Sentences with phrase «says nothing at»

I have rarely seen such a well written article (and in two parts no less), that essentially says nothing at all.
We say this all the time, but it's an enduring problem with many resumes: They contain an objective, which really says nothing at all.
By contrast, Art 7 says nothing at all about the circumstances in which parties to mediations other than the mediator may be required to produce documents, provide information or give evidence about what took place during the mediation process.
If a data set is invalid it says nothing at all, positive or negative!
Just to say that they are bad paintings says nothing at all about why.
Collette is ravishing, quick - witted, and tortured all at once, and Barrymore's best moments are when she says nothing at all as she stares at her best friend with compassion and grace.
Finally, the study is in Canada and says nothing at all about care in the US.
It says NOTHING at all about who he was and what he did, and neither should it.
In the end, the manner in which we bury him says nothing at all about him, and everything about us.
This article says nothing at all.
The text says nothing at all about sacrifice or atonement.
Those who are Buddhists will follow one set of laws, secular humanists on, Utilitarians on, Unitarian Universalists one (with a lot of variation), etc. «Atheism» in itself says nothing at all about one's ethical beliefs.
Like the Italians who used to declare, «At least Mussolini made the trains run on time,» this CEO's half - hearted attempts at paying someone a compliment were so feeble that it would have been better if she'd said nothing at all.
Well, Steve, if Hawking spoke his own mind, he didn't have much to say, and said nothing at all that wasn't laced with sarcasm.
Ye t the Council said nothing at all about facing the people, and its permission (not requirement) for use of the vernacular included the expectation that Latin and the musical treasury of the Church would also continue in use as a normal part of parish life.
Such a doctrine can not be presented with the alternative either of enunciating on all occasions what is absolutely binding or of saying nothing at all.
Until you point exactly what's wrong and why, you are the one saying nothing at all.
Moreover, the same thing may «say» different things to different people, and to a man who rests content to be an «observer» it will say nothing at all.
This, of course, is to say nothing at all.
its only war when a repub is in charge, when they are in charge its a necessary conflict or they say nothing at all and make believe its not there... they certainly wouldn't protest it on street corners with signs..
He was expected to say something in support of the action of the Church in France, but even when on 15 June he received at the Vatican French MPs belonging to the «Group of friendship France - Holy See», he said nothing at all about it, even in passing.
He said nothing at all!
One of the worst things would be to say nothing at all.
The «process» really said nothing at all to the industry..
My mama said «if you can't say anything nice, Say NOTHING at ALL!
if you cant say anything positive then say nothing at all..!
Should Giroud have said nothing at all?
Your comment actually said nothing at all that means anything so how can we rate it!
Or I say nothing at all and they still go as far as thumbing me down in advance.
It has been a while since I popped into UntoldArsenal, I felt it best to say nothing at all rather than say something negative.
Or, they can say nothing at all!
If you haven't yet lost your temper, tell her that she will stay there until she is calm (if you are feeling stressed it is better to say nothing at all).
Keating, too, cited the April 28, 2010 meeting, pointing to testimony by Singh that Mangano had said nothing at the gathering and that Venditto ran the meeting.
The other lot don't have the courage of their convictions on this — they're saying nothing at all.
Asked to pick from a list of positive contributions the Liberal Democrats have made to the government, 40 % say nothing at all, compared to 34 % a year ago.
Nigerians may have said nothing at the time but they are not fools.
Let us not forget Thumper's wise mother who said, «If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.»
I know when I was dating online I scared a woman off with one of my responses when I could have just said nothing at all and been fine.
As the saying goes, better to say nothing at all than something bad.
Other times, you decide to say nothing at all.
It just exists, content to let you run from fetch quest to fetch quest, chasing the appearance of importance while saying nothing at all.
I thought that a ridiculous rule for a member of the board, but I said nothing at the meeting.
When teachers feel ill - equipped to discuss topics of race, privilege and class with students, they often say nothing at all.
If you are incapable as it appears so, then just say nothing at all.
If you Don t have smth to say about q8 bether say nothing at all, and yes - m Bad.
But you've said nothing at * all * to counter the primary point here.
I wish they'd said nothing at all.
Barnes often muses on the relationship between viewing art and discussing it: «Braque thought the ideal state would be reached when we said nothing at all in front of a painting.
That's why so many people try to follow the principle, «If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all,» and ignore or avoid confronting conflict.
It always amazes me how Sony's top brass can hold a press conference or give a speech in which they say nothing at all, but yet reveal so much.
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