Sentences with phrase «scale trends»

What are the large - scale trends in funding by specific research topics or groups of investigators?
Both factors allow researchers to detect small regional and larger - scale trends quickly.
Climate is individual weather observations / predictions integrated over time and area, taking longer - scale trends into account and allowing us to identify such trends.
However, further research into that field is necessary to investigate if the pattern of brain development in individual dinosaurs is also reflected in a large scale trend during the more than 150 million years of dinosaur evolution.
Mackas and Dunne and I noted the significant bias between the Secchi disk method and in situ fluorometry which, when combined with a shift from one sampling technique to the other during the 1900s, induced a spurious centennial scale trend in the data.
«This historical rate of rise was greater than any other persistent, century - scale trend during the past 2,100» years, the study says, noting that «modern warming is unprecedented in the past two millennia.»
Another paper in Climate Change in 2007 stated: Studies that have looked at hemispheric and global scales conclude that any urban - related trend is an order of magnitude smaller than decadal and longer time - scale trends evident in the series (e.g., Jones et al., 1990; Peterson et al., 1999)... Thus, the global land warming trend discussed is very unlikely to be influenced significantly by increasing urbanization (Parker, 2006).
That our millennial scale trend, which we reasonably trust, and have some idea of the uncertainties in, is in line w / that null hypothesis is information that can not be ignored.
Combining the OAS temperatures and OAA temperatures and using the century - scale trends for each identified in the paper -LRB--0.03 K / century and +0.78 K / century, respectively), it may be concluded that instrumental temperature stations located in non-urban areas and not subjected to artificial urban heating bias produce an overall warming trend of just 0.375 K / century (0.038 K / decade) during 1900 - 2010.
Our supposed blossoming of «conspicuous conservation» in transportation, a large scale trend foreshadowed by broad popularity of the Prius, will allow TV pundits to ask: «Who'd have thought that US citizens would be driving cars that look European?»
What models predict is that for short time scales trends can be very varied because of natural variability and that variability is not very predictable (if at all).
The Master Photo Grid is the best way to see the large scale trends and differences in how the Tablet and Smartphone displays degrade as the ambient lighting increases outdoors.
They combined this information with maps of population distribution and malaria prevalence over the same period to create, for the first time, a map that correlates large - scale trends in movement to the spread of the disease.
In its portfolio analysis, Generation Investment is mindful of six large - scale trends, outlined in the foundation's report, and described at length in Al Gore's book «The Future - Six Drivers of Global Change.»
Given the obvious concerns for human ecological health — in terms of climate change, heavy metal toxification, indoor air quality, air pollution, plastics in the oceans, and things like that — there will be a large - scale trend to buildings that start to act like organisms.
Urban heat island effects are real but local, and have not biased the large - scale trends.
And I know this sort of contradicts what I just said, but another one of the large - scale trends I'm enjoying is androgyny.
The frequent changes of personnel and the political pressures to balance the competing interests of voters, parents, unions, businesses, and so on, often preclude the continuity necessary to reflect on large - scale trends, plan for long - term goals, take calculated risks, or embrace change and innovation.
The frequent changes of personnel at both the staff level and the ministerial level, and the political pressures to balance the competing interests of voters, parents, unions, businesses, and so on, often preclude the continuity necessary to reflect on large - scale trends, plan for long - term goals, take calculated risks, or embrace change and innovation.
This is the best way to see the large scale trends and differences in how the Tablet and Smartphone displays degrade as the Ambient Lighting levels increase.
This is the best way to see the large scale trends and differences in how the Tablet and Smartphone displays degrade as the ambient lighting increases outdoors.
The global average surface temperature has risen between 0.6 °C and 0.7 °C since the start of the twentieth century, and the rate of increase since 1976 has been approximately three times faster than the century - scale trend
Global warming does not mean no winter, it means winter start later, summer hotter, as Gary Peters said «The global average surface temperature has risen between 0.6 °C and 0.7 °C since the start of the twentieth century, and the rate of increase since 1976 has been approximately three times faster than the century - scale trend
[Response: I commented on this very issue in an earlier comment thread a few months back: «In control simulations with GCMs such as used in Delworth and Mann (2000) and Knight et al (2005), there is no need to separate the internal multidecadal variability from the forced long - term trend, because there is no change in radiative forcing, and thus no forced (including anthropogenic) large - scale trend to contaminate the estimate of internal multidecadal variability.
Borehole reconstructions aren't able to give short term variation, yielding only century - scale trends.
Borehole reconstructions aren't able to give annual or even decadal variation, yielding only century - scale trends.
Having ignored or dismissed any papers which disagreed with their views, the authors then stated categorically in the chapter's Executive Summary that «Urban heat island effects are real but local, and have not biased the large - scale trends.».
Grubert and Sider hope they have demonstrated that digital tools are well enough developed to be extremely useful for those in the environmental community asking questions about field - scale trends.
But stratospheric water vapor variations apparently do have a sizeable impact on decadal - scale trends.
Under that hypothesis, one interpretation is the change you show at 1975 is unremarkable in regard to BEST's homogenization as it is outside the period where BEST's homogenization has a discernible effect on wide - scale trends.
In assessing the global - scale trends in near - surface (0 - 20 m) ocean temperatures between 1900 and 2010, Gouretski et al. (2012) determined that the world's oceans warmed by about 1.1 °C between 1900 and 1945 (~ 0.24 °C per decade), but then only warmed by an additional net 0.3 °C between 1945 and 2010 (~ 0.046 °C per decade), including a cooling -LSB-...]
A reconstruction of North Atlantic hurricanes dating back to the the late 1800s adjusts the historical record in an attempt to account for hurricanes that went unrecorded in the early years, and after adjustment finds that there has been no century - scale trend.
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