Sentences with phrase «scale back a lot»

Use whatever pasta you like, and my sense is you can scale back the olive oil a bit, or use a really rich, thick homemade nut milk, and scale it back a lot.
«We actually have had to scale back a lot of our plans for farm automation, so it might not be as much of a balancing act anyway,» he said about a planned system for farm automation.
The camera used to be the most obvious canvas for Samsung's impulsive feature creep, but it's been scaled back a lot this year.
Starting with the Galaxy S6, TouchWiz has been scaled back a lot.

Not exact matches

For another, a lot of other firms that had scaled back their hiring plans, from the major consulting shops to smaller boutiques, are expanding their entry pools.
Like a lot of nutty ideas proposed during the bubble, was forced to scale back its ambitions.
Depending on the scale of your business, your digital marketing strategy might involve multiple goals and a lot of moving parts, but coming back to this simple way of thinking about strategy can help you stay focused on meeting those objectives.
What I serve up in my kitchen could be scaled back even further to include less calories, less fat, and a whole lot less of a lot... but I have learned that less is not always more when you're talking about food.
I would scale back and monitor a lot of business taxes, so 100 percent of the corporations would pay lower tax rather than one percent getting a refundable tax.
This scaled - back commitment, reported Friday by Investigative Post and WGRZ, came as news to a lot of people.
They like to talk a lot about William Beveridge implying (surely falsely) that he would resist scaling back of the welfare state from the extraordinary size it has reached.
«Scaling back I don't think makes a lot of sense for here,» he told the Portland Press Herald during his visit.
«People aren't used to seeing weights under 100 pounds, and I think that's triggering for a lot of people,» says dietitian and educator Claudia T. Felty, PhD, RD.. In general, she says, we all need to take a deep breath and a big step back from being so quick to judge others by the numbers on their scales.
Recently, during my pregnancy, I've had to scale things back a bit and have cut out a lot of HIIT and am slowing down with my running.
It is quite a lot though so if you can't do it all, you can definitely scale it back.
I also had to recently decide that I had to scale things back (and I blogged a lot less than you to start with).
I invested in a lot of trendy pieces last year and for this upcoming season I want to scale back and take a more minimalist approach to my wardrobe.
The make - up featurette covers the used and abandoned concepts and designs, including stills of an animatronic leopard, and Kinski's full - body transformation make - up - both of which were scaled back for the «less is more» approach (though you do see clips of Ed Begley's gross arm - tear a heck of a lot!).
A lot of states are thinking of scaling back on early childhood investments, but this analysis suggests the opposite, Reynolds said.
The optional Dynamic Ride Control suspension allows the driver to toggle between a firm and somewhat less firm ride, while an optional dynamic steering rack scales between a laid - back ratio on the highway before ramping up to something quick enough to enable breezy U-turns in parking lots.
While I did find Manga Rock pretty convenient when I tried it some months back, it didn't have the option to automatically scale pages to width or height like the older reader Mango (formerly Pocketmanga) did, which really adds a lot of convenience to reading on different sized screens.
The revision so far has been about scaling back features and aligning with the web, so despite a lot of working going into the new drafts, there's not a lot in the way of drastic changes.
You should not try scaling in when the market is range - bound or trending in a choppy manner with a lot of back and filling.
On the other hand, if you have lots of maneuvering room — say, substantial home equity or other resources to fall back on or the ability to scale back your spending without too severely crimping your retirement lifestyle — then you might start with a withdrawal rate of 4 %, or even higher.
A lot of people are doing this right now as they don't have any job to come back to or they're on no defined time scale (and they're young enough to make the most of the opportunity as they are commitment free)... which means the money you earn in Australia can keep you on the road for a long time.
Lots of people don't realize the potential in PCs because games are always scaled back for release on PC as well as consoles.
But to my partially untrained eye, you aren't losing a lot of graphical fidelity with Skyrim on Switch, at least not nearly to the extent that Doom was scaled back.
«Where a lot of high - concept games start with big promises and end in scaled back disappointment, this one achieves exactly what it set out to do.
move back and forth between abstraction, figuration and the combination of the two a lot in my work as well as changing scale from very small to very large....
As for Amory's numbers, Denmark is insignificant of the world scale and is connected to the Scandinavian power grid so has lots of back up.
And if you need to scale back from earlier follies and burn lots more fossil fuels, even brown coal, while doubling up on green preaching, Angela Merkel has the expertise there.
Nuclear has a lot of work to be done before it can be utilized on a large scale economically (if Beta Blocker would stop complaining about there not being a carbon tax and get back to work maybe he could solve some of these problems).
Scaling back the sensitivity doesn't actually make a lot of difference on the time scales being considered here.
The availability of an additional gig of RAM seems to have allowed Samsung to scale back on the aggressive RAM management issues that plagued the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, with it being possible to load and run a lot more applications simultaneously, before running into any unwanted app refreshes.
Flash forward just a year later, and a lot of Android OEMs have scaled back the excesses that marked the operating system's earlier years.
We're not Unchained lending because we don't view ourselves as truly just a lender, even in becoming a lender what we realized is that we had to develop a lot of expertise in software around custody, that multi-sig cold storage, hardware wallet backed super safe storage of crypto assets at scale is not a solved or easy problem.
And if you're willing to scale back your ambitions significantly, Tilt Brush will do a lot of the aesthetic heavy lifting for you.
The 15 - items measure the level of somatic complaint (e.g., stomach pain, back pain, chest pain) over the past 4 weeks using a 3 - point scale (0 — 2: not bothered at all, bothered a little, and bothered a lot).
I bought that fabric on a few months back and they have lots of color options and even different pattern scales.
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