Sentences with phrase «saves you money in the long run because»

Tip # 2: Convertible car seats save money in the long run because they last you through toddlerhood.
You could argue that even with this extra expense, you would save money in the long run because you are not buying a separate bed when a child outgrows a crib.
Buying higher - quality sandals even saves you money in the long run because they last much longer than a pair of cheap flats or flip flops you have to replace every summer.
In addition, he said, the system would save money in the long run because each state would no longer have to develop its own tests.
But paying off high interest debt first will save you money in the long run because you end up paying less in interest altogether.
And, when you really think about, having your pet spayed or neutered will also help you save money in the long run because of all of the health conditions it can prevent.
A really good quality water bottle made from stainless steel or glass might be a bit pricey, but I save money in the long run because bottled water actually costs more per gallon than gasoline!
Investing in a divorce lawyer can save you money in the long run because they will ensure that you end up with what you deserve.
If you opt to pay annually, you can expect to save money in the long run because it eliminates processing and administrative work for the carrier.
Even if the implant costs more than other methods up - front, it ends up saving you money in the long run because it lasts for 4 years.
Even if tubal ligation costs more than other methods up front, it usually ends up saving you money in the long run because it lasts forever.
I didn't pay a cent and the agent told us that even though he lowered his rate, he saved money in the long run because we came to him and he didn't have to spend so much on marketing.

Not exact matches

Try and see what fits your business, he says, because even small security improvements could save you time and money in the long run.
I love shopping at Sam's Club because buying in bulk saves us so much money in the long run!
I am a huge fan of purchasing any kind of food in bulk because it will save you money in the long run.
I think the biggest reason, though, that I love one - size diapers is because they save you even more money in the long run than diapering with duplicate stashes in 3 - 5 different sizes.
Most of us have supportive husbands who only «agree» to go the cloth diaper route because it will save them money in the long run.
Cuomo argues that in the long run, the new lights will save the state money because they are more energy - efficient than traditional lights.
It might help you but why go and spend all this money if it's not done in the right order because you're gonna save so much more money in the long run if you do things in the right order by working with a practitioner.
Dr. Hyman insists these are the only products worth purchasing because in the long run, they will save you money, and could save you years on your life as well.
In the long run, it saves me money because all then pieces I get last and rarely run out of style.
I believe that with some of these mentioned products, you'll save more money in the long run because you're purchasing higher quality items that won't wear and tear as easily!
As well you should, because a good consultant, publishing coach, or production professional can save you time and money in the long run.
Mathematically, it's almost always going to make more sense to pay down your high - interest debt first because it will save you money in the long run.
Many people choose to eschew high interest rate cards with widely - publicized perks because they neither need nor use these benefits, and prefer to save money in the long run the guaranteed way — by paying less in interest with each payment.
Many advisors hate to do that because they don't want to disappoint you in the short run, even though you can save ten or twenty times as much money in the long run.
2:05 «You want to make sure that you have some diversification in how you invest and where you pull money out because that's going to give you the control over what your tax situation is throughout retirement; it's going to save you a lot more money in the long run»
Here's a third option: If you can afford the higher payments on a 15 - year fixed rate mortgage and plan to stay in the home a long time, you will save the most money in the long run because the total interest payments are much lower.
Second, if a person is not concerned with low monthly rates, but wants to shorten the length of time he will spend paying off the loan, there are plans that increase monthly payments and allow a person to actually save a considerable amount of money in the long run, because the shorter loan term will decrease the amount of interest that will be paid.
It makes sense to transfer the balance from a card with a high interest rate to a low interest rate credit card because you can save money on that in the long run.
If you are already familiar with streaming, keep reading, because these discounts save you money (up to 50 % off) in the long run.
Because this litter box only scoops clumped waste you never end up throwing away clean litter — that saves you money in the long run.
If a customer likes the odor - control properties of a product, but feels it is too expensive, their objections might be overcome by explaining that because the product lasts longer in the cage, it can be changed less often, and therefore purchased less often, which saves money in the long run.
Having their own post that they can scratch on to their heart's content is going to save you a lot of money in the long run, because you won't have to replace furniture that they have destroyed with their claws.
In some cases, it may make more sense to buy a «more expensive» plan — i.e., a plan with a higher monthly premium — because it will save you money on out - of - pocket costs in the long ruIn some cases, it may make more sense to buy a «more expensive» plan — i.e., a plan with a higher monthly premium — because it will save you money on out - of - pocket costs in the long ruin the long run.
Even though you can save money in the long run (because your premiums will be set at a lower cost when you're younger and healthier), if you don't have beneficiaries, debt, or a lot of expenses, you might decide to wait until you're older to apply for term life insurance.
Don't give up because it will save you money in the long run, and you will feel better about it as well.
It's a great idea to look at what each insurance company is going to offer you because you could end up saving money in the long run and saving money is what it is all about.
This kind of policy can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run because you will only be paying a small monthly deductible instead of thousands of dollars after an incident occurs.
While you may have to pay slightly higher premiums because of your deductible, it can save you money in the long run.
While it requires much more of your valuable time to slow the whole hiring process down, it can actually save you time and money in the long run because the ideal candidate will enhance the team and improve it.
It will def save you time and money in the long run because you are able to have a quick turnaround speeding up the time frame for the new tenants
It may seem like an arduous task that you don't have time for, but slowing down the selection process will actually save you time and money in the long run because the «right» candidate will improve the whole team and help take your business to the next level.
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