Sentences with phrase «scale impact across»

Grounded in Boston Fed research, the Challenge encourages leaders from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to advance proposals that tackle complex challenges facing smaller post-industrial cities and achieve large scale impact across communities.

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Partnering with farmer organizations, governments, suppliers and NGOs to implement our interventions across key cocoa - growing origins is critical to create impact at scale.
Through the GSCP, our company and our fellow members have the opportunity to leverage our efforts to increase the impact of our responsible sourcing programs, achieve greater scale and advance the industry as a whole, boosting supplier and manufacturing / farm development across the board.
The GLA is pleased to announce plans to set up two London flagship boroughs, intended to demonstrate the positive impact of improving food culture in schools and across the community on a large scale, as part of the School Food Plan.
If free access to Europe is lost — that scale of impact, across the UK, could lose 125,000 Japanese jobs.
Researchers studied the large - scale impact of wildlife extinctions induced by over-hunting on carbon storage right across the Amazon.
Professor Andrew Scott, one of the lead authors, said: «High oxygen levels in the atmosphere at this time has been proposed for some time and may be why there were giant insects and arthropods at this time but our research indicates that there was a significant impact on the prevalence and scale of wildfires across the globe and this would have affected not only the ecology of the plants and animals but also their evolution.»
She has over 25 years of experience in global health across research, public health, and philanthropic sectors, with focus on strategy, global health product development, and the introduction and scale - up of tools and strategies resulting in impact on endemic populations.
The two available national - scale studies that examine the economic effects of climate change across U.S. sectors, including the Impact Lab team's American Climate Prospectus, suggested that potential economic effects could be significant and unevenly distributed across sectors and regions.
In the final year of the project, we will use data from the experiments to scale - up the most cost - effective version of the READS program.The project has three phases: Phase 1 Validation, which includes testing READS in several districts including DPS and an effort to increase the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the program; Phase 2 Validation, which involves expansion into more districts and many more schools and testing the cumulative impact of READS across summers; and Phase 3 Scale - Up, which involves expansion into 20 more distrscale - up the most cost - effective version of the READS program.The project has three phases: Phase 1 Validation, which includes testing READS in several districts including DPS and an effort to increase the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the program; Phase 2 Validation, which involves expansion into more districts and many more schools and testing the cumulative impact of READS across summers; and Phase 3 Scale - Up, which involves expansion into 20 more distrScale - Up, which involves expansion into 20 more districts.
To make this level of impact possible, however, they needed to create a program that could quickly scale to multiple regions across the country.
Although they are not a direct result of analyzing the outcomes of the Regulatory Impact Scale, I came across some findings in the course of my research that have several implications for policymakers.
The full - scale random assignment study of the impacts on middle school students produced by PowerTeaching i3 will include 53 middle schools across five districts.
National Impact: Through its work in Chicago, home to the third largest school district in the country, LEAP will build the foundation of tools, resources and knowledge to scale its personalized learning work across the country.
«There are a number of different strategies that we can take from the work that was done here to be able to scale collective impact across our district, and help us improve student achievement one building at a time,» Driver says.
Because student achievement levels vary upon entry across schools, student growth measures are better measures of the impact of a school on student learning than a proficiency rate or average scale test score.
The first factor is base impact, which is the ratio of the assets under management to the dollar value of shares traded daily across all stocks in the universe, scaled by a constant.
Our aim is to provide you with valuable resources, relevant information, inspiring content and a supportive online community to help your company scale across Africa and beyond while creating positive impact throughout the continent.
Debuting at various cinemas across London, Weiwei's documentary elucidates both the staggering scale of the refugee crisis and its profoundly personal human impact
The incongruous dynamic between the benign nature of the assemblage and the panic of 100,000 people escaping from a city soon to be underwater undulates across the structure, the harsh breaks and cracks in the road a reminder of the large - scale impact of the storm on the city and on the collective unconscious of the nation.
(c) it is still possible to restore a safe climate and prevent most of the anticipated long - term climate impacts — but only if societies across the world adopt an emergency mode of action that can enable the restructuring of the physical economy at the necessary scale and speed;
Schnorbus, M., K. Bennett and A. Werner, 2010: Quantifying the water resource impacts of mountain pine beetle and associated salvage harvest operations across a range of watershed scales: Hydrologic modeling of the Fraser River Basin.
The research needs for predicting — across multiple scales — the impact of land use change and management practices to the future of terrestrial carbon storage and CDR potential
To better understand the potential of emissions policies, studies are needed that assess possible future health impacts under alternative assumptions about future emissions and climate across multiple spatial scales.
Method: We used consistent climate — air - quality — health modeling framework across three geographical scales (World, Europe and Ile - de-France) to assess future (2030 — 2050) health impacts of ozone and PM2.5 under two emissions scenarios (Current Legislation Emissions, CLE, and Maximum Feasible Reductions, MFR).
MaRIUS will use scenario modelling and case studies across a number of scales, from household to national, in order to understand both the drought impacts at a local level right as well as the institutional decision making by governments and water companies.
The increasing role of warming on large - scale snowpack variability and trends foreshadows fundamental impacts on streamflow and water supplies across the western United States.
This manual consists of a handbook that provides a systematic framework for preparing socioeconomic scenarios for assessment of both climate change impact and adaptation across differing spatial scales.
This is why SBSTA must consider the impacts of climate change across all scales of food production and find approaches to ensuring food security for all.
I came across this, which purports to calculate maximum extractable wind power and claims that large scale wind power will have similar impact to the climate as CO2 doubling.
This report from the National Research Council identifies seventy - one metrics that when taken together may give advance warning of climate - related changes and their impacts across a range of both local and global scales.
Our members reinforced that blockchain is not only impacting business on a global scale, but also across industries through blockchain talks from Huawei on telecom, Daimler on the industrial enterprise, Deloitte on regulation, Energy Blockchain Labs on reversing China carbon emissions, and a panel of speakers from Accenture, BanQu and Leading Directions on blockchain for good applications.
Having a system that can go to scale, encourages self - sufficiency, and can reach vast numbers of parents — as Triple P does — means the impact can be seen across the society - at - large.
To help address this gap, the Head Start CARES demonstration evaluated the implementation and impacts of three interventions that included classroom - based social - emotional strategies, along with professional development (teacher training and coaching) and related supports for scaling up the program, in Head Start classrooms across the country.
As Director, Welch leads a team of instructional design and learning support professionals who engage with subject matter experts from across the organization to design and implement online learning that advances the field and scales the impact of the Ounce of Prevention Fund.
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