Sentences with phrase «scale public test»

The company tells The Verge that it expects its first full - scale public test run — which it has dubbed its «Kitty Hawk moment» — to take place sometime in the next few months.

Not exact matches

The mission of the Department of Public Works is to provide safe, functional roadways and bridges for the traveling public and accurate testing of scales and measuring dePublic Works is to provide safe, functional roadways and bridges for the traveling public and accurate testing of scales and measuring depublic and accurate testing of scales and measuring devices.
By requiring testing in the same grades as in public schools, and by enacting significant consequences for results in larger scale participants, it is designed to identify and grow effective schools, with an acknowledgment that, as in public schools, some schools will have difficulty adjusting to new academic expectations and a small number may prove incapable of ever adequately responding to expectations.
Tenth - grade world history students interview Chinese immigrants and record their stories; ninth - grade physical science students design and strength - test mock airplane wings; junior English students research, write, and illustrate children's nonfiction picture books; algebra students of all grades investigate a public - transit problem and propose solutions to city officials; sophomore geometry students build scale models of museums they've designed; students across the grades in an environmental - stewardship class raise public awareness of a polluted river — all are examples of academically challenging projects that also manage to engage the minds, hands, and hearts of most high school students across a wide range of abilities and interests.
And just as the Facebook debacle raises public concerns about the use of personal data, a new international test of ten and 15 - year - olds is to be introduced by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)-- a powerful influence on national education policies at a global scale.
The report cards rate public schools for the first time on a scale of 0 to 100 based on state test scores and other factors, such as graduation rates, attendance and progress on closing achievement gaps.
Furthermore, reform opponents believe the inappropriate use of high - stakes testing, combined with declining federal support for education, has led to a wide scale vilification of public school teachers in particular and public schools in general.
The survey tested 15 specific proposals for improving public schools, asking how much each one will help teachers and schools better educate students (on a 0 - 10 scale).
It also contributes to a culture of «teaching to the test» that has already resulted in several large - scale public - school cheating scandals.
With the push for development of longitudinal data systems during the pit of the Great Recession, many issues surrounding the Common Core State Standards Initiative and its «next generation» tests were not fully vetted in the arena of public opinion partially because it became a «best practice» to «not engage in large scale, open forums.»
We add to this literature by assessing the extent to which a large - scale public program, Texas's targeted pre-Kindergarten (pre-K), affects scores on math and reading achievement tests, the likelihood of being retained in grade, and the probability that a student receives special education services.
And although the state's voucher program has more stringent academic expectations than many others — private schools must give the same state tests as public schools, are graded on the same A-to-F scale and can be prohibited from accepting new voucher students if they perform poorly — there are loopholes.
(1997) E652: Current Research in Post-School Transition Planning (2003) E586: Curriculum Access and Universal Design for Learning (1999) E626: Developing Social Competence for All Students (2002) E650: Diagnosing Communication Disorders in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (2003) E608: Five Homework Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities (2001) E654: Five Strategies to Limit the Burdens of Paperwork (2003) E571: Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans (1998) E628: Helping Students with Disabilities Participate in Standards - Based Mathematics Curriculum (2002) E625: Helping Students with Disabilities Succeed in State and District Writing Assessments (2002) E597: Improving Post-School Outcomes for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (2000) E564: Including Students with Disabilities in Large - Scale Testing: Emerging Practices (1998) E568: Integrating Assistive Technology Into the Standard Curriculum (1998) E577: Learning Strategies (1999) E587: Paraeducators: Factors That Influence Their Performance, Development, and Supervision (1999) E735: Planning Accessible Conferences and Meetings (1994) E593: Planning Student - Directed Transitions to Adult Life (2000) E580: Positive Behavior Support and Functional Assessment (1999) E633: Promoting the Self - Determination of Students with Severe Disabilities (2002) E609: Public Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities (2001) E616: Research on Full - Service Schools and Students with Disabilities (2001) E563: School - Wide Behavioral Management Systems (1998) E632: Self - Determination and the Education of Students with Disabilities (2002) E585: Special Education in Alternative Education Programs (1999) E599: Strategic Processing of Text: Improving Reading Comprehension for Students with Learning Disabilities (2000) E638: Strategy Instruction (2002) E579: Student Groupings for Reading Instruction (1999) E621: Students with Disabilities in Correctional Facilities (2001) E627: Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention for Students with Disabilities: A Call to Educators (2002) E642: Supporting Paraeducators: A Summary of Current Practices (2003) E647: Teaching Decision Making to Students with Learning Disabilities by Promoting Self - Determination (2003) E590: Teaching Expressive Writing To Students with Learning Disabilities (1999) E605: The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)(2000) E592: The Link Between Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs)(2000) E641: Universally Designed Instruction (2003) E639: Using Scaffolded Instruction to Optimize Learning (2002) E572: Violence and Aggression in Children and Youth (1998) E635: What Does a Principal Need to Know About Inclusion?
It was one of the first states to use the results of standardized math and reading tests to grade every public school on an A to F scale, with rewards for the best - rated and sanctions for the worst.
Uptown galleries began to show more intellectually challenging, non-mimetic large - scale work for an informed audience, while the outdoor exhibit continued to present traditional «scapes and portraits with a more transparent aesthetic, made mainly to please the eye rather than test the mind, to the uninitiated public.
The group noted that costs for research, large - scale testing, and public relations will be significant, and anticipated that governments and nonprofit groups would chip in.
Not to deny by any means the importace of thinking about the US vs. UK differences — in public opinion & in how public opinion bears on political decisionmaking — but we did use our framework to test how cultural cognition, measured w / our scales, affects English (yes, English; not entire UK) public engagement with informaton on climate change.
Is the public ridiculing of a white male (Tie Domi) by equating him to having the same intelligence as a full - scale anthropomorphic test device more acceptable?
The program includes about 250 of the city's 1,700 public schools and is charged with testing new technology - compatible models and tools, creating relationships between educators and the tech community and scaling promising projects.
Professional Experience Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center (City, ST) 11/2008 — Present Early Intervention and Prevention Specialist / Medical Case Manager • Led public education in HIV and communicable disease spread, impact, and management • Counseled clients and the public on issues of substance abuse and overdose prevention • Created and executed large scale education presentations and small group training sessions • Tailored curriculum to reach people of varied backgrounds, learning styles, and abilities • Administered HIV testing and provided client counseling • Generated insight into relationship management, education, and grief counseling
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