Sentences with phrase «save nuclear annihilation»

Not exact matches

For three decades the Metal Gear franchise has been more - or-less a «tactical espionage action» game — in the narrative a «deep state» government is creating walking bipedal tanks armed with nuclear weapons, and a soldier from a core group of familiar characters must sneak and infiltrate the enemy base in order to save the world from annihilation.
To save the world from possible nuclear annihilation after WWII, nations and their national academies of sciences united under the UN on 24 OCT 1945 and replaced Einstein's and Aston's valid definition of mass (m) as energy (E) with Weizsacker's (1935) and Bethe & Bacher's (1936) flawed definition of «nuclear binding energy.»
AGW (alias environmentalism) is well - packaged propaganda designed to redistribute wealth in the current fascist, one - world society that nobody intended when this path was chosen in 1945 to «save the world» (and world leaders) from the fate Hiroshima suffered on 6 Aug 1945 — nuclear annihilation.
Climate skeptics focused on scientific illiterates like Al Gore and a recent graduate named Michael Mann, allowing real leaders of the climate movement, like NAS President — Climatologist Ralph Cicerone — to continue directing federal research funds to support an unannounced 1945 social geo - engineering experiment to save themselves and the world from possible nuclear annihilation.
Society lives inside a worldwide Matrix of Deceit, built in 1945 to save the world from possible nuclear annihilation [1].
They are NOT EVIL: They assumed a few little white lies were justified to save the world from nuclear annihilation In 1945.
Their goals were noble — to save the world from nuclear annihilation — but they chose the wrong means to achieve those goals — deceit.
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