynote speeches at two big tech conferences, in two different cities, one of them sponsored by his own company.
It's perhaps fitting that Janet Reno lost her long battle with Parkinson's disease the same week as the U.S. Election, given her association with the U.S. political system.
Then, by chance, all three visited the same partner at Aberdare, a venture firm in San Francisco, in the same week.
News of the one - year partnership comes in the same week that Grab announced raising $ 750 million in a funding round that gives it more ammunition to take on Uber in southeast Asia.
In the week after the ad aired, the company had more than $ 2 million in sales — more than all its competitors together sold in the same week.
That same week, Senator Deb Fischer (Republican of Nebraska) introduced her paid family leave act, called the Strong Families Act.
Later that same week, I took my partner's mom out to a $ 30 lunch.
Research shows that in the United Kingdom, 19 percent of travelers book their flight and lodgings the same day as travel, and that 59 percent are booking the same week as travel.
Volume was 5 percent higher than the same week a year ago.
The $ 20 - million deal was first proposed on Sept. 14, 2008, the same week Lehman Bros. collapsed.
We can make everything here and have it shipped it to our 70 stores across the country the same week.
Today, however, workforces are increasingly distributed: employees work in a range of locations from the office, to home, to off - site locations, while some juggle multiple locations in the same week.

Phrases with «same week»

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