Sentences with phrase «say over anything»

For those of you who don't know, the bankruptcy clause in writer's publishing contract is not valid, and when your publisher drops into bankruptcy, your book is an asset of the company and is treated like one and can be sold off to anyone for any purpose and you have no say over anything.
Four, why the hell would I have married a man who felt he had any right to have a say over anything I choose to do with my own body?

Not exact matches

iZettle is preparing for a potential initial public offering (IPO) in 2018 but «anything can happen» over the next year, CEO Jacob de Geer said.
«When we have a world where you have ISIS chopping off heads and, frankly, drowning people in steel cages, where you have wars and horrible, horrible sights all over, where you have so many bad things happening, this is like medieval times, we haven't seen anything like this, the carnage all over the world,» Trump said.
Tune in to the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. E.T. / 9 a.m. C.T. to see if Buffett has anything to say about his stocks» dismal performance over the past year.
«The not - so - gentle nudge is becoming more common over professional email, and looks anything but,» says Jon Brodsky, Country Manager for
«Canada has very little influence over the banking in other countries, and I don't think we should pay anything for their bad management practices,» said one respondent.
While declining to recommend steps the Trump administration might take to follow up on Obama administration measures to ease this financial burden, Dudley said that anything that «makes college more affordable, especially policies that make it more affordable for lower and moderate - income households, would be beneficial for income mobility over time.»
The Australian Tax Office is in dispute with them over the tax they haven't paid alleging profit transfer to their «Singapore Marketing Hub» so I will treat anything they say with the contempt it deserves.
But you know then eventually as that scene indicates that he's getting... You can see it's starting to tell on him and later on when he visits a psychiatrist and has to talk to him and the psychiatrist says did you do anything along the way over there that you maybe or you felt you shouldn't have.
With Jerome Powell about to take over as chairman and most of the seven - member Fed board of governors to be new appointees, the tendency will be toward safe decisions and away from anything likely to unsettle Wall Street, said David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Gluskin Sheff.
«If you look at our holdings, you would assume that we like them in the order in which they rank by dollar value of holdings, but if you look at them in terms of recent purchases over the last year we've bought more Apple than anything else,» he said in a wide - ranging interview Monday on CNBC's «Squawk Box.»
Another way to do — to get out when there is that lull in the conversation, say, «Hey, I want to introduce you to someone, I think you'll have lot in common» and then take that person over there but make sure the person that you are dumping that person off actually would get something out of that conversation because that would just be rude — if there was anything there.
It was like Dix was haunted by classic BC NDP campaign gaffes throughout recent history... «restraint is over,» «can we start again,» «axe the tax» — so he decided not to say much of anything in order to avoid stepping into the, um, tar sands.
«Watching the eye go over Puerto Rico, it was very unusual, unlike anything I've ever seen before,» Weber says.
What its blog post didn't say — yet again — was anything about how all the non-users it nonetheless tracks around the web are able to have any kind of control over its surveillance of them.
I am not sure that what happened last week is proof of anything I've been saying, but I do think that the framework I have used over the past decade has been useful, at least to me, in understanding both the rebalancing process in China and the events that led up to the global crisis of 2007 - 08.
No, I'm not looking over my shoulder, waiting for the bogeyman to get me — rather, I now rarely take anything anyone says to me at face value.
I think the only defense against such an unprincipled politician who will say or do anything to get power, is to point out as loudly and publicly as possible the many untruths and contradictions he is trying to pull over on the Alberta public.
The honeymoon is over and it has almost been a year that I have had Edwards for my answering service — and I have had no customer complaints, if anything I have had customers say how great they are.
«We have not seen anything to give us any confidence that Tribune on its own, with the resources and competitive position it has today, can achieve over any reasonable period of time the value for shareholders that we believe can likely be achieved through a transaction with Gannett,» Frank said.
I don't have anything original to say, so I am going to shout louder and repeat it over and over and maybe somebody will notice me... PLEASE
«Anything short of a steadfast US commitment of admitting 200,000 refugees over the next fiscal year would betray the White House's own call to redouble global resettlement efforts,» said CWS, which represents 37 Christian groups, in a statement.
In the middle of the synod, she stopped, wheeled around, slapped a hand over his mouth, loosened his teeth, said, «Young man, don't you ever say anything like that again.
I concluded at the time of the riots that of all the things the government now needed to do, it was the married family which most urgently needed to be rebuilt: I was and remain as certain of that as anything I have ever written, and I have been saying it repeatedly for over 20 years: I was saying it, for instance, when I was attacking (in The Mail and also The Telegraph), as it went through the Commons, the parliamentary bill which became that disastrous piece of (Tory) legislation called the Children Act 1989, which abolished parental rights (substituting for them the much weaker «parental responsibility»), which encouraged parents not to spend too much time with their children, which even, preposterously, gave children the right to take legal action against theirparents for attempting to discipline them, which made it «unlawful for a parent or carer to smack their child, except where this amounts to «reasonable punishment»;» and which specified that «Whether a «smack» amounts to reasonable punishment will depend on the circumstances of each case taking into consideration factors like the age of the child and the nature of the smack.»
I don't want to get so wishy - washy that I gloss over that and say you can just do anything with your life.
But the people said to him: «Have you done anything good for us that you should rule over us?»
As interesting as the debate over my grammar is, do none of you have anything to say about the content of my comment?
Saying he was a Christian is way over the top, if you know anything about fruit, fruitcakes.
Not sure i am convinced because how do you explain the verse an eye for an eye in the old testament there have always been consequences for wrong doing and stiill are for sin.If we believe the word then that word is from God not satan.As far as satan is concerned he uses violence as his tools of trade he works on our fears and is limited to robbing stealing and destroying he does nt have anything else.Violence confirms to us that there is a spiritual battle going on both on the earthly plane and in the heavenlys and the battle is over souls.The verse the kingdon of heaven is expanding and violent people take it by force is referring to that spiritual battle and as satan uses violence to expand his dominion so does God use violence to counter him.So what does he mean by that term for me i think it is saying that the the force of evil that satan uses or violence is overcome by a greater violence or force a more powerful one that being the Love of Christ.Through the cross we see that clearly portrayed and in our lives that very same battle is still happening right now for dominion be clear if we walk in the flkesh satan will have dominion over us but if we walk according to the spirit and abide in Christ we have freedom from our old nature.and satan.He can oppose us but he wont be able to influence us if we are in Christ.
Religion goes wrong when our human nature takes over and we feel we need to destroy anything that threatens what I just said.
Jesus may be said to encounter us as one who claims Lordship over us, but the Lordship that he claims does not directly imply anything about creation.
But I do remeber a glimpse were he was having sex with me, i was to drunk and out of it to say anything or do anything i just remeber feeling shameful disgusting wanting this to be over wanting to stop, this isnt me, im so young i just met this guy I had NO INTENTIONS of this happening i figured id be sober and aware of my surroundings that if h did try anything i could push him away and say no.
He does point out, however, that when the wrangling is over, the sixteen final documents of the Council «give no sense of before and after; nor do they indicate, except occasionally, in a soft way, that what they are saying changes anything that earlier seemed normative».
I TOLD HIM THAT I believe in electricity and other forces of nature, but as for a God, if there is one, He has never done anything for me... «Then all of your troubles are oversays the man and leaves the room (Cathy Burns, Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked, p. 39; emphasis added).
Valerie, as soon as you label and generalize someone, your ignorance talks over anything else you were trying to say.
And since they must say it together, the result would inevitably be reductionistic, for the agnostic would have veto power over affirming anything of theological significance.
2nd we are all talking about tolerance when and where do any of us get off saying anything about tolerance, The very purpose that all this is happening is because a specific country is going after another country for what PEACE, I think not, What all the blood is being spilt over is OIL, and I have a good idea....
RC; I did not say anything about heaven since that is for angels and God's Kingdom of priests and kings to rule over the earth which God gave to man to live on forever and that is what we have to look forward to (see Rev 20:6; Psalms 37 and Jesus words referring to that passage at Matt.5: 5).
If all the verses that clearly support slavery in today's bible are untrue because they were scrambled over time, then how can you put stock in anything else said in the bible?
The fact is that over the centuries we have learned and gained knowledge about how things work so just keep on saying that there is something else that created the whole shabang doesn't really explain anything either.
To franklin Graham all I can Say is you choose a cult member, an organization that proudly admits its a mormman group over a fellow Christian, let me just say a lot of my black Christian friends thinks that one decision divided our races more then anything in the past thirty years but we still consider those that feel that way family members although you may nSay is you choose a cult member, an organization that proudly admits its a mormman group over a fellow Christian, let me just say a lot of my black Christian friends thinks that one decision divided our races more then anything in the past thirty years but we still consider those that feel that way family members although you may nsay a lot of my black Christian friends thinks that one decision divided our races more then anything in the past thirty years but we still consider those that feel that way family members although you may not.
In theory, they say they are pro-life to get the evangelical vote but, in practice, they have done NOTHING over the last 30 years to change anything.
Our friends Stephen and Josh were going over to St. Peter's Church, where there's all - night Adoration going on; as they said, there really wasn't anything else to do, and it beat driving home.
Needs a repost — I had neighbors right next door that would do ritual beatings of their children, 2,4,6 years old every Sunday, I called the police serveral times over the screams from those poor young children and the cops said they could not do anything about it.
If you're goign to be so presumptuous to ask god for anything you should only be asking that his will be done, and then really, why the need to keep saying that over and over?
I can't honestly say that I have experienced anything during my walk as a Christian that would confirm what I claim to believe — I can offer no testimony of answered prayer, no victory over sinful tendencies, no boldness in sharing the bible with others.
Not to mention that being told to sit quietly, submissively, and above all, not to show your anger, is one of the major ways that women have been pushed down and marginalized in our culture (which, I would suggest, is a strong contributing factor to the kind of feedback you have been receiving for your recent posts - you were far nicer to Mark or Donald or whoever than many of us guys have been to them over the years, and yet you seemed to receive far more criticism for speaking up - i.e. not just for what you said, but for the very fact that you said anything at all - than we would have).
As my emotions over this quandary rise and fall, at times I am glad I have not said anything to her yet, then at others, I wonder how long I can keep this bottled up.
«Then you take any blessed thing left over from dinner or breakfast, chop, leg of fowl, sausage, bacon (forget whether he said fish)-- anything left of something too good to throw away or give to beggars, don't you know.
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