Sentences with phrase «scales measuring variables»

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The five intertemporal choice variables were standardized and transformed into a singular continuous scale that measured the number of low - discount or high - discount choices made by the respondents.
To solve this problem, Pielke suggested measuring environmental variables from a regional scale up to a global scale as a more inclusive way to assess environmental risks than the top - down approach used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
In this way, the scale can be given substantive meaning and measures made with different instruments can be compared directly — essential conditions for the «measurement» of educational variables.
In the surveys, all but one of the perception or attitudinal variables were measured using six - point scales (from «strongly disagree» to «strongly agree»).
We conducted a regression of the Principal Instructional Leadership measure on the principals «responses to items in the District Focus on Instruction scale, including building characteristics (size and level), student characteristics (% minority and % FRP) as control variables in the model.
We used SPSS to calculate means, standard deviations, and reliabilities (Cronbach «s alpha) for scales measuring the four variables.
The two most important large - scale variables severe thunderstorms are convective available potential energy (CAPE - a thermodynamic measure) and the vertical wind shear (magnitude of the difference between the horizontal winds near the surface and aloft, say, near 6 km above the ground.)
Introduction of nondimensional variables w ≡ Wρ / β and p = P / (q Oβ) results in the nondimensional equation which depends on two parameters only: The dimensionless net radiative influx r ≡ R · ɛαρ2 / (C pβ2) and a measure for the relative role of latent and advective heat transport Large l corresponds to a strong influence of moisture advection (scaling as Lq Oβp) on the continental heat budget compared with heat advection by large - scale and synoptic processes (scaling as C pβ2 w 2 / (αɛρ2)-RRB-.
And for some applications a simple scaling may be sufficient, as long as all relevant variables can be well scaled with a single temperature measure.
Many climatically - relevant variables that are difficult to measure at global scale (e.g. surface roughness) can be inferred in part from vegetation and land - surface types.
The convergent validity is a form of validation that tests for the association between a construct measured by a scale and other measures that theoretically related to this construct.31 32 For the convergent validity of the ASSET subscales, a set of variables used in the survey of the project were selected, and bivariate correlations were computed (online supplementary table 2).
The third major question, measured by the Family Environment Scales, showed no significant treatment effect for any of the variables measured.
The outcomes were measured with composite variables computed as a mean of at least two scales.
The Likert - scale questionnaires used in this evaluation were designed specifically for this study to measure four victimization and four perpetration variables.
We did not do direct comparisons on measures between countries or treat country as a between subject variable due to potential differences in scale interpretation, response bias, or subtle differences in survey translation.
As dependent variable, we used the physical aggression scale of the Aggression Questionnaire [22], a continuous measure that assesses individual propensity toward aggression and that can be administered to individuals in the normative range of aggressive behavior.
Mothers completed interviews to determine baseline demographic and risk variables; measures used included the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES - D), Mental Health Index (MHI - 5), CAGE scores (which ask about alcohol use), and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS).
In Table 2, we show the univariate means and standard deviations for each variable (YSR and CBCL: attention problem scales, behavioural problems broadband scales and composite measure of disruptive behaviour problems), allowing the reader to inspect our results.
The variables were measured using the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), and the Attitudes toward Gender Stereotypes in Romantic Relationships Scale (AGSRRS).
The ACE scale constructed with variables from NatSCEV that mimic the original items is associated with distress levels among youth aged 10 to 17 years, as measured by the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children.
Correlations are based on variable numbers of participants: self - and parent - report scales, n = 227, self - and teacher - report measures, n = 184, and parent - and teacher - report questionnaires, n = 169
Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) with child (siblings, comparison) as a within - subjects variable and each measures» (CBCL, Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale [CASSS], MFQ) subscales as the dependent variables or paired t tests (LQ) were used to contrast siblings and comparison peers.
This variable was measured on a 6 - point scale with 1 «never», 2 «seldom», 3 «couple of times a month», 4 «once a week», 5 «couple of times a week» to 6 «every day».
With the exception of attentional bias (Verhaak et al., 2004), which was measured using an Emotional Stroop task, all psychosocial variables were measured with self - report scales.
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