Sentences with phrase «scapegoating immigrants»

We need to be careful about scapegoating immigrants in a recession.
«Of course there are issues [with immigration] but it seems to me that you address those issues, you don't scapegoat immigrants.

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As employment goes from stagnating to collapsing, technology and automation will become scapegoats in the way immigrants and globalization are now.
Working class whites have been disenfranchised (along with all working class, of course) by automation and outsourcing, and Trump offers them a scapegoat (Immigrants and «liberals who gave their jobs away»).
They've bought up the government, and bought up most of the news media, and invented scapegoats like blacks and immigrants and women and Mooslims, to make sure people blame somebody, anybody, except them for this parlous state of affairs.
All immigrants, not only people of Middle Eastern descent, are at risk of becoming targets of revenge, violence and scapegoating.
To the extent of deriding experts, scapegoating groups (metropolitan elites, immigrants) and winning political capital and power by appearing to reject hard - to - explain truths in favor of popular falsehoods.
The media responded by scapegoating recipients of welfare, single mothers and immigrants.
Diane Abbott used her candidacy to challenge the scapegoating of immigrants and the myth that immigration was why Labour lost the election, and placed the issues of Labour's attitude to US imperialism on the agenda with opposition to the Iraq war and Trident.
Already the scapegoating of immigrants has taken a prominent role in the Labour leadership contest.
Ms Abbott insisted the party's approach to immigration will be fair and «reasonable» and not «scapegoat» immigrants.
Citing the current anti-immigrant political climate, Crespo said, «Immigrants make substantial contributions to our communities and are being scapegoated by the White House.
Mayor Bill de Blasio accused President Donald Trump of «scapegoating» and «attempting to demonize» immigrants — especially the undocumented — with his proposal last night to create a new office to tackle immigrants who commit crimes against American citizens.
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