Sentences with phrase «satisfy water requirements»

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According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, after the basic requirements of survival — air, water and food — and physical safety are satisfied, the next most important need is to feel a sense of belonging.
Underneath sinks or near leaking water pipes are common areas because the moisture satisfies rats» requirement of at least an ounce of water daily to survive.
But that legal requirement can be satisfied with a single, aging water fountain that spouts unpalatable water - hardly a real... [Continue reading]
«The bacteria exist preferentially at the oxy / anoxy transition zones,» Marcano points out, «and the internal compass might help them to find the best level in the stratified water column for satisfying their nutritional requirements
Third, educators began giving credit toward graduation for such courses as Consumer Math, Refresher Math, and Shop Math, watered - down material that had not previously satisfied a graduation requirement.
They could not basically satisfy their regulatory requirements if they filed a bankruptcy but they had about $ 30,000 of credit card debt and every month so much of their take home income, because we're earning around $ 3,000 a month, so much of that was going to the interest payments and when they looked at the statement and saw well, it's still going to take 50 years or 70 years depending on the card to get out of debt, they just realized we're just treading water at this point.
Any dog that has satisfactorily completed both a land and water series in a field trial licensed by The American Kennel Club, or has received a placement or judge's award of merit in a field trial sanctioned by The American Kennel Club, has successfully completed an AKC Junior Hunter Title, or has achieved at least one (1) leg on a Senior or Master Hunter Title shall be deemed to have satisfied the working certificate requirements.
Current law and SB 113 deny veterinary care and even an annual veterinary exam to the dogs and would allow frozen water to satisfy requirements for water.
It is a simple case of natural cycles not being able to provide the current water requirements given the population growth, and the high demands for crop irrigation to satisfy the countries produce.
The orbit for SWOT would have to be changed to a higher inclination and longer repeat period in order to satisfy the sampling requirements for the terrestrial water (lakes and rivers) applications.
The online driver improvement course provided by Driving University is taken everyday by drivers to satisfy the Water View Virginia court driver improvement requirement.
The Virginia DMV approved driver improvement course provided by Driving University is accepted at the Water View courts to satisfy a driver improvement referral requirement.
Ability to recognize damage and the necessary requirements needed to perform the necessary actions in a water damaged unit that will result in a satisfied customer
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