Sentences with phrase «says about custody»

That's the case regardless of what a divorce decree or separation agreement says about custody.

Not exact matches

A prisoner in Iceland suspected of masterminding the theft of about 600 computers that were being used to mine bitcoin and other virtual currencies escaped custody and fled Tuesday on a passenger plane that a witness said also carried the remote North...
If he, or anyone else said this about the President they'd be in custody by now.
He became belligerent, said something about a bomb and was taken into custody.
Though extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping were central themes in the unusual custody battle, Einhorn said the case was really about «a parent helping a child to be appropriately independent.»
And I mean EVERYTHING — we got calls about child custody battles, SSI / Medicaid benefits, fence disputes, cattle diseases, landlord problems and what Rush Limbaugh had said that day.
«There are about 800 of suspected violent herdsmen in the country who are currently in custody,» he said.
The State Police showed up and arrested at leats half a dozen people, according to CapTon's Mike Whittemore, who said about two dozen people were ready to be taken into custody.
The mayor said the staffing was at least partly in reaction to protests during his state of the city address last week about the death of a young African - American man while in police custody.
Benjamin said officials at a New York hospital told her family about two months ago that her brother was alive and in the hospital's custody.
And Dylan Farrow's open letter, in which the 28 - year - old wrote for the first time about the allegations first made 21 years ago during a custody battle between Allen and Mia Farrow, not only opened by saying that Allen «sexually assaulted» Farrow, but it called out Blanchett by name, along with stars of other Allen movies.
«The art is sometimes autobiographical or biographical as three of the artworks are about men that I personally knew, whose lives were lost while in police custodysays Harris.
The March 8th 2010 issue of Maclean's, «Canada's magazine», has this to say about the Conservative government's elimination of two - for - one credit for pre-sentence custody: Do the time «It seems like a no - brainer: convicted criminals shouldn't...
Here is what those child custody laws say about modifying a child custody order.
«Certainly we are concerned about the fact that the numbers are higher for remand custody than for an actual custodial sentence,» says Samira Mobina Ahmed, litigation lawyer at Justice for Children and Youth in Toronto, adding however that the gap looks pretty narrow.
«I don't know if it will impact custody because this is more about parent - child contact and where the child lives,» says Birnbaum.
Most family law lawyers could write a hundred blog posts about the mistakes their clients make in contested custody matters but most of those posts would say the same thing and most of the information would be related to these five simple suggestions.
Foreign gays who only came to Canada to marry and then returned to seek a divorce could have major problems if child custody was an issue, and there was little logic in asking Canadian courts to make decisions about children living elsewhere, he said.
Our child custody lawyers know what the law says about these mobility cases and will be able to advise and represent you.
It is important to know what Arizona statute says about how a court is to make a determination about child custody, as well as the types of child custody that the state recognizes.
The Forum for Preventing Deaths in Custody, in its first annual report, says there is a need for a more robust and joined - up approach to information - sharing between agencies to ensure important information about people who may be at risk is shared quickly and accurately between them.
Cruz, who reportedly used an AR -15-style automatic rifle, was taken into custody by the Broward County Sheriff's Office at about 4 p.m. EST at a home not far from the school, authorities said.
«As we interact with clients as lawyers and educate them about what these different terms mean, maybe that's where there's an opportunity to say instead of focusing on custody, let's break it down to what you're really looking for and what we can call that,» says Chaiton - Murray.
Joint legal custody allows each parent to have an equal say in the child's welfare: they must make decisions together about the child's education, housing, religion, healthcare, and so on.
When judges make decisions about custody they consider the best interests of the children, says Heft, and in cases where spouses are in a clear battle, shared custody may be off the table.
It's important that parents also have an understanding about visitations and custody, Princewill says.
The type of custody granted also affects which parent has the final say in major decisions about the child's upbringing, such as education, religion, and medical care.
Today, almost every couple that I know or have worked with has joint legal custody, thus they both have equal say about all major decisions in their children's lives, so why do people still use the word «visitation»?
«When I hear terms such as «custody» and «access» I think more about aggression and posturing, and who's going to win and lose,» says Shinehoft,...
Gelman says custody disputes often boil down to «he said / she said» about events that occurred behind closed doors.
«When I hear terms such as «custody» and «access» I think more about aggression and posturing, and who's going to win and lose,» says Shinehoft, principal of Toronto family and personal injury law firm, Shinehoft Law.
Question: «I'm worried that if my child says something negative about our relationship my future ex will use that information against me in custody discussions.»
Joint or shared legal custody means that both parents have an equal say in all major decisions about their children's lives.
«Parents come in with a different vocabulary; instead of talking about custody, we're talking about parenting time,» said psychologist Deborah Clemmensen, a neutral child specialist from Edina, Minn. «It's family time, not a legal event.»
Solis, a single father with joint custody of his 4 - year - old daughter, said he works about 25 hours per week at a building supply store making minimum wage and is a full - time college student at the University of Texas - Pan American.
«Maybe if they realize the courts will actually step in and do something and there is a risk of not only losing custody, but having no contact with their children, they'll think twice about it,» Niman said in an interview.
If that is the case, then a parent who refuses to communicate with the other about the children runs the risk of being deemed the «problem» parent who should not be given a say in the important legal custody decisions pertaining to the children.
See the research and articles at So, given that there are just not all that many options to choose from in deciding upon a child custody arrangement, and given that those options overwhelmingly will be constrained or even dictated by fairly obvious facts about the parties» circumstances such as work and school schedules, or how far apart they live from each other, and similar considerations, one really has to query what all the painstaking attention to detail and «science» (or pretext to science) is all about if, when all is said and done, the decision will boil down to the application of a default personal preference, and pragmatic ways of arranging custody and visitation schedules to accomplish this while avoiding liability for placing children into situations in which detriment too obviously or easily can be proved to be the direct result of the arrangement.
«I'm always nervous about a presumption,» Townsend says, noting that if such a law is passed, parents who don't want a shared custody arrangement would have to bring evidence to show the court why it shouldn't apply in their case, and that could add to the cost of litigation.
New provincial legislation could exacerbate grandparents» misconceptions about their rights in custody cases, says Brampton lawyer - linguist Suzanne Deliscar.
Judge Mack, writing for the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in Bazemore v. Davis, had this to say about imposing a maternal presumption in child custody cases:
[FN98] Much has been said in the joint custody debate about * 792 the importance of parenting plans, and several state statutes specifically refer to them.
Courts have too long ignored laws calling for custody decisions to be made in children's best interests, they say, and judges are overly influenced by notions about the mother - child bond.
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