Sentences with phrase «sanity meter»

The phrase "sanity meter" refers to a measure or gauge used in video games or other media to track a character's mental stability. It shows how close the character is to losing their sanity or becoming mentally unstable. Full definition
But while chase after Senpai (the crush), you have to keep an eye on your reputation and sanity meter.
AMY may not have a sanity meter, but the more infected you are, the darker the situation seems to be.
You have a sanity meter that gauges many things including your ending.
There is no sanity meter anymore, either, one of my favorite elements of The Dark Descent.
I miss things like a limited use lantern and a sanity meter.
A sanity meter is not needed when the in - game scene is so deviously well - designed that the player himself starts going insane (like I did in the Theta part II level).
Torches must be lit and Daniel must remain in light lest his sanity meter plummet, causing you to collapse to the cold stone floor, sucking your thumb in a puddle of your own lukewarm urine.
Naturally, it takes them to the brink of madness as you have both a health meter and a sanity meter to deal with.
However, there's no real consequence to abusing his powers, as all that you get for depleting the sanity meter is a blurry screen for a second before the meter partially fills itself back up, making this a mechanic you can exploit over and over.
Ian's powers are tied to a sanity meter which depletes everytime you use them.
They have stripped back a few gameplay elements (including the inventory, sanity meter, and large, open areas) but the resources have been very obviously reallocated into the setting.
Other elements of note are the use of a sanity meter a la Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Gone is the sanity meter, as is the inventory system (including the tinderbox and oil, so that the player is never in danger of being plunged into darkness involuntarily).
In Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a sanity meter dissuades the player from looking at the monsters whenever they are close to stalking Daniel.
Frictional have gotten around this with a very simple mechanic: the Sanity meter.
In Amnesia, the sanity meter is a reflection of the protagonist's fear of the dark.
The narrative and locations are creepy and unsettling, but the best part is the sanity meter which drops when you encounter enemies, causing visual disturbances and even tricking you into believing your TV has broken.
Well, the feature that makes Eternal Darkness unique, is the fact that depending on the level of your sanity meter, the game's camera angle becomes skewed and the player starts to hear whispers and other unsettling noises.
Or possibly the return of the sanity meter that Nintendo trademarked, never to be used again....
The other, even more exciting feature, is the Sanity Meter that sits just beside the health meter in the game.
Eternal Darkness» sanity meter is the go - to example, but Batman Arkham Asylum also did this tremendously well with the Scarecrow freakouts.
You see, you have a sanity meter and every time you get hit or use a special move, it drains some of that sanity.
Naturally, the command has a cost, deducting from a character's sanity meter.
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