Sentences with phrase «scale phenomena like»

Can this be expected for large scale phenomena like Enso, zonal winds etc. and could this lead in the long - term also to better local climate forecasts and even weather forecasts?
But the study, published today in Earth's Future, finds that scientists won't be able to determine, based on measurements of large - scale phenomena like global sea level and Antarctic mass changes, which scenario the planet faces until the 2060s.

Not exact matches

She says that BAM's map, while useful, may still not explain phenomena like consciousness and cognitive function, which probably emerge at a broader scale.
The detailed models produced using the MT imaging data of the southwestern U.S. more accurately portrayed surface structures at a scale of less than 100 kilometers, Liu said, which is important because features like volcanoes and faults are localized phenomena that are harder to predict using larger - scale models.
The lack of information on numbers experiencing blended learning has created challenges at multiple levels — from understanding if the phenomenon is actually scaling to contextualizing if bumps on the road, like the recent demise of Amplify, are mere blips or catastrophic events, and from understanding where policymakers and philanthropists can make the most impact to knowing whether the blended learning that is occurring is a good or bad thing for students.
Consumer technology is a global phenomenon and companies like Amazon need global products to command large - scale market shares on the scale that Apple has achieved with its products.
Charlie Munger makes two key points here: 1) some bargains are only visible if you understand qualitative factors and 2) there sometimes are catalysts that can boost the value of the stock even further based on factors like scale advantages, favorable regulatory changes, improving secular phenomenon and better systems or business momentum.
The collage - like paintings from the 1960s, which clearly reflect Rosenquist's background as a painter of enormous billboards on Times Square, will be shown along with biographically motivated paintings from the 1970s and interpretations of cosmic phenomena in his later large - scale paintings.
Its location, on the other hand, nods toward the related US - American phenomenon of large - scale Land Art installations in deserts around the American West, like, most notably, Walter de Maria's The Lightning Field in New Mexico, Robert Smithson's famed Spiral Jetty, or Nancy Holt's Sun Tunnels in Utah.
As far as I know El Ninos like that of 2007 do occur in climate models (not that specific one), as does other large scale weather phenomena.
They also include models for things like: entry into and exit from Ice Ages, the effect of the Earth's orbit on climate, the earth's climate history on scales of thousands to millions of years, ocean - atmosphere couplings (e.g. heat transfer, CO2 sinks), decadal phenomena such as ENSO and the PDO.
Through this, they can cross analyze different types of environmental data, on a scale that has never been achieved before, or build a more detailed understanding of transportation on a citys infrastructure and study dynamic phenomena like urban heat islands.
The fact that some phenomena show fractal like properties over a range of scales is never a proof that some other phenomena behave the same way.
It's because of the way the phenomenon tends to drive droughts across the tropics, which in turn leads forests, like those in Indonesia, to lose carbon in wildfires — which happened at a massive scale in 2015.
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