Sentences with phrase «save more dollars»

So I might just haul it myself if on sale to save more dollars.
I wish I had saved more dollars in after tax accounts as I could now use them to dilute income and better manage tax and Medicare costs.

Not exact matches

Consider our A / C example again: «The energy savings you get by cooling your home with a CryoQuad Quiet - Cool can pay back the cost of the unit by the end of the summer if you get it now... and save you hundreds of dollars more in energy costs over the lifetime of the unit.»
Building on their firsthand experiences, Hammer and Champy show how some of the world's premier corporations use the principles of reengineering to save hundreds of millions of dollars a year, to achieve unprecedented levels of customer satisfaction, and to speed up and make more flexible all aspects of their operations.
«Most business owners don't realize they could be saving thousands of dollars per month if they only used the right systems, programs and expense optimization tactics,» explains Gerber, who along with Paugh recently co-founded SimpleBusiness, an absolute must - have membership for every small business owner, startup founder and freelancer that saves time, headaches and money on everyday business - related expenses and name - brand services (more on that below).
That's a very important distinction from other phones because it's about more than just saving buyers a few dollars.
In a sport where every fraction of a second saved can mean millions of dollars earned, we meet the people in the pits who feel this pressure more than anyone else.
More iterations can be explored, shared, and developed while saving millions of dollars, increasing product quality, and speeding new products to market.
«Since... 2011 we have created more than 512,000 private - sector jobs, implemented pro-business tax reform and saved millions of taxpayer dollars by maintaining Georgia's AAA bond rating.»
No matter how the federal health care debate turns out, developing more reliable health care guides for consumers has the potential improve care quality, saving lives and eliminating billions of dollars in needless costs.
Plus, every dollar saved moved us closer to our goal: more flexibility and time together.
«On rooftops from Arizona to New York, solar is saving Americans tens of millions of dollars a year on their energy bills, and employs more Americans than coal — in jobs that pay better than average.»
By outsourcing the customer experience department to call centers in Florida and Missouri, the co-founders knew they could reduce that part of the payroll by more than 50 percent, saving millions of dollars a year.
If you direct any extra money to your highest interest rate loan first, you may save hundreds of dollars or more in extra interest payments and you may be able to get out of debt faster.
And by lowering your interest rate, you can put more of your hard - earned cash towards the principal balance while saving thousands of dollars in interest charges over time.
It might just save you $ 500,000 dollars (or more).
Home affordability is close to a multi-decade high, the stock market has more than tripled since its lows and millions of households have been able to refinance their mortgage loans, which in the process has saved thousands of dollars a year.
«We'll take action to make it easier for families to save more of their hard - earned dollars
As you can see, a tax credit will always save you more money than a dollar - equivalent tax deduction.
BillShark frequently saves consumers 25 % or more, adding up to hundreds of dollars in savings per year.
Additional stabilization from unemployment insurance, although smaller in total magnitude than that from the tax system, is estimated to be eight times as effective per dollar of lost revenue because more of the money is spent rather than saved.
As difficult as it can be to save up a 20 % down payment, the hundreds of dollars in PMI that it will save you could make the difference between being able to afford a slightly more expensive home and having to settle for less.
However, if your company is just starting out and won't be processing more than a couple thousand dollars per month, you should go with processors like Square or Stripe to save the most money.
The danger, as is becoming more visible every day, is that the attempt to save these beasts — and the money they represent — is sending the dollar into a hyperinflationary frenzy.
A VA buyer will save more than two thousand dollars per year on a loan size of $ 250,000 versus an FHA buyer.
That's because for every additional dollar we save we reduce the time to FI in two ways: 1) we grow the portfolio faster when we save more and 2) we reduce the savings target in retirement by consuming less.
In your monthly magazine, we'll tell you about the best places in the world to retire, where you can still find bargain properties, the countries with the lowest cost of living, where you can save thousands of dollars on health care, where to invest your money to secure yourself from the falling dollar, the best destinations for property investment, real - life expat stories, and more.
The move would help the iPhone - maker not only save many billions of dollars in the long term but also be more transparent about how the metal is sourced, as there have been concerns about illegal mining operations and the use of child labor.
I would argue that there is no moral principle that say I should have to be taxed more (of my hard earned and well saved / spent dollars) to support idiots who think they can spend spend spend and let good ole» uncle sam and the other hard working tax payers bail them out!
It is expected to save Huon Aquaculture more than one million dollars in the first year of operation.
In the meantime, you can know thousands of dollars can be saved in preventing food waste which will more than make up for the present cost.
I threw in some pre-cooked breakfast sausage, but if you want to save a few more dollars or are serving vegetarians, you could leave it out.
If the expiration date is far out enough, I'll get that and save 2 dollars more.
The Mets, who are not good and already know their 2018 financial commitments will fall nearly $ 100 million from this year's salary, chose a few million dollars more saved now rather than adding prospects they liked to the organization.
In fact, according to Sandra Gordon, author of «Save Dollars on Diapers... more
For example, they explained that eliminating lead in food would not only lead to children having more healthy lives, but would also save society billions of dollars every year in earnings and medical expenses that result from the effects of lead poisoning.
Buying cloths can be a costly investment in the beginning, (You will eventually save thousands of dollars compared to «sposies especially if you have more than one baby) but now with Diaper Swappers; Cloth Diaper Exchange Forum; you can mitigate the initial expense.
Now if more of those Moms were educated, supported, accommodated on the job and encouraged to breastfeed until 12 months of age, our government would save lots of subsidy dollars.
On the other hand, there are those of us who are more into saving and would prefer getting something that is cheaper for a chance to save a dollar or two.
Yahoo! lists more than 2,000 members of diaper - free baby support groups in the U.S. Edinger says parents can save hundreds of dollars a year by cutting down on diaper use.
Breastfeeding is also much more cost - efficient and can save you hundreds of dollars down the road.
You can even get all of your supplies at the dollar store to save even more money.
Go buy one walmart has them for 40 dollars and some police stations will give them to you for free if you can't afford the 40 buck, Baby is way more important then trying to save a little money.
If you would like to learn how to use cloth diapers and to stretch your dollar even further, read our article for ideas on how to save more money with cloth diapers.
They also allow you to save a few more dollars.
If the gift is more usable (and less embarrassing) than baby heels or a bum fan, you can re-gift them to another mama at her baby shower to save a few dollars that you'll likely need for your own babies.
This new coverage has gone into effect with many health plans on or after August 1, 2012, so if you're a newly expecting parent and want to learn more, read on to see how this can potentially save you hundreds of dollars.
Save a dollar or two so you can put more away in the kids» college fund or your retirement account!
Every dollar we invest in high - quality early education can save more than seven dollars later on — boosting graduation rates, reducing teen pregnancy, reducing violent crime.
«While Security spending was somewhat more than his predecessor, Scott Pruitt has received death threats because of his bold actions at EPA,» Trump tweeted this weekend, adding: «Record clean Air & Water while saving USA Billions of Dollars
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