Sentences with phrase «scale of impacts»

There's a mesmerizing book out called «Running the Numbers, an American Self Portrait» by the visual artist Chris Jordan, who manipulates digital images of thousands — sometimes millions — of cigarette packs, pencils, drink containers and other artifacts of modern living to convey the massive scale of our impact on the environment.
These vary during the different phases of well development and have different scales of impact: Vibration may affect only people very close to wells, whereas stress from, for example, concerns about possible water contamination may have a wider reach.
[3] See also Kerry's February 11, 2013 letter to Barbara Mikulski, Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee in which he describes in devastating detail the full scale of the impact of sequestration on state department activities.
He discussed the escalating scale of impacts we could expect from unchecked climate change: from deaths and injuries from heat, to pollution, food - related illnesses, altered vectors for diseases such as malaria, crop failure and water shortages, mass migration, resource wars, economic collapse, and ecosystem collapse with mass extinctions.
We are combining our respective strengths because we know that together, we will be in a better position to achieve the scale of impact necessary to meet these challenges effectively.
If free access to Europe is lost — that scale of impact, across the UK, could lose 125,000 Japanese jobs.
Despite this, the scale of their impacts on the environment was not known until now.
Local impact - tsunami damage is known from the gigantic Chicxulub impact on Yucatán 65 million years ago, but at that scale of impact, tsunamis were the least of the hazards faced by Earth's biota.
That this latter argument has persisted to this day in some quarters highlights our species» propensity to underestimate the scale of our impact on the planet.
It is the first time scientists have calculated the scale of the impact and its effects on Earth.
As for costs to the economy, Brandt said the benefits from curbing carbon dioxide emissions drastically outweigh the risks from regulation, though current accounting methods may not accurately reflect the scale of the impact.
Both of these factors are known to have an effect on health, but the scale of their impact on premature mortality over time, particularly in the case of deprivation was greater than expected.
The scale of the impact, however, depended on the flow environment around the moving collector, and the characteristics of the particle.
We are in the early stages of planning and will be looking to leading innovators and organizations in the field to participate and collaborate on how to powerfully and successfully increase the scale of impact.
First, I'll miss the scale of impact.
Once threats have been identified, the likelihood of each threat occurring has to be weighed against the scale of the impact.
Principal support (or lack thereof) of teacher leaders» work will affect both the nature of leadership initiatives and the scale of their impact on classroom practice.
That leaves me wondering what the scale of her impact is.
The scale of the impact the payment history will have on an individual's credit score varies.
If you were to rate new additions to FIFA on a scale of impact, then the Ultimate Team Web App is perhaps one of the most successful we've seen this generation.
'' [G] iven that uncertainty remains about the full nature and scale of impacts,» the report said, «there is also no certainty that adaptation to a 4 °C world is possible.»
The pace of global warming is accelerating and the scale of the impact is devastating.
The SAB finds that the EPA did not support quantitatively its conclusion about lack of evidence for widespread, systemic impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources, and did not clearly describe the system (s) of interest (e.g., groundwater, surface water), the scale of impacts (i.e., local or regional), nor the definitions of «systemic» and «widespread.»
The Forum connects those delivering change, working to increase the scale of impact and to provide a forum to gather the views of practitioners and leaders ahead of the High - Level Political Forum to be held at the UN in July.
The failure of OSM to address these troublesome programmatic issues is particularly alarming given recent scientific studies that have documented the scale of the impacts to air and water quality, and the link between these impacts and human health problems in Appalachia.
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