Sentences with phrase «says lateral moves»

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«You'll have to decide if your career will remain stagnant reporting to this boss; if a lateral move is possible; or if you can still grow due to interactions with other senior members of the team,» Taylor said.
«Comprehensive privileged identity management not only provides context - aware authentication, but further limits lateral movement, moves toward a least privilege model and captures all activity done with privilege,» said Williams.
Any other job, he said to an interviewer, would be a lateral move.
Being transformed from Reddy Kilowatt to the Aflac duck, which is to say from being chairman of the Assembly Energy Committee to Insurance, may seem a lateral move.
«Technically, the Denali fault is what we'd call an «intercontinental right - lateral strike - slip fault system,»» says Fitzgerald, adding that a strike - slip fault occurs when rocks move horizontally past one another, usually on a vertical fault.
That said, some moves are more OK than others — like getting a promotion within your company or even making a lateral move to another.
Big lateral moves like those at FMC / Dentons and from Heenan to Hicks Morley expose the fragility of the partnership model, says Kowalski.
That being said, lateral moves have accounted for some of the most rewarding career maneuvers for associates and partners alike.
This is also the case in Australia, where Lawyers Weekly recently reported that over half of associates surveyed by them said they would now not use a recruiter in a lateral move.
«Anecdotally, we are seeing an increase in attorneys at all levels looking to make lateral movessaid Randi Lewis, managing director of the law firm practice group at Major, Lindsey and Africa.
In explaining what about Traurig led so many lawyers to make lateral moves towards them, he said that they offer a «blend of elements that increasingly draws fine lawyers and a wide range of discerning clients to our firm in the new world.
«A lateral move is definitely a good move if your position is being eliminated and you're likely to be laid off,» says Salemi.
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