Sentences with phrase «say sahms»

While we're far from lazy, some say SAHMs complain too much about everything we have to do.

Not exact matches

Ok, all you holier - than - thou moms who just got on their soap box to preach about the ill - effects of television let me reassure you that my kids only watch what I allow them (and been pre-screened by me) and only for the recommended 2 hours a day (contrary to what you may have read in my What Not To Say To SAHM post).
Oh and because I can't let it slide, until recently I worked full - time, now I am a SAHM mom — to the person who said it's difficult «especially» for us moms who work full time, just so you know — IT»S HARDER FOR STAY AT HOME MOMS!!!!!!! I know this now
Being a SAHM (you got to read What Not To Say To A SAHM) is precious but the sanity takes a knocking.
im sorry to say but so far ive not had a bad buy through a coop, and as a sahm i wouldn't have been able to afford to cloth at retail!
You work for no cash, even though a Forbes article thinks SAHMs should be paid an annual salary of at least US$ 115,000 and Evilee Ebb, general manager of says:
Like the others said, it's choices and called being an adult (and if you're a SAHM, you aren't under the stress that working moms are, sorry but you just aren't).
I also didn't say what SAHMs do is easy.
What makes me laugh is that I do more than the SAHMs and they are always saying «how busy» they are.
I believe that he is trying to say how much SAHMs should be appreciated for all that they do.
Of course being a SAHM, I change most of the diapers, however, I just want to say that my husband has been so awesome about Cloth Diapers!
This summer I transitioned from being a SAHM (have been ever for the last 9 years) to full - time - working business owner — so needless to say all my decorating and «nesting» is done in spurts.
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