Sentences with phrase «says kitchen utensils»

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Fu Wenyue, a 23 - year - old dresser in Shanghai, said she had already spent around 4,000 yuan ($ 600) on clothes, cosmetics and kitchen utensils in pre-event sales, transactions ahead of the day which officially only go through once midnight strikes.
Leverentz says that her preliminary tests indicate phages may even find use one day in sanitizing counters, cutting boards, and kitchen utensils.
The lessons on viral contamination of utensils are most useful for commercial kitchens, Cannon says, where many produce items bound for different meals are being simultaneously chopped.
«Turnspit dogs were viewed as kitchen utensils, as pieces of machinery rather than as dogs,» says [author Jan] Bondeson.
Who says kitchen cabinetry is just for storing pots and other utensils?
The cook of the party (my wife) says the kitchen is as well stocked with utensils as one could possibly want, and there's also a very large panty that's easy to organize for those (like us) who
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