Sentences with phrase «saving your work frequently»

Continue saving your work frequently.

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He also frequently discusses the big - picture trends that are putting the squeeze on the bottom 90 %, offering work - arounds and expense - cutting tips to help readers carve out more money to save in their budgets — AKA breaking the «savings barrier» and transitioning from debtor to saver.
The Best Friends website is updated frequently with good news from the Sanctuary and from groups and individuals across the country who are working to Save Them All.
What also appeals to me about the game play though is how frequently save points pop up making this game work really well on a portable console.
Our extensive work on transport audits for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) has shown that businesses can frequently save 20 % or more in transport costs.
In Europe, in both the work and leisure contexts, women travel by car less frequently and over shorter distances, use smaller, energy - saving cars and fly considerably less frequently than men.
Legal practice frequently requires the input of other attorneys to work out theories or to quickly find that esoteric form that would otherwise have taken you three hours to find on your own.Finding a virtual office provider that has vibrant community of willing collaborators will save your practice valuable time and money.
But if you need to travel frequently, for business and other work, then look for a multi-trip insurance to save money and see
Because you handle controllers so frequently, upkeep with some wipes like Wireless Wipes is a good idea that will save you a lot of work later and will cut down on germs and grossness.
If you have to work with the BitLocker feature frequently, then for the security purpose you must opt for a different default Recovery Key saving location, which others will not be able to guess.
In this article, we'll describe why payment batching works, how much it can save you, how to use it, and how much block chain space would be saved if it was used more frequently.
Frequently, couples are well - matched but just don't know how to work through their differences and, sometimes premarital counseling can save a good relationship from breaking up.
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