Sentences with phrase «scaly plaques»

Sometimes red, scaly plaques pop up on the face, particularly the eyebrows, forehead, hairline, and the area between the nose and upper lip.
Small, teardrop - shaped red spots or scaly plaques on the arms, legs, trunk, or scalp are signs of guttate psoriasis.

Not exact matches

It started looking like a scattering of whiteheads over his thighs, and then turned into the plaque / scaly circles.
Soon after, large patches of plaque [raised, scaly patches], guttate [small lesions] and erythrodermic [generalized redness] areas, and pustular blisters [raised bumps on the skin filled with pus] covered more than 85 % of my body.
It is characterized by itchy, scaly skin plaques.
Psoriasis comes in various levels of severity from single inflamed and scaly spots, so - called plaques, at the elbows or knees to a very severe disease pattern affecting the entire skin.
Clusters of tiny pimples form plaques, or patches, that become scaly.
With plaque psoriasis, the most common type of this skin condition, rapid skin - cell renewal creates scaly, raised patches, called plaques, on the skin's surface.
The sores usually look like a cream colored (from calcium deposition) plaque at first, then often become scaly and itchy.
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