Sentences with phrase «scalding liquids»

Some other types of burn injuries that workers can experience are caused by chemicals, faulty electrical wiring, or scalding liquids.
Deep - sea hydrothermal vents in the Pescadero Basin emit scalding liquids that form light - colored carbonate spires.
«Modern burn centers not only address burns suffered in fires, but are also integral to treating burns from scalding liquids as well as road burns resulting from pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist, and motorist crashes,» the electeds wrote.
For example, if a distracted individual spills a scalding liquid on the lap of a person confined to a wheelchair, the person who spilled the liquid and caused the burn can be held accountable.

Not exact matches

Just as the water can be found in degrees of heat and cold as [again simplified] hot stream, scalding hot liquid, warm liquid and temperate, cold, freezing cold and solid ice, things, people, events and actions are likely to be found in a variety of states and valence.
Recipe two is a little less straightforward than Recipe One because it requires an addition step to scald the milk and the dough will be a little more sticker due to the presence of milk proteins and extra liquid.
Microwave 15 seconds at a time until liquid is very hot, but not scalding - about 120 - 130 degrees, I usually just test it with my finger.
Bring to a scald (not a boil - just heat until film forms on the top of the liquid)
Hot tap water actually accounts for about a quarter of all scald burns, but causes more deaths and hospitalizations than any other hot liquid.
The most common burn injury among young children is scalding (caused by hot liquids or steam).
Even with vigorous shaking, pockets of overheated liquid could remain which could scald your baby's sensitive mouth.
It's a liquid - based puzzle platformer with «optimized liquid simulation featuring flowing water, scalding lava and steam, reactant chemicals, glowing goo, the mysterious «protoplasm,» and more.»
Vessel is built on an optimized liquid simulation featuring flowing water, scalding lava and steam, reactant chemicals, glowing goo, the mysterious «protoplasm», and more.
The study showed that hospital stays for upper body noodle - soup burns are more than twice as long as scalds from hot liquids alone.
Scalding Burns: Many scalding burns are caused in the home by accidents involving steam from hot liquids cooking on the stove or fiery pots of cookScalding Burns: Many scalding burns are caused in the home by accidents involving steam from hot liquids cooking on the stove or fiery pots of cookscalding burns are caused in the home by accidents involving steam from hot liquids cooking on the stove or fiery pots of cooking oil.
Thermal burns are very common for most people at home and the workplace, and are caused by direct exposure to flame, hot surfaces, steam or scalding from hot liquids.
Children often grab the handle of a pot on a stove which contains boiling liquid, while scald burns from baths or showers when the hot water heater is set too high cause scald burns among the elderly.
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