Sentences with phrase «sample against a database»

Such services typically rely on your smartphone's microphone to record a sample of music and then compare that sample against a database of songs.

Not exact matches

Using a sample size of 11,860 adults in the United States (5,922 men and 5,938 women) obtained from the National Violence Against Women Survey's database, the researchers sought to challenge a sociological theory that explains that men are more likely to respond to sexual assault with anger and by engaging in criminal activity, while women are more likely to respond with depression and sadness.
This can include identifying microscopic amounts of blood, saliva or semen on evidence; carrying out a DNA analysis on any samples found and comparing the resulting profile against the UK's DNA Database; or using microscopy to see if two fibres have similar characteristics.
They argued that the stigma attaching to having one's DNA on the «criminal database» interfered with their day to day living: knowing that their most intimate information was held by the government in order that it could be run against crime scene samples or used for other unspecified research purposes.
Devices using biometric identifiers attempt to automate this (FR) process by comparing the information scanned in real time against an «authentic» sample stored digitally in a database.
It samples small bits of audio, creating a digital «fingerprint» of it, and comparing it against a a database on their server to identify the show or movie.
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