Sentences with phrase «says namaste»

I have one from last year that says Namaste in Bed... which is funny because I never do that!
Before you say namaste, it's important to understand the basics during your yoga practice.
Then as when I arrived, I go to each person and say Namaste, use their name and thank them for coming to yoga class.
Let's greet each other by saying Namaste».
No, you do not need to say Namaste if you do not want to.
Fold your arms on your back and join the palms as if your are saying Namaste.
But you can say Namaste to a serious heart - pumping workout with just a few tweaks to your flow.
If you've never done downward - facing dog or took a hiatus from saying namaste, it's time to get back into yoga.
Make a small motion to bow while saying namaste.
Most say namaste as a means to thank the teacher or use as an expression of relief upon the ending of the class.

Not exact matches

Canaccord Genuity said in a note that the move could position Namaste for a potential TMX listing, as the stock exchange has threatened companies with possible delisting over any pot - related operations in the U.S., where marijuana is still illegal at the federal level.
I must say that the flavor of this recipe is one of the tastiest, but the inside of the pancakes (with this recipe and the one from Namaste itself) never cooked.
Let me say up front that I am not getting compensated by Namaste Foods (or anyone else for that matter), but I absolutely love their gluten - free «Perfect Flour Blend.»
Before going to Nepal, I thought namaste was something only yoga instructors would say at the end...
Your answer shows that you don't read people's comments in full.I kept on saying that I did used a flour very similar to yours in the beginning (the only difference was one starchy flour over the other, that is it) and one less tb of oil.Also, this recipe is pretty much the same on every blog, which made me think that we don't really know for sure who invented it.The second time I used the namaste brand.
«We're actually talking about social game play here, literally playing with social rules,» says Phil Carlisle of Namaste.
When you use Namaste as a way to say hello or goodbye, you're making an effort to actively connect to others.
Remember that saying «I bow to you,» or Namaste, essentially tells someone that you're really seeing them as the person they are.
Once the class is sitting up again, you put your hands together at your heart or in front of your «third eye» (the center of your forehead between your eyes), bow, and say «Namaste
«In India, Namaste is also a greeting,» says Elisabeth Halfpapp, executive vice president of mind body programming at Exhale.
If we could focus on those parts in ourselves and in others simultaneously, we would be authentically saying «Namaste
With great respect and loving - kindness, I say to you... Namaste.
As many of you have experienced at the end of a yoga class, the teacher will bow her head with hands in prayer position in front of her heart and say «Namaste
Crawford says eliminating the Hindu greeting «Namaste» is not really a big deal and she's glad students are getting the benefits from yoga: breathing training, mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
(When McGee demonstrates «back namaste» pose, with the hands held together, as if in prayer, up the middle of the back, Frankel says, «So I can say I did something religious today.»)
I am just saying... Namaste
What do we mean when we say «namaste
In yoga we acknowledge that by saying «Namaste» — I bow to you.
«In essence, namaste is recognizing we're all equal,» says Miami - based yogi Sara Quiriconi.
I especially loved this one below that says, «Namaste In The Saddle.»
As a result, Bullard wrote, students will not be directed to say the word «Namaste,» a respectful greeting in Hindu culture.
Cannon Beach Distillery 255 N. Hemlock St. 503-436-0301 Come in and say «Namaste» and get a free spirit sample.
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