Sentences with phrase «sandwich boards»

Dress four mannequins in neutral tights and leotards and have them wear sandwich boards that spell out S - A-L-E in oversized letters.
There are now three sandwich boards placed in the school grounds and messages are written on them.
From sandwich boards to billboards, desperate job seekers are taking extreme measures to market themselves to prospective employers.
Bumper stickers, sandwich boards, pamphlets and handmade window signs expressing views on potential political issues in British Columbia do not require their creators or holders to register with British Columbia's chief electoral officer under that province's Election Act, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled today; however, «sponsors» of election advertising are required to register, no matter how little they may have spent on the advertising.
Like the guys with the Sandwich boards forecasting doom, you always claim it «will happen «Just as a side line, ones question that does seem very hard to get an answer to is what would it take to disprove AGW, given all that has happened.
Dozens of people wandered around WeHo wearing suits and sandwich boards last weekend.
Artists will be standing in the street wearing sandwich boards thanks the curatorial genius of Jack Fabricius.
Finally, if you hurry you can catch «Sandwiched» at Fulton Mall where, until Wednesday, you'll see artists standing on the corner wearing full - body sandwich boards.
Structurally, they are not unlike sandwich boards but paradoxically they also cover the face, thereby abstracting and obscuring the wearer's body; when inhabited they reflect the viewer in place of the body of the performer.
On Friday afternoons, as part of Everything # 3 (2003), performers will picket the museum wearing sandwich boards reading «EVERYTHING WILL BE TAKEN AWAY,» riffing on both traditional protest actions and street advertisements.
Old - fashioned, whitewashed fishermen's shacks and the colorful markets that they once supplied have been swept away in favor of the towering spires of convoluted hotels all proudly boasting «we speak the English» on sandwich boards outside their doorways.
I actually first heard about that shop through one of my Phoenix blogger pals, who had posted a photo of one of the shop's marquee sandwich boards, which had the cheekiest message - «I know guac is extra, but so am I.» That sparked my curiosity to check it out.
He shot me a cockeyed look when I noticed he went beyond the point of electioneering setting up Peter Koo's sandwich boards with big bold red lettering on the side that read «Property of Mike Ricatta.»
Dennis was setting up sandwich boards for now Council Member Peter Koo (R - 20).
I stopped at a red light and noticed some kind of protest happening on the street corner — a group of people wearing sandwich boards with huge lettering.
Whether it's something as basic as signage on your storefront, word - of - mouth, sandwich boards, television ads, direct mail or email, marketing is a critical part of your relationship with your customers.
But some writers are turning their blogs into little more than high - tech sandwich boards.
While Gori took advantage of a cutting - edge funding platform and all the social - media tools at his disposal, he also used one of the world's oldest marketing techniques: He put on a sandwich board and walked in a parade and at a school festival, passing out fliers.
Another form is Sandwich Board Evangelism.
In college, I encountered another form of street preaching: the sandwich board preacher.
Anyway, the approach these students used was a little more tasteful than that of Bullhorn Evangelist Red or the college campus Sandwich Board preacher.
A year after my encounter with Sandwich Board Evangelism, I found myself at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.
And when employees at Big Star Sandwich, a local eatery, heard about it, they did the only reasonable thing: They offered Neeson a free sandwich by writing the offer on the restaurant's sidewalk sandwich board sign.
Yeah, okay, you got a sandwich board, but what he didn't tell you is that underneath the board and the robe is a «I heart Dan» tattoo!
Jonah is portrayed as the moral equivalent of a cliché, the misanthrope in a sandwich board that says «The End Is Near.»
Lisa, Who needs a sandwich board when you've got Saran Wrap!
I took the sandwich board off my shoulders and recycled the pamphlets I was handing out.
Waiting for a colleague outside the St Stephen's entrance to Parliament recently, there was a man wearing a sandwich board asking MPs to sponsor him for the London to Southend bike ride.
Yet when it came to raising awareness from parliamentarians, he opted for the sandwich board technique.
He argued: «Christians are called to proclaim the Good News, and whether that vocation be in a pulpit, upon a television screen, or walking up and down Oxford Street with a sandwich board, it ought to be tolerated in a free society.»
She didn't reply to me when I wanted to meet her — I forwarded her statistics that 53 % of gay kids will self - harm, but she didn't reply, and she only finally replied when I threatened to stand outside the Department for Education with a sandwich board
In a now famous study, Lee Ross and colleagues at Stanford University asked students if they would walk around campus wearing a sandwich board that read «Eat at Joe's.»
«For about 3 years AMEG (Arctic Methane Emergency Group), to which I belong, has been doing the sandwich board, sky - is - falling routine about the enormous risk of large methane releases from the greatly warming Arctic.
Having your own chalkboard sandwich board to decorate for different holidays and events is so fun!
I felt like I was wearing a rayon sandwich board.
Let's go back to the sandwich board analogy, just for a moment.
Admit it: you can't help but admire a sandwich board.
Original Screen Test: (4:06) The sandwich board scene was used to test the guys» timing and chemistry.
Of course, these guys are as naive as they come and stand around with a sandwich board announcing they will «Wirk for $ 830,000 bucks plus meels».
The sandwich board reads «I Hate N ***** s».
Early on in the third Die Hard movie, John McClane is forced by Simon Gruber to walk through Harlem, wearing nothing but a sandwich board.
When filming that scene, the director got Bruce Willis to wear a blank sandwich board and act out the scene, where he is saved by Zeus.
Could you imagine if a cheeky shot was leaked out of Bruce Willis wearing a racist sandwich board, in the nude, before the film was released and therefore out of context?
It wasn't just Ronan's game - for - a-laugh wearing of a sandwich board bearing the phonetic pronunciation of her name that did it.
A sidewalk - mounted sandwich board touting the gift shop and a modest sign out front are the only exterior clues.
I hate feeling as though I have to wear a sandwich board telling the entire world everything they might want to know about me.
Getting noticed amidst the huge volumes of authors and ebook titles might seem as though you're walking around the streets of Shanghai wearing a sandwich board, marching by an oblivious crowd.
Whether or not the sandwich board makes it easier to find Fifth Dimension or not, it's well worth the search.
I noticed their sandwich board design was looking pretty flaccid and decorated with outdated trivia.
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