Sentences with phrase «say something about the person»

I think Rainer even said something about people leaving because they don't get their way.
King Solomon once said something about people who say there is no God.
Having 9 children says something about a person in a world of scarce resources.
A dress should say something about the person who's wearing it.
In spite of long stretches of time in which the character roam and wander, discussing the aliens» tactics (which they are experts at determining immediately), tossing out their theories of survival, and occasionally saying something about people or places back home, they are defined primarily by their weapons.
He had been allowed to become a brat, and he was then too strong and big for his original owners to control (they could have hired a professional, but then again, it says something about these people that they would rather let the dog get out of control or to sell him instead of taking responsibility and training him.
I think this says something about the people who complain.
All resume summaries need to say something about the person who is writing them.

Not exact matches

«I remember, like, you don't often get so obsessed about something where you drop everything and drive to Boston and meet with people for 14 hours, taking notes, losing your voice, with no idea just to learn,» he said.
«If you're talking about somebody's willingness to do or try something, you're now focusing on their character as a person, as opposed to their preferences,» she says.
I realize that they're a necessary evil, but you need to be very careful that you're not saying things or doing things (even worse) to «prove» something to these people because (a) it's never enough to satisfy them in any case and they won't believe you anyway; and (b) it's a fool's errand to waste your time trying to impress people whose livelihood is much more about finding the warts and shortcomings in your story than in celebrating your successes.
«There's something very unique about the site that people fell in love with, and I definitely don't see myself outgrowing it,» she says.
«As we talk to more and more people about health,» he says, «the way they define it is «something that either facilitates or creates barriers for me in living the life I want to lead.»»
Are they about how long they had to wait, had to talk to too many people, the price, «your website says one thing but you say something else», «you say it's easy to do business and I can't even get a price», «I didn't know about your warranty», «you don't know what you're talking about» — right?
Maybe I say something about my company and a person across the table from me, whether it's a VP, whether it's an editor, or whether it's a customer, says, «Well, actually I disagree.
«Because it could be you have an online reputational issue because someone was upset about something that has happened, but it's not actually the way you do business and it's not what most people are saying about your company.»
«It's easy to think when people are talking to each other they're collaborating, but collaborating is thinking about something deeply and pitching ideas back and forth,» says Fried.
«There's a recognition by a lot of the provinces that a lot of people are going to retire with inadequate pensions and they're going to have to do something about it,» said president Ken Georgetti, adding that workers his group spoke to supported a provincial pension plan.
Turner: One of the things that people in the industry often talk about when it comes to money management is this barbell, where as you said you have low - cost, passive index tracking funds and at the other end you have higher fees, higher active share, things like private debt which you mentioned, and it's those in the middle that are charging higher fees for something that looks quite a lot like beta that are really going to struggle.
Elon Musk, founder and CEO, SpaceX and Tesla — Referencing Musk's mission to build conditions for a viable colony on Mars, Yuri Milner, founder of DST Global, says Musk «is one of the few people not only thinking about the survival of our civilization but also doing something about it.»
Early on in our history when things weren't really going well — we had hit a tough patch and a lot of people wanted to buy Facebook — I went and I met with Steve Jobs, and he said that to reconnect with what I believed was the mission of the company, I should go visit this temple in India that he had gone to early in the evolution of Apple, when he was thinking about what he wanted his vision of the future to be... That reinforced to me the importance of what we were doing, and that is something I will always remember.
But regardless of your race or that of the person you're speaking with, don't be afraid or too proud to look foolish to ask questions about things you don't know — especially when someone says something that needs further discussion.
«When I say we are going to cover Victoria's Secret like a moon landing,» he adds, «it's because that's something people actually care about.
«If the person has given you something in their profile to reference, either that message bait picture, or something interesting written, just ask a question about it,» she said.
«It feels like there's some confusion between the company that's building something, and the company that has people talking about building somethingsaid Rob Lloyd, Hyperloop Tech's CEO.
«There's something about the leg hair people don't want to see,» he said.
«We want to tell people up - front that we're already doing something they care about,» he says.
The best way to do this is by saying something that makes it clear you know about the person you are attempting to network with.
When you believe that people are human beings first and worker bees second, you say something about their worth.
If you use the same testimonial again and again, prospective consumers will wonder if this is the only person who had something good to say about your business.
Thurman says that as people in business, «we should take heart because, although a lot of people who consider themselves progressive and spiritual feel like business is something very lowly, that it's about just making money, the vocation of business can be extraordinarily honorable and has the ability to make a long - lasting positive impact on our society and world at large.»
«There's something about big banks being in the single digits that makes people nervous,» Gundlach said.
Hobson was upset — she remembered her early experience as being all about paying her dues — but she realized something: «It all goes back to the cell phone,» she says, meaning that since cell phones have been around, young people had access to instant answers (be it from their mom or Google).
That a Fortune 15 corporation would send even one person to such an event says something about the stakes involved in litigation targeting companies in the opioid supply chain.
«People don't just throw it away if you present them with something well done, and it carries a message worth paying attention to,» she says, noting that about 25 percent of people use the birthday disPeople don't just throw it away if you present them with something well done, and it carries a message worth paying attention to,» she says, noting that about 25 percent of people use the birthday dispeople use the birthday discount.
They'd either say something like, «Oh, obviously,» because what other kind of person wants to talk about Flemish bonds and Lord Cornwallis on a Saturday morning.
Sometimes people say something as a joke, but when you think about it for a while, there may be a practical application for your business.»
«I'll ask [potential hires] about something that hasn't gone so well in their life and then ask them what they've learned from it because the next thing I look for in people is curiosity,» he says, «I'm interested in people who take those negative experiences in their lives and are really curious about what happened and can talk intelligently about what they learned and what they might do differently.»
«People want something to talk about,» Scully says.
I feel things, the people, the buildings, the streets, and I have something to say about them and my medium is photography.»
«Our customers are shopping not so much because of a desire to buy something as they are engaged in learning about what's new, meeting interesting people and hearing their stories,» he says.
The problem is that when we get our identity tied up in our work, we worry that any kind of failure will then say something bad about us as a person.
«There is something about building relationships and working with people on Capitol Hill that requires human nuance, and many companies won't just leave this to a machine,» she says.
(The world would certainly be a happier place if more people could say something nice like that about their exes.)
«If you are a new business and you do not have a lot of money to do market research, you need to talk to every single person you've ever met about your idea and whether this is something that they would purchase,» Beall says.
«Instead of sitting here and complaining about it,» meaning the lack of women and people of color in cryptocurrency, «I'm going to actually go and do something,» Demirors says.
Online, my social - media universe was filled with journalists and Jewish communal professionals, rabbis and professors and nonprofit workers, all of whom knew that a Tablet writer had said something offensive about the Harvey Weinstein case — but outside my front door, I encountered people who didn't inhabit my social - media universe.
To me, that's really what it takes, to be open enough to want to find out about someone's business — and not to go in thinking, «I want to sell this person something,» but simply say, «I want to know more about what you're doing.»
«What I really liked about this program is it's giving a lot of people who maybe wouldn't get into Harvard an opportunity to participate in something just as selective and just as valuable and just as educational,» Mr. Burnham said.
«It's just something he feels very passionate about and he is incredibly good at making the case,» this person said, adding that it still isn't clear if Trump's decision would be enough to drive out Cohn.
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