Sentences with phrase «scarcity into»

While satellites say the delta has had a net - loss of water storage over the course of most of the 21st century, climate models used to predict water scarcity into the future often say the region gained water.
Technocracy states that this method of operating the social mechanism of the North American Continent is now mandatory because we have passed from a state of actual scarcity into the present status of potential abundance in which we are now held to an artificial scarcity forced upon us in order to continue a Price System which can distribute goods only by means of a medium of exchange.
By dictating key interest rates, modern central bankers are believed to be alchemists, lowering interest rates to magically transform scarcity into prosperity.
Using virtual water as a policy tool only makes sense if you take water scarcity into account.»
That Old Navy e-mail used a really compelling tactic by highlighting the limited time parameters of the sale — it introduced the idea of scarcity into readers» minds and implied that we could miss out.
Capitalism, when allowed to operate, turns scarcity into abundance.»
A report from the Lords science and technology committee warns the # 22 billion sustainable communities plan, which will see new homes built in four main areas, did not take the issue of water scarcity into consideration early enough.
And, try to drive scarcity into the process.
1.4 Taxi Industry: The current medallion (vehicle - for - hire licenses) system for taxies intentionally builds supply - scarcity into the market.

Not exact matches

Taking into account past patterns of drought and water use, the Columbia study reveals that several major metro areas, including New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles, are at high risk for water scarcity, along with the Great Plains agricultural belt extending from North and South Dakota down to North Texas.
«An ordinarily smart, well - educated, and otherwise successful person can be instantly transformed into a fear - based, scarcity - driven thinker whose greatest financial aspiration is to retire comfortably,» Siebold writes.
«Scarcity taps into a psychological bias we humans have, but companies and designers need to use it ethically.
The scarcity of space has led some marijuana businesses to plow profits back into real estate, said Amanda Gonzalez, chief executive officer of Kaya Cannabis in Denver.
In addition, the Federal Reserve developed a term deposit facility to drain banks» reserve balances.14 This playbook of draining reserves back to reserve scarcity to support the transmission of interest on reserves into market rates is standard among central banks.
Most money in search of mere scarcity is not going into trophies of the nouveau riches, but into the world's most abundant yet also most universal scarce resource: land.
I would argue that the mechanism that forced up the savings rates in the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact economies seems to have been the scarcity of consumer goods: income levels among workers were generally not too bad, but these workers could only convert income into consumption with great difficulty, if they got in the right line at the right store early enough.
Adams is co-author with Damien Ma of In Line Behind a Billion People: How Scarcity Will Define China's Ascent in the Next Decade, published in 2013 by the Financial Times Press, and translated into Chinese in 2014 by Gusa Publishing (Taiwan).
While these groups had owned radio stations in different parts of the country for several decades, the scarcity of television frequencies delayed their entry into the television market.
Cloning, anti-aging technology, human / mechanical intertwining, basic discoveries of science pushing god further into a gap, resource scarcity, will all make for some very interesting conversations about population control, pregnancy and abortion in the coming centuries.
Looking at this situation, a leading economist suggests that countries with an increasing scarcity of food may well fall into the hands of strong - arm dictators.
This scarcity of ongoing research into the effectiveness of religious television programs reflects to a large extent the costs involved in such research.
The notion of scarcity has been introduced into biblical faith.
A few other commenters have agreed: it's easy to get sucked back into the scarcity mentality now and then.
In an article posted on The Atlantic's website last week, Gary Paul Nabhan, co-author of Chasing Chiles: Hot Spots Along the Pepper Trail, addressed the relationship between farming in the Southwest and climate change — both food production and food security have been cast into question with the growing scarcity of water and unpredictable growing seasons and weather patterns, such as drought.
The global dairy market appears to be headed into another period of milk «supply scarcity» in the next 12 months as production growth begins to slow in the world's major export regions, Rabobank has claimed.
«This means that taking into account the way the water use contributes to local water scarcity, the water footprint of producing 1 L of milk on these farms had the equivalent impact as the direct consumption of only 1.9 L of water.
It takes into account, for example, what sort of water has been used at all stages of the life cycle (eg natural rainfall over agricultural land, water from rivers, lakes and groundwater resources); the context of local water scarcity; and whether the water would otherwise be used for another activity of critical importance.
However, when the type of water being used and the local water scarcity was taken into account, the water footprint of the M&M's ® (31 L H2Oe per 250 g packet) was actually one - tenth the footprint of the sauce (350 L H2Oe per 375 g jar).2
Ideally, I'd take into consideration the scarcity of goals from the Arsenal frontline, and do something about it.
These include a lack of research into innovative practice in parliamentary strengthening, a scarcity of information about how particular programmes or approaches have been successfully adapted to different contexts, and an inadequate understanding of the different actors that engage in parliamentary strengthening and their distinct approaches to that task.
It is largely accepted that these programs lead to systemic macroeconomic instability across the continent and that these policies drove countries of the global south into «debt crisis, austerity, decline and conflict» (Bond) and «acute material scarcity» (Mbembe).
Oil marketers has declared that readiness to support measures set into motion by the Federal Government to end the fuel scarcity menace and as such restore sanity by adequately supplying and distributing the products in a matter of days.
The Minister delivered a thoughtful analysis on the state of the oil industry, listing a series of initiatives that government was putting into ending the lingering fuel scarcity.
«I would be most interested in seeing into the future to determine what effects global warming, weather change, overpopulation and scarcity of clean drinking water [have] in store for humanity,» Bennett wrote.
«Some companies see the business risks attached to water scarcity and seriously look into how to reduce and offset their water footprint,» Hoekstra adds.
In my paneled session on resource scarcity, I end my 3 - minute «pitch» hoping for not much more than small strides toward putting the problem of global forest sustainability — the pure science of which we all seem to agree is largely done — into the hearts and hands of some of these mind - blowingly successful businessmen and social entrepreneurs.
Saad Abu Hammour, secretary - general of the Jordan Valley Authority, told the Jerusalem hearing that the scarcity of water in Jordan has been exacerbated by the arrival of more than 250,000 Syrian refugees into the country since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.
According to doctoral candidate Michael Risse, additional analyses in the context of cascading use are also essential: «For example, during the efficiency analysis, the scarcity of the individual primary natural resources should also be taken into account.»
It sees the threat of scarcity: not enough time, not enough energy, not enough magical ability to fit everything into twenty - four hours.
And in a creeping economy it is easy to cross over into a scarcity mentality.
The neurons make us eat when there's an availability of food, and when there's a scarcity of food, they switch our bodies into a preserving mode to prevent us from burning fat.
By helping you see the obvious flaw in the mindlessness of «scarcity» thinking, meditation will redirect your focus to where it matters most, swinging your life right back into balance, allowing you to feel whole again.
You do not need supplemenys IF you go into ketosis the way you are supposed to: because of food scarcity or by calories scarcity.
The Scarcity Trap: The fear that there is not someone out there for you often takes the reins and drives you into an undesirable relationship and love.
Apologies for yesterday's scarcity of Cannes updates: a bumper day of back - to - back screenings cut unavoidably into my writing time, particularly as «Another Year» — widely agreed, among those I've spoken to, to be the standout film of the Competition so far — merited a more substantial take than most.
The scarcity of resources, chilling atmosphere, and startling jump - scares were expertly combined into an unforgettable game.
In a well functioning system, the relative scarcity of math and science teachers would increase the amount schools paid for such teachers - which over time would encourage more entries into those fields to reduce that scarcity.
The watchdog is also warning that a scarcity of land for new free schools is pushing the capital spend on some institutions into the tens of millions of pounds — with four sites costing more than # 30 million each.
Water scarcity in India and Pakistan have the potential to inflame the conflict in Kashmir to unprecedented levels and draw the United States into the troubles there, and elsewhere.
As we watch the book transition into its fraught future, will the eventual scarcity of traditional volumes mean we can no longer recognize an image of that rectangular thing as a symbol of «learning, poise, wisdom and moral fortitude?»
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