Sentences with phrase «saying stupid things»

Being a racist or just saying stupid things?
That way, aside from all of the pictures of you drinking, toking up, doing stupid things, of the posts you make of message boards saying stupid things, etc., (this is said half - jokingly, I know that there are good things too) it gives people a chance to see more than the thumbprint that you've left along your «surf.»
I don't think all consevatives are stupid, but why do they keep saying stupid things, like AGW is just a tool for a money and power grab?
[Response: There is never a shortage of people saying stupid things, but this is not a «science» article, nor is it a statement related to anything a scientist actually said.
Wow, so many people saying stupid things because a video game is coming out somewhere else first.
I'm feeling like I might do a round of BLAH BLAH BLAH PUBLISHING tweets soon, if only because people are saying stupid things again.
As with previous Scarpetta books, Marino is still doing and saying stupid things; Lucy is still acting willfully; Benton is still being evasive about what he tells Kay, and Jack is letting Kay down, once again.
All the footage in Cloverfield is deliberately shaky handheld, much of it shot by T.J. Miller himself, who plays the part of annoyingly idiotic friend who can't stop saying stupid things or hitting on a girl who obviously loathes him.
Trump is a bit of a loose cannon when he speaks and has a habit of saying stupid things (especially before his staff forced him to use a teleprompter to minimize this).
He stopped saying stupid things.
Some hate him for saying stupid things.
Since we in the spirit of saying stupid things.......
If you do it the other way around, you end up saying stupid things like «AK - 15»
Even if her parents are from Haiti, once she went through the educational system here, she has been brainwashed just like you have and that is why she saying those stupid things (pandering to the racist Republicans).
When believers stop saying stupid things in public and stop trying to change laws because of their books - of - stupidity, atheists won't have much to talk about.
Saying stupid things is a right in this country and needs to be defended.
But, the reader may protest, 1975 was a long time ago, and a lot of people were saying stupid things then.
educate yourself before saying stupid things.
And so, you say a stupid thing: «I'll be checking email while I'm gone.»
I know ignorance makes people say stupid things but as many problems it has a solution: reading and learning!!!! Muslims will never say anything bad about the Holy Books or about the prophets because all of them are part of Islam and it's teachings.
I know that freedom of speech means he can say stupid things like this, but we ALL have a right to freedom of speech — so we have the right to condemn him for his stupidity.
Try checking the facts before you say stupid things.
Rev. Wright is a passionate advocate for the poor and downtrodden, sometimes when you are passionate you say stupid things...
disagree - it's the notion that people already think they know all there is to know that make us do and say stupid things.
But, yes, even people that become president are human beings and say stupid things.
I'm glad you're not an atheist because I'd much rather somebody who says stupid things like you do be on the other side.
Living in North Carolina means you can say stupid things.
«I was trying to pretend I was ok, because when I didn't, people said stupid things like, «How's your prayer life?»
What is fun is arguing with fundies who say the stupidest things I've ever seen.
Maybe watch the match before you say stupid things?
If he says stupid things he should expect a reaction from the public and be able to deal with it more gracefully than that.
We come here, we joke, we say stupid things sometimes, we laugh, bla, bla, bla... But let's all be serious: Wenger is not looking like the kind of manager who's seriously after a major trophy like the EPL, not to talk of the UCL.
Fans can say all stupid things about him.
Yes goldie used to say some stupid things but he bounced off well with the more knowledgeable colour commentators.
You say stupid things like that hoping to lock eyes with your child long enough to transmit the subliminal «I will kill you» message.
they also say stupid things such as he's going to get a lot of chicks and are already planning what his hobbies and interests will be.
And, you know, people say stupid things, and if they say them twice, then you react a little differently.
This may come as a surprise, but some people, candidates included, say stupid things on Facebook, Twitter, and the like.
«Linking him to them requires the following absurd logic: (1) Donald Trump said some stupid things about Charlottesville.
Yes, I'm that girl... you know, the one who says stupid things like «I want my hair ombre, but I want it to look really natural», or «I want to cut my hair, and change things up, but I don't want to lose any length»... helpful, right?
We know people say stupid things, but sometimes — they're really stupid.
I'll annoy you, piss you off, say stupid things, then take it all back.
I like to think that because it's more reassuring to think it than to suppose that in the year 2006, there are still assholes who believe that making a film that essentially gives idiots the permission to say stupid things in a revolting, derisive accent without a healthy dose of self - awareness and intelligence is okay.
-- «People say stupid things online and I don't want to be parts of people's snarkiness and negativity.»
Good, well - intentioned people can say stupid things in public.
, about his not - so - ideal experience in the travel - writing business, has said some stupid things (which he regrets).
I say stupid things in real time that I later wish I had moderated or not said at all.
Everybody says stupid things, some more than others.
As an example, you say stupid things, lolwot says stupid things, Heinrich, the latest addition to your progressive denizen tribe says stupid things.

Not exact matches

«One thing is clear: Sessions has reversed the precipitous decline in marijuana prices with a stroke of his stupid pen,» Tree said.
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