Sentences with phrase «say the book thing»

I think it's way more of a stretch to say the book thing wasn't a problem than to say it was ok.

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All this being said, there is still obviously such a thing as too much awkwardness, and most of us will continue, despite Dahl's pep talks for the self - conscious, to strive to behave stupidly in public as little as possible She very much understands that impulse and offers many tips she dug up speaking to researchers for the book, including:
Biderman was a relentless publicity hound, publishing a book about marriage, posing for unfortunate pictures, and saying many things he probably wishes he hadn't, such as: «We have done a really great job of making sure our data is kept secret.»
The only thing that would change is trampling even more all over any willingness to tackle a couple of reforms,» Schäuble said Thursday at a book launch, according to the Wall Street Journal.
It's not supposed to be a comic book of things you want to try, but it all just looks cool,» said Mueller, 40, of Los Angeles.
And, what we're trying to gently push back in the book is the economics of the large - scale bundled subscription model that Netflix is pursuing, [where what the] economic theory says is you can profitably make things in a bundle that wouldn't be profitable if you sold them separately.
Oh, my God, she's got this book, «In Trump We Trust,» and in it she says the only thing, the only thing that could cause Trump any trouble whatsoever is if he flip - flops on abortion or on immigration, goes amnesty.
Learning to say things in B2B sales in a way that helps buyers buy is vital to everyone's success, this book allows your own voice to become the one that the customer listens to and understands.
«Every book teaches me something new or helps me see things differently,» Gates says.
According to Goodman, your book should have three things upon launch: social proof, i.e., a number of Amazon reviews; an «intangible,» e.g., a quote from a renowned expert in the field, say a New York Times bestselling author; and lastly a good book (which may seem obvious, but...).
As Evernote CEO Phil Libin said via Ryan's book, «People [who are] thinking about things other than making the best product never make the best product.»
And that wasn't a bad thing, Altman says — it forced book publishers who want to stay in business to «step up to the plate.»
The whole book is full of things you can do and say to make your work life easier.
«If you take it off company - wide, you're taking off things you need,» says Jeff Olson, 43 - year - old co-founder of Velocity Business Publishing, a book and e-book publisher in Bristol, Vermont.
But Mackey, who co-authored a bestselling book on the theme in 2013, has become the closest thing to a modern - day spokesman for an idea that, dare we say, has found its time.
I think that's a fancy way of saying that they disagree with things in the book, which is fine.
Sattersten, who reads between 100 and 200 business books a year, says that readers of the genre want to know one thing: Will the book provide me utility?
Lewis had hoped the book would be inspiring, he said, and that IEX's example might encourage would - be Wall Streeters to stop worrying about getting their half - a-million-dollar bonus at age 23 and instead think «let's figure out some useful thing to do in the world that happens to be on Wall Street», he said.
There's a lot of fairly mundane things that require your attention; like making sure you have the right insurance, maintaining the books, and even things like cleaning the toilets,» she said.
He is the author of thirteen books, which is pretty amazing when you consider he's only really saying three things; buy index funds, keep costs low, and stay the course.
«She said the most mean, cutting and obviously untrue things about Reince and I didn't include them in the book because they were so unfair,» he said.
This is one of the things Heap's Komanoff over and over again is developing good habits and then doing them consistently over and over and optimizing those habits and that's how he starts off the book and he says in short the compound effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small almost minuscule Smart Choices day in and day out.
When you think about what Reinhart and Rogoff's book says, it kind of gets to an answer but it's not the right way to look at things; there are many more variables to analyze the situation with.
The automaker said young people in the U.S. rank car rides behind only books as things they are most open to sharing, with more than half of millennials willing to share rides.
You can try to name a Planned Parenthood clinic after your client or pay D - list celebrities to say offensive things about themselves to get all sorts of publicity that promotes your book (OK, those stunts were mine).
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
I can't really cite things I've heard said verbally in churches or at talks and I don't tend to read books by fundamentalist Christians — not many anyway.
So religion is not really a good thing, but placing one's faith in the only begotton of the Father, is what truly covers all our sin. - P.S. Someone said that God believers should read a few books and then reread the Bible... I did that....
That was very interesting thing to read about and I respect every word it came with and Thank you for the guidance and encouragement therefore I find my self more attracted to read the old books after all they are the elder parts of our book what ever they say although each has his own belief and can figure which are similar to ours and which are not... after all verses seemed as ours although were put differently... Thank you again and wish all the Christians a Happy and Peaceful celebration for this occasion... our prayers and peace upon the soul and the spirit of the Prophet and Messenger of God Jesus the Son of Mary..
Nigel Rees, editor of an engaging newsletter that tracks down quotations, reports that Chesterton's fictional Father Brown said things very much like that, but he suspects the source is Emile Cammaerts» 1937 book on GKC, which paraphrased him as believing that «The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything.»
all you religous crazies that are quoting things from the bible are nuts... its a book written by man who said that it was thru the hand of god... lol, this makes me laugh..
Full acceptance of things as fact with nothing more that the say - so of some book or person.
Believers who read these stories aren't going to be swayed by such things any more than you will by the quoting of Scripture (since you've already said that you believe it to be a book of made up stories).
I can't simply tolerate anything that will honestly tell me to not accept things that a book that have a strong evidence of plagiarism from the book of Gilgamesh and the Egyptian book of that dead said, that something is bad and must be hated and purge, or that because their ambiguous faith is better than mine.
In an earlier writing Milosz had shown himself to be aware that this was the key insight of Job, even if, in the poet's version of the story, God says things that are rather more severe than anything to be found in the book of Job.
But other books say other things about where you go when you die.
Jonathan and I and a group of other communicators were together last week and one of the things that was said at that gathering was if you read the book of Revelation, it talks in ways that are so relevant.
When in the Atheist Book of Atheism did it ever say «And no god said unto atheist Moses there is no such thing as a crazy person.».
Buddhism (in its true form) provides a guide to the elimination of suffering, not deity worship; in fact never talks about God or gods in the sense the west does... FYI Buddha was born 630 years before Jesus, and it is proven that Buddhism traveled from eastern India all the way to Syria and the Middle East via the Silk Road... i am quite sure Jesus had heard some of his teachings... some of the things that Jesus says are a direct reflection of the eightfold path from buddhism... Jesus was the greatest salesman of all time... sold the most books in history... he really honestly does nt deserve worship but an Academy Award
The Book of Daniel in OT says the same thing as Revelation.
That way I can be sure and do all the holy things exactly the way that ancient book says I should.
Can say that I believe in every thing that you disbelief of when it comes to the Creator and the Creation of universe, life and guidance, God has given me hearing, seeing, thinking and heart feelings to see and experience signs and small miracles to have faith in him and continue with good deeds I was told of in his Holy Book although am not perfect at that but nothing to lose but contrary to that there are more to gain in life and life after... For those disbelievers they lose their senses by being locked and blocked from such experiences... It is all about souls as verses speak for them selves;
Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of the best - selling book «When Bad Things Happen to Good People,» said Mourdock's remarks were off - base: «He's invoking the will of God where it is not appropriate.»
If i was an atheist I would not worry about taking advantage of other people for my own benefit since I would have nothing to loose... Again I don't listen to what religious books say they all have been twisted, but some things are common sense.
I know ignorance makes people say stupid things but as many problems it has a solution: reading and learning!!!! Muslims will never say anything bad about the Holy Books or about the prophets because all of them are part of Islam and it's teachings.
and bart shouldn't even be included because of his disingenuous book about the variants of the BIble... (he never really gets down to the explicit details of what they are... thus misleading people into thinking the Bible is full of errors - for example... a verse may say «Jesus said to give all your possessions» whereas a VARIANT says «And HE says, give all your possesssions») an extremely low number of variants in the Bibel even change a thing...
«The first thing we did was go back to the book and see what was a matter of opinion or analysis,» Hampton said.
One of the worst things about the book is that Wallis seems unwilling to hear all that people like Jackson have to say.
Yes, those who like to say that there are moral absolutes inherent in people, places, or things are clearly shown to be wrong by the simple existence of an unstable and diverse and contradictory bunch of «holy books».
it seems like these verses say that there are so many other things about God no recorded in the gospels, that the world couldn't even contain the books that would be written if they were recorded....
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