Sentences with phrase «same writers conference»

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Novelists can study the speaker line - up for writer and genre conferences, while nonfiction authors can do the same for industry or topic - related events.
Earlier today I had the pleasure of presenting a session at the 2011 Writer's Digest Conference on «Marketing Yourself in the Digital Age» to an enthusiastic room of about 75 or so authors — I was on at the same time as the super-smart Jane Friedman; so unfair!
We'd just been to the same Asia - wide writer's conference in Bali.
Conferences are one of the best ways to find other writers who are on your same wavelength.
Your friend Porter Anderson covers many of those same events, and recently concluded in a Writing on the Ether piece that a new breed of conference is needed, one that better unites the creative (writers) and business (publishers) halves of the industry.
But a couple months before publication, I was at Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Conference in Denver, and a good writer friend of mine, Heather Webb, commented, «Isn't the knave the same card as the jack?
Why would a legitamet Literary Agent support the same (knowing full well they would never do this under any other circumstances, no money to the agent) Certainly Writers / Illustrator Conferences hold Contests (usually with an entry fee of some sort) but while a top prize may be monetary and / or a meeting with an Editor from a reputable publishing house, there is never a gaurantee of publication.
It's unlikely that you'll interest a literary agent at a conference such as this — there are many excellent writers in competition for the attention of the same few agents.
My friend was new to the publishing world, but over time she returned from other Christian writer conferences with the same observation: «Most of the writers seem engaged in competition with one another.
In my professional speaking gigs at writers conferences and to indie publishing associations, I see so many other would - be authors and indie publishers making those same mistakes and more.
Writing conferences are one of the only reasons readers, writers, publishers, and agents all meet in the same building.
It's designed both for writers and for small publishers, very cool, and will feature Writer Unboxed icon Jane Friedman and Hugh Howey, both doing keynotes (not on the same podium at the same moment, I should assure you, although the scenario offers tantalizingly fun images, lol), and there even are to be some ravings from yours truly in various panel sessions and things — these are brave conference organizers.
Erin Gruwell from the USA, renowned for her book «Freedom Writers» and the film of the same name, attended the conference and discussed her methodology.
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