Sentences with phrase «sanskrit word»

In sanskrit the word for health is «Swasthya» which has a profound meaning.
Parvatasana: from sanskrit word «Parvata» = mountain (our body create the shape of a mountain, an inverter V) Don't confused both postures and don't use unofficial sources such us Wikipedia
It is made of two root sanskrit words — «Swa» or the Self and «Stha» meaning centered.
According to Hinduism, there is One God («Advaita» is the sanskrit word used, which means «That which can not be two», in order to emphasize the point that God is like an infinite ocean which can not be divided).
According to Hinduism, there is One God (Advaita is the sanskrit word which means That which can not be two, in order to emphasize the point that God is like an infinite ocean which can not be divided).
yoga is a sanskrit word
2) Bhakti comes from the sanskrit word meaning to love or to share and it represents a movement of devotion through social action or volunteering.
The following are a few asanas (the sanskrit word for posture) that you can easily do in a chair at home.
«Sun» practices develop and expand your «prana» (the sanskrit word for life force energy and vital intelligence).
The name comes from the sanskrit words Shava meaning «corpse» and Asana meaning «posture».
The word Chakra comes for the sanskrit word for wheel and refers to the energy in the body (prana) which, in yoga, travel through channels or «nadis».
Sangha is a sanskrit word that means «community.»
(2) In 1992, he discovered the first endogenous endo - cannabinoid, Anandamide, a sanskrit word translated as «bliss».
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