Sentences with phrase «sans kids»

We got to do one dinner out sans kids so I went with this Free People dress.
Even when I manage to find the time to do my food shopping sans kids, I still find it to be the most stressful two hours of my week.
Stephen and I took a trip to San Francisco sans kids for our anniversary where we were able to enjoy a High Tea and nighttime drinks at a Speakeasy.
I just need to find a night sans kids so my hubby and I can go out!
Sports even become social gatherings for dads, while moms have to put in a lot of effort just to get out of the house sans kids.
They are perfect for a big event, like a wedding, prom, military ball — or you know a trip to Target sans kids They feel lightweight, and provide tons of flirty volume and length.
Getting out and having some alone time sans the kids is so important for ALL relationships.
(If you aren't lucky enough to visit sans kids, the cars have complimentary booster seats available for the littles in your life.)
We would have loved to have spent more time in Santa Clara, and plan on doing so one day sans kids!
We need down time to relax in the evening sans kids and this is truly decreasing our quality of life.
We would've had our babysitter booked and would be all set for a night on the town sans kid!
Every year my husband and I go on a two to three night trip for our anniversary sans kids (this year it is Vegas).
I'm totally going back to Orlando sans kids one day, it's a fun place to visit!
It was the only time we could go out to celebrate sans kids before the day and let me tell ya... the Melting Pot is SO much cheaper prior to Valentine's Day!
You know, when I go to the beach sans kids.
While introducing a fresh line of school board candidates and a road map to make South San Antonio Independent School District more accessible, accountable, and transparent, Councilman Rey Saldaña (D4) called this the «most critical year» in the district's history at South San Kids First's third town hall meeting.
Especially for couples who have been together for a long time, or perhaps have not taken a vacation sans kids in years, it's a great idea to plan at least one fun activity you both will like.
Rediscover each other as a couple, sans kids Forget empty nest syndrome — a 2008 study found that marital satisfaction actually improves once children leave home.
I'm gearing up to spend the holiday sans kids for the first time in 10 years.
We are so happy to be spending time away sans kids!
Going grocery shopping sans kids is like a mini vaca!
My own personal items have become so sparse that I suddenly realized, when leaving the house sans kids, I could fit everything I needed into a clutch.
It's a rare treat to make it to Target sans kids.
I just need to find a night sans kids so my hubby and I can go out!
It's been at least a year, if not more, since we have gone out sans kids for more than the hour and a half that they are at Awana.
Last week, my hubby and I were lucky enough to enjoy a long weekend get - away to Vail, sans kids.
Sans kids.
But I was at Earthfare, leisurely shopping one night past bedtime — sans the kids and sipping on a cup of coffee — when I decided to ask the guy behind the fish counter about it.
Book a private tasting (sans kids) or purchase a bottle and bring the family to enjoy a picnic on the grounds high above Silicon Valley.
Not only have they been there for me from the beginning — from partying to parenthood and every moment in between — but they constantly remind me of who I was and who I still am, sans kid and sans parenting responsibilities.
That evening I found myself in a Lutheran Church (funny story), sans kids, with about 100 other folks from all walks of life (another pleasant surprise), my pal Sarah and Captain Sig.
Unfortunately, Sinisa was out of town so I had to bring the boys with on my little getaway but I left feeling relaxed so I can only imagine how much more tranquil it would have been sans kids.
HERE «s one all about her own trip, sans kids, to a food blogging conference a few hours drive away:
A few weeks ago, Chris and I drove to Nashville (sans kids!)
I've been on a flight to AUS that was that intense, sans kids, so I commend you both!
And that says a lot for booties with heels, I'm typically a flats only gal unless it's a date night or I'm sans kids.
Even when I wore this out at night (sans kids), it got stepped on, dragged on the ground when I sat, and was a nightmare in the bathroom.
We're supposed to be headed out on a sans kid weekend for my friend's 30th birthday, but it looks like snow may trap us here!
My husband was kind enough to get me a weekend away (sans kids and husband) for a recent birthday, to Mammoth Mountain.
When the writers on The Simpsons needed a generic - sounding movie for Marge and Homer to see, sans kids, they came up with «The Stockholm Affair,» a spy thriller plotted enough to make Marge feel smart, but with enough action to entertain Homer.
Weekend getaways (sans kids) and / or marriage enrichment retreats may also help you and your spouse reconnect.
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