Sentences with phrase «scale number»

But if you look at the planet scale, I don't scale my number of friends.
Once you understand your maximum budget, you will typically want to scale that number back to the price point at which you are most comfortable.
«They were confused with species that were physically very similar in scale numbers, shapes, color patterns and body size,» he said.
What is your thinking as to how to scale that number higher — much, much higher?
Students locate positive and negative whole numbers on a number line by scaling the number line by powers of ten.
White House officials acknowledged that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale a number of times.
The team also raised urban and forest lizards from the Mayagüez region in the lab and found that differences in limb length and scale number remained, suggesting a genetic basis to the urban lizards» abilities.
One day, after seeing really disappointing bathroom scale numbers for the umpteenth time, you think «This is just impossible».
There is a very good chance this may be more than you think you should be, but it's time to let go of an arbitrary scale number or size and instead take the time to heal yourself fully and let your body get healthy and settle in where it feels best.
Gaining weight is common for many women who stop birth control and if you are gaining muscle mass, this weighs more than adipose tissue (body fat) making scale numbers raise some.
This will massively scale the number of transactions that bitcoin can handle.
[22] has indicated that there is a negative correlation between the ambivalence scale numbers and the marriage adjustment, so unsafe persons have problems in the marriage adjustment and in the internal attitude too.
According to Labour, their figure of 102,615 pupils in over-sized classes was reached by scaling the number of pupils in schools with infant classes which provided information on pupil numbers (28,570) over the number of schools itself (4,673).
Washington (CNN)- The White House acknowledged Thursday the Syrian government has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale a number of times, according to a statement.
For instance, the American Express Blue Cash card used to give 5 percent back on gas, groceries and drugstore purchases after the cardholder spent $ 6,500 a year, but the company chose to scale those numbers back in 2011, although it grandfathered in existing customers for a period.
The main problem with all of these approaches is that there is no clear pathway to scaling the number of quantum bits up to the millions needed without the computer becoming huge a system requiring bulky supporting equipment and costly infrastructure.
Again, scale the numbers to the size of your business — the important thing is, you can break out of that vicious circle.
If you have been on a keto diet for a few weeks strictly without cheating and seeing the scale number going down steadily every day and then one day it suddenly stops for a few days or even goes up a bit, you're wondering what you are doing wrong.
Hard to scale these numbers to the new cap, because it's not linear and I think this overestimates... But the numbers would be:
For papers identifying locally adapted loci from SNP data in wild populations, the proportion of SNPs tested that were local adaptation candidates based on either (a) FST outlier status or (b) significant genotype - environment associations, in comparison to the log - scaled number of individuals sampled in the reported dataset.
When you're fixated on the scale number, it becomes so intertwined with your self - worth.
Letting go of connecting your value to a scale number can only change when you begin to stop weighing yourself.
So your clothes may be fitting better and you're feeling great, but when you step on the scale the number may be more than before.
I have talked a lot about how meaningless the weight on the scale number is in regards to actual body composition, but I also want to address the «extreme» mindset from another angle.
Scale numbers and pants sizes are arbitrary things and should not be a reason for frustration as long as we take good care of ourselves and try to be our best.
If that scale number is going down, the client has buy - in, regardless of the measurements.
My cloths fit better and I don't mind the 5 lb weight gain of muscle, because I am LOVING that 20.6 % Scale numbers can be dangerous if you don't consider your bf %....
Hormones and digestive ailments can impact the scale readings, time of the day effects weight, workouts can increase weight (due to retention of fluids caused by inflammation — a direct response of working out), even one glass of water can skew the scale numbers — and if those numbers aren't where you expect and want them to be, you can be thrown into a downward spiral of despair.
When you increase muscle and lose fat, the scale number may stay the same or increase, but you will be leaner and stronger.
The scale numbers bring a lot of us down, sometimes to the point that it paralyzes us from moving forward with our fitness programs.
Remember, the scale number may not budge, or it may go up, but the way you FEEL combined with results of other measurements can reinforce that you are succeeding in so many ways — you might be gaining muscle mass, losing fat, losing inches, fitting into your clothes better, feeling more energized, sleeping better, improving your sex life, lowering your cholesterol, bettering your overall health, etc. — the list goes on and on.
It is psychologically unhealthy to allow a scale number determine your value, worth, or self - image.
Instead of focusing on the scale number, during the program, direct your attention to:
Do not let a scale number pull you away from this reality.
My jeans are already much looser, and I'm happier with the scale numbers.
Only two paintings in the show are horizontal, and they are the exceptions that prove the rule — the large - scale Number 88, 1950 (Blue)(1950) has beautifully vibrating color, but feels less individual to Reinhardt, maybe because it evokes landscape in a way that the square and vertical formats avoid.
We often approximate the response of a particular variable to a small forcing by a scaling number.
More than 30,000 of his lenses have been distributed in 15 countries, and a new model will scale that number up to millions.
Interesting that DDS@48 can «recreate» past climate from his kitchen sink germs, presumably by scaling those numbers (supposedly random, but presumably autoregressive and some of them probably actually related to climate) appropriately with respect to the climate data.
To scale the number of sites to the size of the city, we can divide the sites by the number of people, making the index for Buenos Aires 6.1 sites for every million inhabitants.
However, these scaling numbers can be encouraging for professionals who are new to the industry.
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