Sentences with phrase «saw coal mine jobs»

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West Virginia and Kentucky saw coal mine jobs fall 16 percent and 17 percent, respectively.
Mr Stanyer also highlighted the «major impact» of industrial decline over several decades, which had seen job losses in pottery and coal mining and a switch to service industries.
Imagine a man or woman being so arrogant, and selfish, that they'd take a job driving a CO2 belching truck, or dig for coal in a mine, or fish for salmon in the ocean, or fly a CO2 belching airliner, or flip beef patties that came from CH4 exhausting cows, or teaching a classroom of students all of whom belch CO2 and exhaust CH4 and whom will have offspring that produces even more of those evil gases, or working as a climate scientist in an office heated by CO2 belching FFs and occasionally traveling around the world by CO2 belching airliner — all the while using computers made from FFs and powered by CO2 belching FF power plants, or working as a Senator from Tennessee who was President of the USA for a few hours and who travels all over the world in CO2 belching airliners, or one of the millions of people who mine, process, manufacture and transport every product you have ever seen in your life and all the ones you haven't seen as well.
Krugman sees any «war on coal» as a boon to Keynesian - style stimulus that would help create jobs through power companies spending to clean up their power sources:
The administration's meddling in energy policy is now coming home to Tazewell County, which is seeing jobs in its coal mines disappear.
2017 saw more money spent on solar capacity than oil, coal, gas and nuclear combined, and in the United States, its projected that the solar industry will return to job growth after a 2017 tightening.
And climate change, despite gathering momentum on the Hill, faces deep skepticism from coal - state and rust - belt Democrats who see it as a job killer.
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