Sentences with phrase «say arrogance»

3 quick tips to boost your confidence before the first date — i have to agree — confidence (i'm not saying arrogance — know the difference!)
She said her arrogance and overbearing personality presented new challenges for her in being accepted when she began her teaching career.

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«There is much less arrogance out there,» says Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist at Duke University and an early Qualtrics customer.
«We've had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the arrogance, the hatred, the pettiness, the fake news,» Loesch said in the minute - long video, calling out «every lying member of the media,» «every Hollywood phony,» «the role model athletes who use their free speech to alter and undermine what our flag represents,» and «politicians who would rather let America burn than lose one ounce of their personal power.»
«Sometimes when we're working with Silicon Valley startups — particularly when they're well funded — the hubris and arrogance is difficult to get through,» he says.
In addition to pricing and control issues, some have criticized what they say is arrogance on Apple's part for making some content producers and entertainment outlets reluctant to deal with the company.
«I'm a little OK with arrogancesays Tisch.
«There's a level of arrogance that can start to creep in,» she says.
However, I would say that it's not just «pride and arrogance» that prevents newbies from paying to get a mentor.
He says the government is attempting to whitewash the reports» findings and delayed releasing them in a shocking display of arrogance... Continue reading →
It's arrogance to consider yourself a better person than, say, a believer, and that you have the right to ridicule them.
So, while I agree with much of what you are saying, and appreciate your thought - provoking questions, I feel I recoil a little at what seems to me like the very arrogance you claim to despise.
For anyone to say god any god exists is pure arrogance as much as for those to say one doesn't.
It's the arrogance that he makes people that want to use his business say his hocus pocus words... even if they're not believers of that particular hocus pocus.
Singer / songwriter / poet Leonard Cohen said, «Mankind must rediscover the crucifixion as a universal symbol, not just an experiment in sadism or masochism or arrogance.
I think the larger leap, and the greater arrogance, are required by those who say they absolutely do not exist.
Herbert, that's a fine thing to say and all, but still does kinda fit with the arrogance of presuming you're correct despite offering nothing to substantiate such a position.
It's not my intent to call * you * arrogant, only to say that what you said came off with a bit of arrogance.
But why should sense even count, i mean you people believe that you are special and get to life forever compared to all the other creatures on this planet — such arrogance and pride — as the old saying goes, this will be your downfall!
But I would say your attempt to cloak your arrogance in «i'm just a humble plumber who loves Jesus» failed on me.
I think you nailed it and I don't think Chad will get it (which is kind of sad) but your right because of Chad's unwarranted arrogance it blocks their reading comprehension and understanding of what you're saying.
I say if someone is watching you during the praise and worship service to see how you react, maybe it's THEM with the arrogance and pride problem.
'' For those who allow reason rather than arrogance to dominate,» he said arrogantly and for no reason, «bla bla bla and I'm correct.»
That said, I shudder to think of the harm I inadvertently caused others in my arrogance and ignorance prior to that.
Instead, the board said, Driscoll is guilty of «arrogance, responding to conflict with a quick temper and harsh speech, and leading the staff and elders in a domineering manner.»
I would say you still have not learned to overcome your arrogance.
Well, I wouldn't bluntly say no because he doesn't believe there's a God, but I would investigate his character and arrogance.
(c) 5:82 [and] thou wilt surely find that, of all people, they who say, «Behold, we are Christians,» come closest to feeling affection for those who believe [in this divine writ]: this is so because there are priests and monks among them, and because these are not given to arrogance.
«It's the height of epistemic arrogancesays Adrienne Asch, an ethicist at Wellesley College, of Singer's approach.
There is no where in any part of Quran or Sunnah where it says people or youth are to be chained... and kept in dungeons... Thisnis ignorance, arrogance and conspiracy done by ill hearted people in the name of religion when it is by no mean a part of religion... I have seen such cases only at remote poor areas when they have mentally sick youth or people who could be dangerous for others and can not afford to hospitalize are being kept chained like that but not in religious establishments, rather at places where fraud witch doctors who claim that those are possessed...!!!
Roosevelt was an active optimist because he did not grasp, as Reinhold Niebuhr said, that while people were meant to master the creation, their arrogance has alienated them from God and made them, in some measure, slaves to creation.
I will not engage in the lazy arrogance of claiming history is on our side; but I will go so far as to say that in the long term all past evidence suggests that it is certainly not on the side of those who brook no dissent, ignore all counter-evidence, and demonize all opposition.
As for acting out of personal arrogance, the mistreatment, even abuse, of those on the fringes of society is what I was saying leads me to question the treatment of homosexual people.
«Ex-Aide Hits Carter's «Arrogance,» «Ignorance,» «Insecurity,»» said one headline.
The arrogance to act as if your version of Abraham's god is any different... Noah's boat, The Garden of Eden, Living in a fish for 3 days, Satan existing, The slavery, The changing morals, The contradictions, The need to kill jesus, The fact that bible scholars can not agree to what it says, and the 3 gods all rolled up in one thingy.
Though we confess today in humble penitence and know ourselves cleansed by God's forgiveness, we must know also, if we are not blinded by arrogance or false hopes, that tomorrow we shall need to say again:
The arrogance of «I know better than what the Bible says» is an insult to God which will be judged.
I don't see any pride or arrogance in this at all — we are not saying that we have kept the law, for the Bible is clear that none have kept it.
He explained the significance of Psalm 23, saying, «It's a picture of human humility in the face of our helplessness, the very opposite of the arrogance
Being an atheists is arrogance... about the same as being a person who says there is no life elsewhere in the universe...
fishon: you said: «To me, the arrogance is to invent a z theory is to say that the Bible is not in itself adequate.»
nakedpastor said, on June 27th, 2009 at 9:34 pm fishon: you said: «To me, the arrogance is to invent a z theory is to say that the Bible is not in itself adequate.»
This morning, Pope Francis released a message speaking out against «fake news,» saying it is a «sign of intolerant and hypersensitive attitudes and leads only to the spread of arrogance and hate.»
With no arrogance whatsoever, he looked at me and said: «Son, all my life I've been preparing for this moment.
It should go without saying that these crimes are an utter perversion of Catholicism - but unfortunately it has to be said, because the hierarchical structures of the Church made it easy to conceal them, and religious arrogance and paranoia persuaded the authorities that they should be concealed.»
Whatever hypercriticism may say of the arrogance of the dogma of the divine choice and the peculiar people, it can not be denied that at this point we touch solid reality.
Where does the arrogance come in??? Well... (as R. Reagen said) from your viewpoint... (and this I assume from experience) if you do not KNOW these things as well... then you ARE wrong.
If we allow arrogance and pride to cause us to cling stubbornly to the way we are used to doing things, not only will we never take part in the relationships we say we desire but also we will miss out on every one of the glorious gifts that could be available to us.
This is doing violence and bearing false testimony of what the text actually says, and moreover betrays arrogance, for what we would be saying is, in fact, «we know better.
However in spit of our arrogance God never gives up on us and never ever says, «your a lost cause» or «your a waste of space» Peter asked how many times (in a day) should we forgive, seven times?
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