Sentences with phrase «says fracking fluids»

But Clarens says fracking fluids could theoretically leak into aquifers, because the wells must be dug through shallow layers where the aquifers lie in order to reach shales.
So you could say Food & Water Watch is technically correct when it tries to scare people by saying fracking fluids contain «toxic chemicals.»

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State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli says Tuesday that Cabot has agreed to publicly disclose its policy and procedures for eliminating or minimizing the use of toxic substances in fracking fluids.
Rozell said that the recycling of fracking fluid is helping to reduce the amount of water produced by each natural gas well, but the fluid can usually only be reused once.
«By measuring naturally occurring ammonium and iodide in numerous samples from different geological formations in the Appalachian Basin, including flowback waters from shale gas wells in the Marcellus and Fayetteville shale formations, we show that fracking fluids are not much different from conventional oil and gas wastes,» said Jennifer S. Harkness, lead author of the study and a PhD student at Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment.
EPA officials have repeatedly said that disclosure of the fluids used in fracking — something that would be required if the bill being debated in Congress were passed — would enable them to investigate contamination incidents faster, more conclusively and for less money.
In the 121 - page draft report released today, EPA officials said that the contamination near the town of Pavillion, Wyo., had most likely seeped up from gas wells and contained at least 10 compounds known to be used in frack fluids.
In the future, they say, drillers should take account of such risks, especially when they fail to recover fracking fluids.
Research lead author Miles Wilson, a PhD student in Durham University's Department of Earth Sciences, said: «Induced earthquakes can sometimes occur if fracking fluids reach geological faults.
But the industry as a whole has been recalcitrant «on this whole question of disclosing fracking fluids,» she said.
«What's even more inexcusable is that some fracking fluids were discharged directly into the ocean without any scientific understanding of how these chemicals impact ocean ecosystems,» said Sekich.
«Drilling companies have won exemption from just about every piece of federal environmental law except the requirement to get permits if they use diesel in their fracking fluidsaid Dusty Horwitt of the Environmental Working Group.
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