Sentences with phrase «scale of a big house»

What may be more troublesome than size is the scale of a big house on a small lot, particularly height rather than width, and style, compared with neighbors» homes.

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«We have a new world's record — 54 pounds,» said Billy Barnes, owner of the Casa Mar River House, as he looked at the big dial on his certified scales.
Efforts to reform the house of lords have foundered on disagreement on questions of scale - how big, what proportion should be elected and on what basis - first past the post, single transferable vote, alternative vote... a fresh start would make almost anything possible.
They will discuss redefining, high - density projects, a trend driven in part by the demand for housing and a few of the big scale redevelopments happening in the Westside of Manhattan.»
N.C. Rep. Craig Horn, an influential budget writer from Union County who chairs the House education appropriations committee, isn't sure he likes the current salary scale for teachers, the one adopted by lawmakers two years ago that nixes annual raises for teachers in favor of a multi-tiered approach with bigger pay bumps every five years.
Over the past twelve months, we at The Pigeonhole, a digital reading and conversation platform, have progressed from running small - scale serialisations for independent publishers looking to make the most out of their marketing budget, to larger and increasingly global campaigns for some of the biggest publishing houses and authors in the industry.
As budgets continue to swell for large - scale video game projects from the likes of big publishing houses such as EA and Activision, and as the technology continues to rapidly raise the bar for new gaming experiences, creative teams are using many more resources to try and make their games bigger,...
According to the company, the house cost about USD $ 90,000 to $ 100,000 to build — which is definitely on the expensive end of the scale, but costs add up when you use quality materials, high - end appliances and size in a big solar system.
While even the minutia contributes and is important, the big systemic change ideas are what we believe will be necessary for the built environment to tackle the scale of the climate change and housing demand challenges facing the world.
The biggest risk all these markets face is the possible return of for - sale housing on a larger scale.
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