Sentences with phrase «saw false allegations»

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But don't you see that it is a problem when there has been shown to be false allegations made, that doing do make it more difficult for genuine cases to be heard?
There are tragic victims, cover - ups, false allegations, demands for money, denials by those who can not face up to what has happened, campaigns by those who see tolerance of paedophilia as a liberal concept and by those who seek to use every anecdote, particularly of clerical abuse, to keep the story going and smear an entire group.
It is a recurring and terrifying trope of such matters that «the real problem is false allegations of racism, rather than racism» (see also: every other kind of discrimination, rape), and so to equate a lack of proof with falsehood.
The people believing in the said false representation parted with ownership of their properties (goats, sheep, Cow, monies etc) An Allegation by no mean a person other than a Minister of State can not be seen as a mere political gimmick and as such must be investigated and perpetrators prosecuted and if proven guilty jailed.
I've seen too many cases of false allegations that have ruined men's lives without any evidence that have been later been revealed to be false.
Some of these show to what hair - raisingly intricate and cynical lengths some false complainants will go to in order to create an appearance of credibility (see R v Blackwell [2006] EWCA Crim 2185, [2006] All ER (D) 51 (Sep), where the Criminal Cases Review Commission exposed a history of self - mutilation to bolster false allegations).
At around the same time, Mrs E began making false allegations against John and Carol; refused to see Carol (and therefore, John); and falsely accused John and Carol of taking various items.
The courts have also held that allegations of dishonesty in civil proceedings do not require the criminal standard: see eg, Dadourian Group International inc v Sims [2009] 1 Lloyd's Rep 601 an action for the tort of deceit; and Wanjiku v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWCA Civ 264, concerning automatic refusal of leave to enter or remain in the UK where «false representations» have been made.
This proposed addition addresses an issue that I have seen many times in my many years of managing high conflict custody cases: the false allegation of domestic violence in a contested custody case.
In other words, even when there is no articulated (false) allegation as to why a child should not see that other parent, the bias to protect that child from danger very often jumps into the thinking of the court, which causes the court to rarely act quickly and decisively to confront a violation of its own order.
In the control group, none of the children made false allegations throughout their free narrative even through the fifth interview, and only ten percent of the youngest preschoolers claimed that they saw Sam Stone do anything with a teddy bear or a book.
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